Chapter 11 Failure to Supply

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Shen Jun wanted to ask what was happening, but the call suddenly stopped. Du, du, du … Du, du, du … The word that echoed in Shen Jun's ears was itchy. What appeared in his mind was the scene of his wife being ruthlessly played by Liu Chengyong. In order to be played by Liu Chengyong, his wife even dared to hang up the phone directly. Is it because it's in Fuzhou, so she could go too far? His wife's phone rang as he shivered from fear. "Hubby, I'm sorry, that elder sister just touched my foot, causing me to lose my phone." "I thought that was something else." "What can we two ladies do ?" "That's right," said Shen Jun, who was laughing unnaturally. "What are you going to eat tonight?" "Seafood, the elder sisiter will arrange it. Anyway, she knows this place very well. Honey, I will call you later. I'm going to get up and wash my face and make up, otherwise I will be late. You also know that traffic jam in Fuzhou is so serious that we have to go out early. If we're out of luck and won't even be able to see our customers, we'll die. " "What kind of customer do you want to see?" "Elder sisiter is in charge of the business. I am mainly a follower. But because I'm a cashier, I’m also essential. I'll call you when I have time in the evening. I tell you, Jia Jia is suffering from excessive internal heat recently. I know you love her.You can't buy some French fries and fried chicken for her. If she coughs all the time when I go back tomorrow, I won't do the blowjob for you! " "OK, then let's chat again then, bye bye." After hanging up, Shen Jun tilted his neck and looked out of the window. At this moment, his thoughts were really chaotic, because he knew that Liu Chengyong was the service manager. It was the man who might have slapped his wife's butt and wrote on his wife's underwear. Therefore, if he was to be sure that his wife’s companion was Liu Chengyong, even if he couldn't seize the adulterer, it would be enough to determine that his wife and Liu Chengyong had intimate relationship. Marriage was based on mutual trust, but at this moment, Shen Jun really had no way of trusting his wife anymore. Two hundred meters away from the Shangri-La, Shen Jun let the driver stop. After ascertaining that there was no problem with the fare, Shen Jun paid the money on the phone and rated the driver’s service level as five stars. According to his wife’saying,she'd be out before four-thirty. It was nearly four o'clock, so Shen should wait outside the hotel for half an hour. He didn't want to be seen by his wife, so he went into a stationer's shop opposite the hotel. The boss asked what he wanted to buy. He said he was waiting for someone, and he wannted to enjoy the air conditioning for a while. Because Shen Jun bought a LAMY pen , so the boss didn't say anything. At four-twenty he saw his wife walking out of the inn. It was the same light blue dress that had appeared in the morning. It was also a pure blue umbrella. In addition, she wore black high-heeled shoes and had long, flowing hair. His skin was especially white, so his wife was very conspicuous. Just like a female star, many passersby envied or blasphemed her. To Shen Jun's surprise, his wife had gone out alone. Didn't she say that they would go and talk about business with the so-called elder sisiter? How come you're going out alone? This caused Shen Jun to be confused. What he could think of was that Liu Chengyong might have left earlier, or perhaps he was still staying at the hotel. Only when his wife got into a taxi did Shen Jun, who had already walked outside the stationery store, turned his gaze back from her. "Was the girl sexy?" The one asking was a young man standing beside Shen Jun. Because Shen Jun knew that the woman the young man was talking about his wife, he didn't answer the young man. "Such kind of women often enter and exit this five-star hotel," the young man said, "Next to my shop is a furniture shop. I like to stare at the opposite side of the hotel every day, there are so many beautiful women. Especially when it was 10 to 11 P.M., beautiful women will get in or out the Shangri-La Hotel one after another. They were all beautifully dressed goods. Do you know why I said they were goods? Because most of them are bitches. Just now, the woman must have just finished serving his guest, and now she had to find another guest. However, she is really very beautiful. It takes at least 1,000 yuan to have s*x with her. " Shen Jun was very angry, so he said, "According to what you said, beautiful girls are all bitches?" "I'm saying that many beautiful girls come to this hotel to find a guest, especially the pretty girls who came to this hotel. Do you understand?" The young man said proudly , "They usually talk about the price on WeChat with the customers, and then they will take the money and leave after providing service in the hotel. If you don't believe it, you can open WeChat yourself and check people around. As long as you do that, you'll be greeted by a nearby beauty. Send you a photo and a sheet. If you agree, they'll be here immediately. Of course, usually the girls won't be the same person on the photos, so it would be up to luck to meet a beautiful lady. " "You have great experience." "Nowadays,he couldn’t be called a man if he didn’t go whoring." Looking at the freckled youngster, Shen Jun asked, "Did you see her come to this hotel before?" "It's too far. I didn't see it clearly, but I know it must be a beautiful woman." Knowing that this young man was wasting time, Shen Jun walked through the zebra crossing and entered the grand Shangri-La Hotel. Walking to the front desk, Shen Jun placed the screen of his cell phone towards the receptionist. The photo on the screen was just his wife. "How do you do? I'd like to ask which room she's staying in?" "I'm sorry, this is the guest's privacy, there's no way to provide for you." "I'm her husband. I've arranged to meet her here, but I can't get her phone." At this point, Shen Jun asked the receptionist to look at two other photos. The first was a screenshot of his wife's hotel in Ctrip, the second photo was the wedding photo of him and his wife. Shen Jun had thought the attitude of the hotel, so he had specially prepared these two photographs. Looking at the second photo, the receptionist frowned very closely. After enlarging Shen Jun in the photo, the receptionist started to compare. When she was sure it was the same person, she whispered to another receptionist. Looking at the surprised expression of the other receptionist, Shen said, "I am anxious to see my wife. I don't want her to be in trouble, so I'll have to trouble you to tell me where she lives in." "Sorry, we suspect this picture is fake," said the receptionist. "If you want us to believe that this picture is real, then you can just get out of the marriage certificate." "How can a marriage certificate be carried on?" "Then we won't be able to tell you about Lady Su Wan's room number," the receptionist said, "I suggest that you wait for her in the main hall. She just went out, and she might be back in a short while." 'Why not? Don't I even have the right to know my wife's room number? " "Sorry we can't tell you." The receptionist had annoyed Shen Jun, but he had no choice, so he had to go outside. "Xiaomei, which man do you think is the beautiful woman’s husband? Is that the one who came to open the room or this one? " Although their voice was very low, Shen Jun could still hear everything clearly, so he immediately stopped.
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