Chapter 10 Too Weak

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Shen Jun was laughing heartily because of his daughter, while Xu Zhuya had an embarrassed expression on her face. She didn't know what to say, so she could only stand there and look at the door. "Take this and feed it to her. I'll discuss something with you." After taking the warm water from Shen Jun, Jia Jia drank the water quickly.. After that, Shen Jun told her daughter to sit in front of the cashier's desk and watch the cartoon "Dora the Explorer ." Then he called Xu Junya. "Lift your head." Seeing that Xu Zhuya lowered her head, Shen Jun immediately raised Xu Zhuya's chin with his index finger. Xu Zhuia's face turned red. She wanted to leave Shen Jun's hand away, but she didn't do so. She knew that Shen Jun wanted to see that bruise clearly. This was an action of goodwill. If it was other men who made such a move, she would not only avoid his hand,but also curse him. "What happened?" "I grabbed it myself." "Don't lie to me, I know it's your husband." "It's nothing," Xu Zhuya said with a sad face after pausing for a moment. "He drank too much last night. He just kept scolding me, but I left him alone.However he went too far this time, and he even asked me whether I had s*x with you I couldn't bear it any longer and answered back. As a result, he slapped me twice and wanted a blowjob. I would rather die than do blowjob for him, so my neck was hurt by him.I said that ifhe had the demand, he could go straight to that second sister. In the end, he really left and didn't return all night. Actually, it is good.At least I can sleep well. " Looking at the obvious raccoon eyes of Xu Zhuya, Shen Jun said, "You must be sleepless last night." "Boss, your observation skills are really good. I believe that your wife will be very happy." " I almost forgot about my business," said Shen. "I'm going to Fuzhou later. The possibility of not coming back tonight is very high, so I hope that you can help me take care of Jia Jia. I'll give you the key of my house, and you can drive straight away to my house. You don't need to look after the shop these two days, your job is to help me take care of my daughter. Don't go back to your own home, just tell your husband that you went to other provinces to find good friends. " "He will misunderstand us." "Then let him misunderstand. It’s not a big deal!" "He betrayed you. Do you have to care about his feelings? If it was an ordinary woman, she would have been divorced long ago. How could she still live with him ? That's why I think you're a stupid woman. I tell you, if you continue to be so cowardly, then he will only become more aggravated. I ask you, if he brought a man home one day, you can handle them both? What if something like the situation on the photo that happened, and how did you face your life then? " "I apologize." "Don't say sorry to me, that's pointless. I want to see you move. Divorce, or live apart, is it not simple? Why does it seem so difficult in your eyes? " "Hold it..." "You really want to inflame me!" Xu Zhuia didn't know what to say, so she just lowered her head like a student who made a mistake. She still clutched one of her hands tightly. Looking at the pitiful look on Xu Zhuya's face, Shen Jun who sighed and said, "I'm about to leave. Take my daughter home." "I can't drive," he said. "Then I will send you back first." "Yes, sure." Then, Shen Jun, who closed the shop door, drove Xu Zhuya and her daughter home. Halfway there, Shen Jun called his wife. Knowing that her wife was already at the HSR station in Shenzhen and was lining up to get tickets to get in, Shen Jun also asked his wife to pass the phone to the so-called Big Sis. However, his wife said that the two of them were not in the same row. They were adjoining, and could not hand over their phone to Big Sis. Shen Jun knew that his wife was lying. After all, if a friend were to sit on a high-speed rail, they would usually be ranked in the front and back. How could they possibly be far away? Shen Jun was too lazy to expose his wife's lies. Tonight, he would directly capture his wife and Liu Chengyong in the hotel in the future! So after the wife to Fuzhou to call the peace, Shen Jun hang up. Seeing that the two people sitting at the back were playing clapping, Shen Jun's depressed mood finally eased. After sending the two of them home, and after a few more words of persuasion, Shen Jun, who had asked Xu Zhuya to lock the door, left the house. After Shen Jun left, she hugged her and sat on the sofa. She asked, "Do you really want me to be your mom?" "Yes, sir!" "It's a pity that I'm not," said a despondent Xu Zhuya as she murmured, "Jia Jia, you look really cute. I also hope to have a daughter as cute as you. It's a pity that my marriage isn't happy, my husband is still a beast, so I really envy your family. " Seeing that Jia Jia was only wide-eyed, she knew that Jia Jia did not understand what she said, and Xu Zhuya, who smiled, embraced Jia Jia and stared at the wedding photo on the wall. Xu Zhuia's eyes became blank, but she still sighed. At this moment, Xu Zhuya's phone received a message from her husband. After clicking open the door, she saw a woman serving two men at the same time. Xu Zhuia's throat slightly moved. After staring at the picture for ten seconds, Xu Zhuia frowned and removed it. After mute the phone and put it aside, Xu Zhuya and Jia Jia started playing. At three minutes past three in the afternoon, Shen Jun arrived at the Fuzhou Ferroelectric Station. Outside the entrance, many black taxi drivers were pulling their customers away. Walking to the side, Shen Jun hailed a private car with Didi Didi and had the driver take him to the Shangri-La Hotel. In order to make sure that his wife was in the hotel, Shen Jun who was sitting in the passenger seat called his wife. It took a moment for his wife to answer the phone. "Husband, what's wrong?" Hearing his wife's lazy voice, Shen Jun asked, "Are you asleep?" "Mm, we're a bit carsick today, so uncomfortable." After yawning, Su Wan from the other end of the phone said, "After lunch at the cafeteria in the hotel, we'll be back to bed together. The hotel is very luxurious, so it is very comfortable. When Big Sis called for me to get up, I kept on trusting. She said I was like a child. " Because Shen Jun knew that the so-called Big Sis was Liu Chengyong, he heard his wife's laughing voice and felt very uncomfortable. "Has the matter of the company finished?" "Going out at four-thirty is not yet at the right time." "What about the arrangements at night?" "After we're done with business, I'll go shopping with Big Sis and go back to the hotel to rest when I can't move." "It's a fine arrangement." "Yes, we arranged it before coming to Fuzhou." Shen Jun wanted to say something, when he heard the voice of his wife's voice. "Uh …" Don't... Don't touch me … itching …... "
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