Episode 3 Elerian POV

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It had been 2 months since I seen Storm, Kristen and Greg, I know that we were all strangers but those few days they were here were nice, they had no idea who I was or what my life had been like, they treated me as a normal human being, they never hurt me, they were never cruel or judged me they became my friends well acquaintances, I never had to answer for anything I was dealing with I never felt scared or pressured into do anything I did it because I cared. I also couldn’t get that last moment between Storm and I couldn’t help but still feel foolish. How could I think a beautiful, strong man like him would want a woman like me, I remember everything in vivid detail of how close we were, his scent still fresh, his voice I can hear in my head like he's stood right next to me. Elerian, stop it. This is silly. I scolded myself. Storm King is a successful business man that wouldn't so much as look at you in that way, Elerian enough!!! Scolding myself again, I would not keep going over everything in my head. “Hey El, what's wrong? What are you thinking of?” Jessica said pulling me from my own thoughts. Jessica and Kimberly I met a couple of weeks after storm and the boys had left, they came to visit Louise who is their grandmother, when we met, I instantly recognised them, whenever I would visit Blackpool with grandma they would be there with Louise, we were great friends back then and meeting them again we have become inseparable, Jessica and Kimberly both work and perform for the King circus at Blackpool Tower, Jessica dances with ribbons she makes beautiful routines up using different kinds of ribbons, Kimberly is also very talented but in a different type of skill she was an Acro dancer. They asked me to go when they were training to watch them both, I couldn’t go every time but I did go. I love watching them. “Sorry Jess, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking of something” I said, smiling and joining them to step off the tram. “Come on, we need to get to the tower. Everyone else is practising before us. I want to watch the new boys” she said, pulling me and Kimberly as quick as she could, “New boys?!” I asked “Yeah, the new boys there all delicious, full of muscles and tanned” Kimberly said like a little school girl with a crush, she was giddy and excited, I couldn’t help but laugh at her. She pulled and pushed me, I slowed down on purpose to wind her up. It was cruel but so funny, especially when she had done it to both me and Jessica before. When we finally reached the tower, they accompanied me to the inner circle of the arena and told me to sit at the back and I could watch their performance, I sat with their handbags and coats they took their backpacks and went to get ready back stage, I sat in silence and gazed in awe, I felt like I was a little girl again, watching the circus with my grandma, a tear fell down my cheek as I remembered happy memories. I wiped it away, scolded myself for being silly to be upset. The décor of the circus ring was beautiful, a wooden circular frame separated the arena floor and first set of seats, it had a red velour cushioned top that covered it, the floor was a blue resin that was covered with a red circle carpet, there was two entrances to back stage that were opposite each other, red velvet drapes hung only to be opened for grand entrances of each amazing act. Metal frames, ropes, and pulleys were sat in their places ready for the trapeze artists, acrobatics, aerial straps, hoops, and wheel of death. Stuck in a world of my own I hadn't heard the gentleman speaking to me, until I noticed him giving me a fright and jolting me back into the present, my hand on my chest, as I felt my heart beat out of my chest, “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to frighten you. I came to tell you that you're too early for the first show” he said, “it's ok, I know I'm early I'm not here for the show my friends Jessica and Kimberly asked me to come and watch them practice, they told me it would be ok I could leave if you want me to?” I asked finally able to take in the beautiful man stood in front of me, he looked familiar but I had no idea how, he was dressed in a Lyrca one piece that clung to his body and strong arms, it was purple, black and gold. “Oh no, you don’t have to leave. Please sit and enjoy Jess and Kim amazing acts, I simply saw a beautiful woman and wanted to come and be nosey” he said I blushed and smiled at him, butterflies rose up in my tummy, “Wow very smooth, my name is Elerian. Nice to meet you?” I said as I held my hand out to shake his. He took hold of my hand and brought it to his lips, and left a gentle kiss on my knuckles, “Oh my!” I said “My name is Jackson welcome to the circus” he said releasing my hand and standing up straight again, I hadn't taken much notice of him until this moment he was taller than me but at this moment he was standing on a lower ground as you had to step up once to get into the seat, his eyes met mine and I became mesmerised a deep blue his smile was so welcoming tanned skin, very tall, his frame was wide and strong, he had a dad bod physique. “Thank you for being so kind” I said “Your very welcome. Enjoy watching the girls if you stick around, I am practising after them. I'd love to hear what you think?” he said “I will do that” I said, smiling at him, "I look forward to it," he said as he moved his head to kiss my hand again he walked away, I turned and sat in my seat, and I couldn’t stop smiling. The music started playing, the girls came out, followed by 2 men and one wasn't Jackson, both men were dressed up in costumes and had makeup on their faces what was similar to the design on their costumes. They looked amazing. They set up the apparatus for Kimberly first, which was a platform with a metal pipe that had a small shelf on the top Kimberly was an Acro dancer which meant she performed a routine that was part dance, part acrobatics. It was beautiful. The music she had chosen was slow and sensual so she could perform her act with exaggerated and graceful arm and leg movements. Her body was strong and so agile I watched in awe of her. when she finished her routine, It was Jessica's turn. She was a Majorette, amd ribbon dancer which meant she danced with a metal baton and ribbons. The skill and precision of her moves were amazing. I watched in amazement. It was so good to see the girls doing what they loved. I could see the passion and love they had for what they were doing, pushing their own boundaries. I watched both girls and they left. There was a team of men ran out from behind the curtains and ran into the centre ring to begin their act one of the men was Jackson, he looked straight at me, I smiled, blushed and looked away until he and the other men had moved to climb the frame that was part of the trapeze act, the center floor opened up and water filled it creating a deep pool my heart began to pound from the build up of excitement as to what was coming next, i felt like a child again when i came to watch the circus with my grandma all those years ago they were the happiest times of my life, memories i would cherish a lifetime. The music filled the whole arena, my blood pumped through my veins. My hands squeezed tight as my anticipation of what was coming next would begin to amaze and thrill me to my very core. one of the four men leaned forward and began to swing on the trapeze bar, he swung twice back and forward then grabbed and reached for an empty bar that had swung from the opposite side, as he reached the other side with a flip from the bar, Jackson swung he swung twice while another man was swinging from the opposite side at this point Jackson was upside down hanging on with his legs, the man from the opposite side let go and Jackson caught him in the air, it was breath taking watching them all perform tricks and moves that I thought were so dangerous they thought were mere triffles. the last part of their act was the most dangerous and glorious. The floor was no longer a safe pool of water if they fell. it was now back to normal, not safety nets, nothing to keep anyone from getting hurt, I moved down to the front row, Jackson looked at me and smile it would be him trusting his partner from the other side to catch him, I watched as they swung towards each other, the music was building up the suspense, the lighting focused on Jackson, he finally let go and somersaulted and flipped through the air, I watched and gasped as he let go, flew through the air and his partner caught him making the trick perfect, relief washed over me as he was cheering and smiling knowing he had performed the trick perfectly, the swing was lowered down to the arena floor he and his partner climbed down and took their bow I was smiling my hands on my cheeks in utter disbelief he had done it without a guarantee he would make it, I admired that about him, the music stopped he gave his friend and cuddle "we did it just like we practiced, cam," jackson said "You're right bro we did. You were right. We could do it," Cam said "You didn't tell me, though we would have a beautiful audience," he said as he smiled at me, I blushed and looked away, they both walked over to me, "Cam, this is my new friend Elerian she came with Jess and Kim they invited her to watch their performance, and as I met her earlier, I invited her to watch ours," he said he held out his hand and I took his we shook hands he brought my fingers to his mouth and kissed my fingers as he looked at me, I blushed again "Nice to meet you, Elerian," he said "Why you both are very charming, I can see you would win over any audience with charm like that," I said, gently taking my hand away, "What did you think?" Jackson asked me "I thought you were all amazing, such skill and precision, such a passion you all have," I said "Very well said," I heard a voice from behind me. An older gentleman who looked familiar walked down the steps and met us all at the front of the arena, "dad, this is Elerian she is friends of Kim and Jess," Jackson introduced me I held my hand out, and he gently took it, shaking my hand, "welcome Elerian it's good to hear honest opinions," he said "You are very welcome, I do only ever speak the truth, I've never seen such passion for a long time, and it's refreshing and inspiring to see," I said "Do you have any talents yourself?" he asked before I even had a chance to say anything, Jess and Kimberly both resurfaced "Yes, she does," they both said "No, no, I don't their both mistaken," I said, turning to them wide-eyed and ready to gag them both for the questions I would now be bombarded with, I tried to walk away, Jackson moved to stop me, "Hey?" he said "What can she do?" Jacksons dad, Ben, asked Kimberly and Jess, "she can sing, dance, play a guitar and a flute, she has aerial skills on a hoop and ribbon our El has hidden talents," they said as Jackson and I stared at each other, "Elerian?" A deep voice came from behind me, I recognised it instantly his voice was imprinted on my mind. Storm, "You know Elerian?" Ben asked "Yes, as does Greg and Kristen," Storm said as I slowly turned around to face everyone, "Elerian was kind enough to look after us when the booking was mixed up at the hotel when we first came back," he said I looked around, and there he was at the back between everyone, Jackson stepped to the side of me and put his hand on my back. which only made the tensions worse between me and Storm. "So Elerian, I want to know more about these talents you say you don't have?" Ben asked me as he held out his hand and directed through everyone, Cameron and another man hooked the trapeze swings back and lowered the ribbon, "Oh Ben, please, compared to you, all my talents are an abomination to the name circus" I said trying to persuade them to drop the subject but Jess and Kim both encouraged them only further, "El you do not give yourself any credit you are an accomplished woman don't hide them from the world we believe in you," Kim said as she and Jess both nodded to me, Ben let my hand go, "But I'm not wearing the right clothes for this," I said "Come, i will help you with that," Jess said as she ran towards me and dragged me back stage, Kim ran behind us. Kim threw a beautiful blue piece that was very revealing, I was so scared and very aware that my scars would be on show, I stepped behind a curtain and began putting it on "Kim, what about my marks?" I asked as I pulled it on, "El listen to me it's time to wear those scars with pride they are not who you are they were your past that you have faced and overcome if you show everyone including yourself you can do this you can be out there with us showing the world just how amazing your are", I stepped out from behind the curtain and I had released my hair from its bun and I stood in front of her I was curvier than both Jess and Kim and I felt so self conscious of that, the one peice was a one shoulder ensemble with cut out pieces from the back and side of my waist it was a swimsuit on the bottom revealing my tattoos for all to see, the lights were off when I walked out with Kim, I had gotten myself into position up the ribbon, the music started once Kim was up in the tower to direct the lights, legends are made by Sam Tinnez began playing, the light came on and I was nowhere to be seen until the perfect moment to drop into the light came in, I dropped down into the light, everyone could see me I began dancing twisting the ribbon around my legs and body, my body moving to the music with slow sensual moves, my last move was to stand on the cushioned arena frame I ran around so far and jumped into the air I flew around in circles in different poses, I finished in the middle with the ribbon spinning me in circles in the middle of the arena like I was spinning on ice, when the music dropped out I had dropped from the top of the ribbon to the bottom in a graceful pose with the lights off and the spot light on me, I hadn't realized that when I finished I had gained a bigger audience, Jess and Kimberly were cheering for me and claps were heard from the front row, as the lights came up there was at least another 20 people all clapping and cheering for me from different areas of the arena. men and women, all in costumes ready for their turn to practice before the shows at 1pm and at 3pm. Jess and Kim both ran up to me as I held on tight to the ribbon and hid my back they both cuddled me as I became embarrassed and shy. Ben, storm, Jackson and the other men and woman who were in the arena walked over to me, "Well, if you can perform on the ribbon like that, I would love to see your hoop work and singing that was flawless, absolutely beautiful," Ben said "please Elerian perform with us tonight?" Jackson asked, stepping towards me. Storm looked at Jackson, then at me, then walked away, "yes Elerian please perform today?" Ben said "Oh, I couldn't not infront of all those people. I couldn't do it?" I said panicked "El, you performed better than you've ever performed, and it was because the lights were off. we could keep the lights off, and you do it exactly what you just did, " Kimberly said "wait no" I said everyone was speaking over me, and before I knew where I was, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me through all the corridors until I came in to contact with what felt like a wall, tears streaming down my face, two large warm hands held me by my arms, as I looked up i noticed it was Storm, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you," I said as I backed off, "Hey, what's happened?" he asked "it's OK, I'm fine, I need to ...I need to go" I said, running off again, I ran until I came back to where my clothes were, and I got changed behind the curtain. while I was in there, I heard voices, I kept quiet. It was Jess and Jackson, "I hope we find Elerian. She's my best friend. We never meant to push her like that," she said "Me too she was amazing. Why is she so frightened of people?" he asked "Elerian has had a heart breaking past, please don't ask me anymore than that she's my friend and I love her very much I would never betray her trust like that" she said I felt so much pride knowing she was my friend. "Was it really that bad?" Jackson asked "you can't even imagine that's why she ran off it's too much for her, she's not one for being the centre of attention because she's never been there, I wish she would believe in herself because she has so many talents her singing is so beautiful she's got such a huge passion for what she does if only she could see how much I love her" Jess said "she's our sister," Kimberly said "Always," Jess said i loved them so much like my sisters it was hard to be so quiet, I was still dressed in the costume, and I slowly opened the curtain. "I love you both too," I said as I stepped forward towards them, we wrapped our arms around each other, "we're so sorry, el we didn't mean to push," Jess said "You didn't. I'm sorry for running off and making you worry," I said "You had every right to, sweetie," Kim said we stopped cuddling. I looked at Jackson and stepped towards him. "Tell your dad I will perform tonight, but only once to see how I get on?!" I said "Really?" he asked, smiling. I turned and looked around at Jess and Kim, then back at him, "Yeah, my girls believe in me, and so do I," I said i turned round and joined in the girly screams and cheering. "Oh, come on, we need to get you another outfit and your hair and makeup done," jess said they dragged me to the dressing table and began getting me ready, "I'll go get you something to wear for now while we get you your new costume sorted," kimberly said "I'm so proud of you, sweetie," she said "Thank you," I said "You're going to knock their socks off, and you're going to be loved," she said "Thank you, and thank you by the way, for not telling Jackson about my past," I said as she looked at me, shocked I had heard her, El you mean the world to me your my sister I would never betray your trust like that, what's happened to you is your business and its your story to tell not mine" she said she gave me a cuddle from the back and I held her hand and cuddled her back. Jess curled my hair placed a tiara in it making sure if I was upside down it would stay in and did my makeup. when Kim arrived back she had a costume that was similar to before, body suit style, white with nude material up at the top and over both arms covered only in sequins and diamantés covering the skin no lace, the lace was as high as my breasts then broke away in a spray of sequins and glitter, it also had 2 frills either side of my waist hanging down it was stunning, Kim had also brought me back a mask that matched, and a set of white knee socks, I went to get changed again, "Is she ready yet?!" Ben asked as he was ready to start the first show, "she's nearly ready give her another 5 minutes" jess said when I was finally ready I stepped out of the dressing room I had placed my mask on Jess, Kimberly, Ben, Jackson and Storm all outside waiting for me. "wow El you look fantastic," Jackson said. I smiled, "Thank you," I said "he's right, you look amazing," Ben said just before he ran into the ring, I wasn't on until the 2nd show with storm, as the ring master, the first show came to a close, and it was only half an hour u til the 2nd show, Storm came to me when I was stood by the curtain watching the new audience to come in, "Don't be nervous. You're going to be amazing," he said, standing close behind me. I could smell his musky man scent it filled my nostrils to the brim, "Congratulations for taking over your father. You will do him and your family proud" I said as turned around to look him in the eyes, I couldn't help but be mesmerised by his eyes I wanted to kiss him but I remembered what happened last time, i turned my head away and looked out into the seats that were filling up, "Let's go bro first show you up," greg said, tapping storm on the shoulder. "Good luck," Greg said "he doesn't need it," i said, winking at him I smiled he smiled back at me and ran out of the curtain to start the show he performed everything the way he needed to now came the part where it was my turn. "ladies and gentleman boys and girls tonight we have a special performance a woman who has amazing skill and can thrill and excite with her death defying stunts ladies and gentleman the masked angel," he introduced me, I ran out once the lights turned off I got into position and as the music started I did sensual movements, death defying stunts, rolls spins, poses in mid air drops and pull ups I covered them all I finished my final stunt and released my legs dropping into a pose I unravelled myself and stood on my own two feet on the ground I bowed then ran off back stage I was welcomed with open arms by jess and Kim, Ben, Jackson and Storms mother Georgia came to congratulate me. storm finished the show and ran back stage I had no idea what I was thinking, but we ran into each others arms he spun me around. "You were amazing, El," he said "So were you, well done." I said he still had hold of me, and I held him. All of a sudden, realising what we were doing, we pulled apart and stood awkwardly. "Elerian, after what skills and passion you have displayed tonight for all to see, please think about joining the circus, become part of the King family?" Ben said "I will think about it, I promise," I said I got changed and headed out of Blackpool tower after saying goodbye to jess and Kim, I told them I would see them at home. Storm followed me out. "Elerian!" He shouted still dressed in his uniform. "Yes" I said as I turned around. "You're... well, you were out of this world, Elerian, " he said, stopping me from walking any further, "Thank you. I appreciate your kindness," I said "You're welcome." he smiled, and I smiled back "Where did you learn to do that?" he asked "It's a long story," I said "Well, how about we have supper together and you tell me all about it?" he asked "Supper sounds great" I said "Good I will pick you up about 7 at the hotel is that OK?" He asked me I nodded and walked away.
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