Episode 2 - A brand new day

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I looked in the mirror when I got upstairs my god I didn't realise how see through my shirt was when it was wet it clung to every curve of my body it showed my scars off from the life I was trying to get away from, my plump round breasts, I was very grateful for Storms Jacket, I started the shower and began stripping off, I untied my hair and stepped into the shower, the hot water caressing my skin as it ran down my body, relaxing my aching muscles I washed and conditioned my hair, soaped up and began washing my body slowly the smell of lager and Jack Daniels was fading and being replaced with a delicious berry smell, I was rinsing my body when I heard the front door of the flat bang I panicked as I realised it was the boys surely they knew I was in the flat getting changed, I quickly turned the shower off wrapped myself in a towel which wasn't the biggest thank goodness it covered what I needed covered to walk to the bedroom, I bundled my clothes up that I had taken off opened the door and began walking down the corridor, as I reached the end the 3 of them were there watching TV, Storm spotted me first, "well well well this is a pleasant surprise," Kristen said as I stopped for a moment, then began walking across the room, my long hair wet and hanging down around my shoulders and down my back "ignore me I'm not here, I will be out of your way in 5 minutes I just need to dry and get changed this won't be a regular thing" I said reaching the door to my bedroom I walked in and closed the door, I placed my clothes on the bed I would put them in the wash when I went back out, I took out black trousers, a white shirt from the wardrobe, underwear from the drawer and began getting dressed, I placed socks on my feet and put my black trainers on ready to start all over again downstairs, I had another 4 hours to go and I could relax, finally ready I walked out to the kitchen and placed my clothes in the washing machine setting it off ready for me to hang out later, Storm was in the kitchen making a drink, "that was very sweet" he said "what was?" I asked "that you made that little girl feel better even though she caused the problem" he said "Why shouldn't I make her feel better, she apologised and she didn't need to it was an accident, noone got hurt she didn't deserve to be made to feel worse for a small mistake, we all make mistakes we are human, right I'll leave you boys to it enjoy your night" I said walking out of the kitchen I picked up my key and left saying good bye to them all. I went back downstairs and carried on with my shift and at 6pm it was time to finally finish I was happy. I took the lift to the 4th floor. Louise said I didn't have to go to work tomorrow she said I could settle in so I took the opportunity and I would start fresh Monday. when I opened the door It was empty, I was so thankful to Louise and Harry for giving me this chance, I was so thankful the boys weren't there, I could relax properly, so I got in the shower I made some food and sat on the cuddle chair and watched the TV something I had never done before, after a few hours I began to feel myself drift off, tomorrow is a new day, I couldn't help but look forward to what tomorrow would bring I was startled at 3am when. I heard a ruckus in the hallway and banging on the front door, I was a little dazed at first but once I realised it was the boys I got up and ran to my room before they seen me, I stood pressed up against the back of my bedroom door and listened to them stumbling and bumbling about, I quietly walked towards the balcony door and looked out into the night sky the brightest moon I'd ever seen shone through the window the stars keeping the moon company, "Do you think Elerian is fit?" I heard Kristen say to Storm, so I moved closer to the bedroom door to listen in. "Sush you i***t you'll wake her up," Storm said, unable to stand up as I heard him fall to the floor. They were all wasted, I walked to the bedroom door to listen to them, "she is fit," Greg said "she has an ass I'd like to sink my teeth into. Chunky girls are the best. They have more to grab hold of, " Greg said the next I heard was what sounded like a fist hitting something, "Storm man, what did you do that for?" Greg said, shouting at the top of his voice, "I told you to shut up you didn't so I smacked you, dont you dare talk about her like that again" he said defending my honor, the next thing I heard was something being smashed. I opened the door to see all of them just able to stand, Greg was nursing his burst nose, Storm was nursing his burst knuckles and Kristen was picking something up from the floor that I realise was the ornament my grandma gave me, "Oh no, no no, no,no not that anything but that I said getting upset" I began to cry and picked up the ornament that was in 3 peices, all 3 of them were staring at me, "I'm so sorry Elerian I really didn't mean to break it" Kristen said "It's ok" I said as I picked up the peices, stood up and walked away to my bedroom, I placed the ornament on top of my dresser and headed back out into the livingroom. I was wearing short pyjamas, no bra and my hair was hanging around my face, Storm for some reason couldn't stop staring at me I had no idea why, I wasn't fat but I sure wasn't skinny, I had an hour glass figure, small waist, big boobs my tummy wasn't flat I had a little pouch and I had thick thighs, my face was round, I had a dimple chin and rosy red cheeks, huge brown eyes and very long brown curly hair, I had tattoos that covered the scars I got from Marco and my family. My full left leg had a tattoo that was like a vine of white roses and hydrangea's, my favourite flowers, it was in grey no colour it then continued across my back covering most of the scars I had that continued and finished on my right shoulder. I also had a tattoo for my grandma in memory of her I got her favourite flower which was pink blossom it travelled across my foot and up my ankle a little, I had smaller tattoos dotted here and there and some piercings but I didn't have anything that would explain storm staring at me. "I know we all don't know each other that well, but it costs nothing for a little consideration or respect, I am not a peice of meat you got more to hold on to," i said looking at greg who turned his head away, "I'm a woman and I deserve the respect so get your arses to bed and sleep off whatever hang over your going to be nursing tomorrow" I said I turned and walked into my bedroom, "Elerian i am really sorry about the ornament?" He said i turned around to look at him and half smiled, "Its ok you didnt do it on purpose im sure i can fix it" i said i turned and continued to walk to my bedroom closing the door behind me, I lay on top of my bed and slowly drifted back to sleep.. I woke up at 6 am. I was dressed in my short pyjamas from last night and put my slipper boots on so my feet didn't get cold. walked out into the living room. The boys were all spread out in different places, Kristen and Greg were top to toe with each other on the sofa, while Storm was topless asleep on the cuddle chair, I quietly walked towards him took the blanket from off the chair and covered him over I couldn't help but drink him in for a moment, he was beautiful, warm tanned skin, defined muscles throughout his torso and his arms were strong, I gently laid the blanket over him, turned and entered the kitchen, trying to be quiet as to not wake them all up I gathered everything I needed, I began making bacon and cheese toasties my favourite, something my grandma use to make for me, I heard noise coming from the living room, and I was already way ahead of them all. I had made them some too, the door opened, all 3 were stood at the door all topless, I gave them each a plate, grabbed my glass of water and my plate and confidently walked through them to sit on the cuddle chair and wrap up in the blanket I had placed over Storm. I turned the TV on and stopped it on a film. I recognised from when I snuck out of my room to watch it at the top of the stairs living with Marco, Wonder Woman, I placed the remote next to me and began eating I hadn't realised that the boys were just watching me, when I finally did I looked at them, stopped eating. "Hi, it's rude to stare?" I said to them "no no we were just wondering how you make these toasties they are delicious?" Greg said, walking towards the sofa he'd been laid on since he came back, I smiled looked down at the floor, "my grandmother's recipe, she taught me everything i know, im glad you like them" I said smiling at them all, Kristen sat down with Greg and Storm came and sat with me I opened the blanket for him to join me, and he slide right in beside me. I carried on watching the film and finished my toasties, I leaned forward, put my plate on the coffee table, and sat right back where I was snug in the cushions. Storm had his arm rested on the back of the chair. "So Elerian, what's your story?" Kristen asked I looked at him, "Nothing to tell I'm afraid," I said. As I got up to collect the plates, feeling a little uncomfortable and trying not to show it. "Oh, come on, what's your story? There's bound to be something interesting, " Greg said "Lads come on clearly she doesnt want to talk about it, nor is it any of our business," Storm said "Oh, come on, we are going to be bunking up with her for 2 weeks. we need to know if she's a mass murderer or not," Kristen said, "Unfortunately, boys, what you see is what you get I'm just a woman theres nothing exciting to report, no hidden life, no secrets just me" I said trying to sound convincing hoping Storm hadn't seen right through it. from the way he was looking at me, it pacified him for the time being. I turned on my heels and walked into the kitchen, washed the dishes up, cleaned the mess up, wiped around, and headed to my bedroom to grab my towel to go get in the shower. as I walked back through the living room, Kristen and Greg were still there watching TV but Storm was nowhere to be seen, as I headed down the corridor towards the bathroom the second bedroom door was a jar just ever so slightly, Storm was in there on the phone, "Find out for me will you it's important," he said I carried on to the bathroom, just before I walked in Storm came out of the bedroom, I turned my head and for a moment we stood and looked at each other, we both could feel it, the pull towards each other but I wasn't going to let it bother me, I couldn't do it, I couldn't suffer like I had already it was way too soon plus Howie and I had a connection that felt electrifying but again I wasn't ready for another man in my life I had just got rid of Marco I wasn't going to get another man. "STORM?!" Kristen shouted from livingroom Storm turned his head to look and see if Kristen was there. I walked in to the bathroom, and I got washed and sorted. while the boys had gone for a shower or went to pic out their clothes. I left at 9am. I wanted to make most of the day, I walked along the front, taking note of all the people I had seen, the different shops and stalls, all the attractions once I had reached the end of the front, I walked back along on the the beach the tide was out and it was such a lovely day, cold, but lovely. I walked, taking in the view from the sand of the horizon, turning round to see the view of Blackpool Tower. It was beautiful. I felt like I had finally come home where I belong. I walked along the beach, a cool breeze caressing my cheeks, I walked for miles making plans in my head of what I wanted to do with my life, it felt so strange saying that, all my life I had my family telling me what I had to do for the family, I had been beaten, mocked, tortured, humiliated I was my families punching bag, I thought when I married Marco he was different and at first he was, so kind so caring towards me then something changed in him the day of our first anniversary and he did the same as my family, only he hit harder, he tortured me, I tried to runaway but he always found me and brought me back, I was trapped in that existence it was what was killing me, the only thing I was grateful for was he never took advantage of me and to this day i am still a virgin. I knew the life I would have here wouldn't be safe forever but that was something I wasn't going to worry about for now. I headed back home, ready for some lunch. When I walked in, there were raised voices coming from the bar. As I walked in, I saw a man who raised his hand to Lucy. Lucy hid under her arms, I ran and stepped between them, the man's hand came into contact with me and not Lucy. shock ran out through the bar and I pushed him away. I stood in front of Lucy when the man finally got his composure back he stepped towards me, i never flinched when he raised his hand to me this time, before I knew what was happening, the man was knocked back again this time a tall firm wall was between me and the man, it was storm what was he thinking, "Leave," he said calmly the man looked up at storm. "You can't hit me like that. I'm going to press charges," he said, I stepped in front of storm. "And if you don't leave this bar I will bring charges up on you for hitting a woman" I said staring him down. "LEAVE NOW," Storm shouted, the man left with his bags, I turned around to Lucy she hadnt been hit. She was just in shock as was Louise and Howie. "Go get an ice pack and a shot of vodka. It will help with the pain," Howie said I smiled and laughed as my hand came up to my cheek, handed me the vodka shot and Louise handed me the ice pack Howie winked at me and I smiled back Louise stood behind the bar, "Thank you, sweetheart, are you ok?" she said to me "You're welcome and im fine just a cheek, nothing I haven't felt before" i said realising Howie heard what i said "make sure everyone knows he is not allowed in here again if you need any help or cover let me know" I said I walked away ignoring Storm, I walked through Kristen and Greg and headed up to the flat as I walked through the corridor leading from the stairs the lift opened, Storm, Kristen and Greg just about fell out of the lift trying to find me. "woah woah, what's going on?" I asked "What's going on? what was that?" Kristen asked me "I don't know what you're going on about?" I said unconvincly. I placed my key in the door opened it and walked in heading straight to my room, Greg got in the way, stopping me I began to feel trapped like I was with Marco, I couldn't let them know, "Elerian, you took that first hit and then you never flinched when he came towards you again. You were going to take the hit, " Kristen said I looked around at him, and then Greg and Storm, Storm was over by the door, After a few moments "Kristen, Greg, will you give me and Elerian some space?" he said, nodding towards the door, "Very well," Kristen said as they both headed out of the door, I walked into my room, closed the door, and headed out onto the balcony after I took my coat off, "Elerian, what was that?" Storm said he had walked through my room to the balcony and was stood watching me, "it wasn't anything," I said, looking out to the sea, my arms wrapped around myself, I didn't want to have this conversation right now and with a stranger. I had only known Storm and the boys 2 days, it wasn't any of their business it was mine and it was something I wanted to forget not open up about, "Elerian... I won't push you when I know you don't want to talk about it, but what you did is dangerous. You had no consideration for your own safety ... for the first time in my life, I was scared. " The moment he said it, I relaxed, turned round, and looked at him, looking up into his blue eyes, I was mesmerised, his eyes had yellow flecks that came from the centre like lightning flashing across a night sky, something I had never seen before. locked in this moment together, we stood and drank each other in. He lifted his hand to my cheek. I closed my eyes, expecting his hand to touch my face, but it never came. I opened my eyes. he had backed away from me, I ran inside, grabbed my coat, and headed right, out the front door. what and i***t I had been!! why did I assume? why did I hope? it had only been 3 days since I left Marco dating or being with another man was not something I wanted or needed right now, I have made myself look like and i***t. I walked around for a little while, then ended up in a pub. I got some food. I knew I couldn't avoid the flat forever so i headed back. when I walked in, Louise called me into the office, "Is everything OK?" I said "Mr King and his friends have checked out," she said I couldn't help but feel disappointed, but it was the right thing to do for all of us they were asking questions about my past, which was my business they didn't need to know, "Oh, OK, thank you for letting me know, Louise," I said and walked out of the office. I reached the front door of the flat opened it, and felt disappointment and relief all at the same time. I knew it was for the best but thinking about the connection between me and Storm, I guess at least with them gone I could make a life for myself without going straight into another relationship I didn't need to I needed to spend time being myself and doing things I liked to do. Knowing I was up at work in the morning I decided to have a shower and relax fall asleep ready for tomorrow...
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