Episode 13 - Marco's POV

3609 Words

"HOW DARE SHE?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. She thinks she can humiliate me like this and get away with it she is very much mistaken. Elerian just left. She left divorce papers and her rings behind no note explaining why she had left. I gave her everything she ever wanted, a safe home, security, and she went to beautiful parties and met many beautiful people. What more did she want... then again, what did I offer her? I beat her to a pulp and scarred her more than anyone ever had. NO! Marco stop don't feel sorry for her she deserved what she got after what she did, spoiled selfish little brat needed to be taught a lesson and now she's humiliated me, I won't stand for this I must find her. Fitz I would phone him he was on my families pay roll he would be able to find her, he was a

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