Episode 14 - Elerians POV

4979 Words

It had been a week since I left. I had made my way to the bus station I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do when I got there, I had to start over again Marco was looking for me and from his note he wasn't going to stop. I looked at the signs around the bus station and the first place, I noticed was Wrexham, it was a 4 and half hour bus ride and a two hour wait l, i hid in the bathroom of the bus station unil it was time to get on the bus. I got on it and the further I got away from Blackpool the safer I thought I was, that note changed everything in me, I wasn't frightened of Marco how could I be? Marco thought could hurt me, mame me, shout at me, but he'd never take my spirit he couldnt, I would never allow him too. I had been alone my entire life isolated by my fami

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