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TWO Ines woke with a start to find her roommate busily reciting verses from the Quran. How she wished she could have that. She couldn't bring herself to believe in any supernatural being;one reason she loved philosophy. Nothing would be bothering her mind about what she learnt. The philosophers mostly agreed to her opinions and beliefs so it was peaceful that way. Aaliyah had felt eyes on her all through her prayers and it bothered her. She kept asking herself why her roommate would stare at her as she prayed. She rushed her shower and put on a long sleeved white shirt and a black pencil skirt and picked a black hijab, hoping she'd be able to deal with the looks people would give her. She knew her appearance screamed ' MUSLIM' but she couldn't care less. Ines had fallen asleep again and Aaliyah was a tad bit disappointed because whether she liked it or not, Ines was the only person she could share any news with but since she'd fallen asleep, like the day she went for the interview, she left a note and hurried out of Room 165 in order to catch the bus on time. Much to her disappointment, the running she did proved useless as she missed the bus and therefore had to wait for an hour. 'I really have to get a car soon. This is traumatizing. Another freaking hour' She said to nobody in particular. After the long wait, the bus arrived and she begrudgingly hurried into it. She checked the time for the umpteenth time ' 9:30am' It read She rushed out of the bus with the same energy with which she'd entered and practically ran till she saw the grey and blue building. She was out of breath by the time she entered the elevator to the third floor. Just before it closed, Devonte stepped inside and she felt hotter than she was feeling early on. "I'll have you know that I don't tolerate lateness" Devonte spoke first and his sultry voice sent chills down her spine. "T-The, I - I missed the bus so I had to wait. I'm sorry Sir". Aaliyah stammered but managed to speak making Devonte's lips form a slight smirk. "You'll be working directly under me and I already have so much for you" He told her but she remained quiet. The usual beep alerted them to get out and Aaliyah's nervousness made her stay behind Devonte as he got out. She went directly to the secretary's office since it was the only office she knew on that floor apart from Devonte's office. "Oh,Miss Uthman" The brunette lady's face lit up upon seeing her. "I'm sorry I'm late" Aaliyah told her. "Don't worry, let me show you to your office. My name is Anne-Marie, anyway" Anne told her, leading her out of her office. Anne's office was right beside Devonte's. She stopped infront of an office opposite Devonte's and opened it. Aaliyah was stunned upon entering. Two swivel chairs on both sides of quite a long desk, two blue couches beside the desk and a table between them. The carpet tiles on the floor made her smile, sea blue and white. She just loved it. The ceiling was another thing to admire with lights filling it. In all, the office was just what liked; made of blue and white, even the walls were white and a copy of the painting of ' The three graces' by Sandro Botticelli hung on one side of the wall. "I'll leave then. Have a great day, Miss Uthman" "You too Anne Marie and please call me Aaliyah" "Alright" Anne said and exited the office. Aaliyah happily slumped into one swivel chairs and took in the office once more. She hadn't even noticed the telephone on the the desk. The curtains behind her were of blue and white plaid patterns. She pulled them apart to allow light seep through her office. A knock on the door made Aaliyah jump. "Come in, please" She said and the door opened to reveal Devonte. "Mr. Michel?" "Work on these. I need them by the end of the day" Devonte informed her. Aaliyah looked from him to the files resting on the desk. She had to edit those and do a whole lot of analysing with them. She wasn't lazy but she definitely wouldn't finish in a day. "But sir..." You were late, Miss Uthman. Don't annoy me any further. The least you could do is prove your worth" Devonte cut her off and marched out of her office right after. "Allah, have mercy, please" Aaliyah whispered to nobody but herself. Devonte had given her the files to test her capability and commitment to the work. Intern or not, she would be paid and she needed to work for that money. Though the interview had told him enough,he needed to be certain. He was a perfectionist when it came to work since he'd strived to get to where he is. She'd probably finish late in the evening; that's if she did it well but he didn't care. Meanwhile he was still trying to divert his thoughts from her but he was failing as her surprised looks even made him smile. He scolded himself for yet another time and he just didn't know why he couldn't seem to unsee her. Aaliyah was irritated with the files she had to work on. She wanted to make it to at least her last lecture but as at lunch break, she wasn't through with even half of them. She dropped the file, out of frustration and massaged her temples. Ines was tired of waiting for Aaliyah as she kept biting her nails. Her boyfriend,Nate rubbed circles on her back yet it didn't make her feel any less anxious. It was two hours past noon and her roommate wasn't back. She felt strongly that something wasn't right and that's what made her anxious. "Relax babe, I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she has to do some more work" " Nate, she only started today. Diya is a strange girl. She could be in trouble. And worse, she's not answering her phone." "Don't worry,Ines. She'll definitely be back. You're worrying over nothing." "How do you know that?" "That girl looks tough. That's how I know" Nate said dropping a kiss on her forehead. "Alright" Ines nodded, still biting her nails. Aaliyah heaved a great sigh after arranging the articles she'd finished working on; the trial,as she preferred to call it. She believed it was Allah who had granted her the patience to complete the work. Reluctantly, she picked up the pile of files and marched to Devonte's office. After he'd asked her to enter, she forced herself to look calm. "I'm done with the files, Sir." Aaliyah said, putting them on his desk. He seemed to be very busy with his computer so he didn't even look up but little did she know it was only a facade to keep him sane from her pretty face. "Sir?" Aaliyah pressed, needing a reaction from him "Right. You can go now. Don't be late another time" Devonte said and she hurried out of the office. *** Aaliyah wasn't disappointed to find out she missed the bus. She was just too annoyed to be disappointed; annoyed at her boss for for his disdain for lateness and annoyed at herself for not having a car. She kept walking, headed for the next bus stop. It was late in the evening, the streets were almost empty and the moonlit sky created a beautiful night and she admired it as she walked. Suddenly she was pulled into a dark alley by her neck. Her defense instincts kicked in and her elbow connected with the attacker's ribs making his grip on her loosen. She kicked his shin hard and was able to completely break free. She took that chance to bolt. Unfortunately, immediately she did, the attacker grabbed her again, covering her mouth. She clamped down her teeth hard on his hand and he removed it but grabbed her right leg making her fall with a thud, hitting her head hard. She tried hard to fight back but she began seeing black dots. She was only able to make out her attacker drawing a knife and she weakly recited ' The Shahadah' in case anything happened to her before everything went black. **** Aaliyah's eyelids fluttered open after seconds of trying and failing miserably. She slowly took in her surrounding, white walls, beeping machines and tubes. She panicked a little, unable to figure out how she ended up in a hospital. Suddenly, the events from the night before; the faceless guy drawing a knife and the ear piercing scream. She felt a hand on hers making her jolt upright on the small hospital bed but the obsidian pair of eyes pouring into her brown orbs made her calm a little. "Mr. Michel?" She forced herself to say, disregarding her dry throat and slight throbbing at the back of her head. "Calm down, Aaliyah. You're safe" Devonte assured her and somehow she was only able to make out the sound of her name rolling of his lips. It sounded so pleasant and right coming from him and she only nodded, swallowing hard. "T-Thank y-you..." "Relax. I'll be back" Devonte cut her off, getting up to bring her a glass of water,gently taking the glass to her lips. "Thank you" She said after a few gulps "No need" He said, dismissing her words "Mr. Michel, how did you save me?" "I -uh I was taking a stroll to uh clear my head a bit and I heard your noises of protest and followed and uh found you. You're safe now. He got arrested". "Thanks again" "Your roommate is outside. Wanted you to wake up first. Should I call her?" "Please do" Aaliyah told him and he stood up, returning with a messy Ines. "Oh my goodness, Diya. You had me worried. Who could do that to you. I'm so glad you're fine" Ines said,all the while hugging her. "At least you didn't throw a fit" Aaliyah said laughing. "But seriously, I hope you haven't offended anyone to want you dead" "I don't know but I don't anyone would want me dead" "Alright but you sure as hell are one lucky a*s girl to have Devonte Michel save you. He's really sexy you know. Tell me were you spending time with him? Was that the reason for your long day at work? " Ines quizzed. "Allah! No.Ines . I was working not spending time with my boss" "I'd very much like it if you spoke about me like I'm alive and not dead" Devonte interrupted their conversation, making Ines turn a deep shade of red and Aaliyah looking away to hide her embarrassment. "Sorry Aaliyah but I really have to go and if by this night you're still here, I'll tell whatever doctor I'm dragging you out of here" Ines told Aaliyah and turning to Devonte, she said, "Thanks a lot Mr. Billionaire for saving her a*s" and practically bolted through the door leaving both Devonte and Aaliyah stunned. The silence in the white haze was thick as Aaliyah and Devonte struggled to break that silence. Aaliyah couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he may not hate her after all. The doctor saved them by entering the room. "I see you're awake now. I'm doctor Arsène " The doctor introduced himself and Aaliyah smiled "There's no major problem. You'll just have to rest for a few days. You're free to go home now". Doctor Arsène informed and Devonte followed him out. Arsène had been his personal doctor for years and they'd grown close. "The girl's pretty but you could decrease your intense gaze so you don't scare her away" Arsène said with a grin. "She's just an employee,an intern. Don't read anything into this" Devonte said and the doctor only smiled, turning to leave him. Aaliyah was staring out the window when Devonte entered the hospital room. He found the sight before him breathtaking. Aaliyah's curly black hair was sprawled on the pillow and her caramel skin glowed even in the hospital gown and he longed to connect his lips to hers. 'Damn' He cursed inwardly. He didn't know what the heck got him attracted to the black muslim girl. His type was blondes not dark haired college girls. "Would you like to go back now?" Devonte asked when their eyes locked and Aaliyah nodded and in five minutes, they were both in the back seat of his Rolls Royce. When they got to University of Lyon, Devonte insisted on walking her to her room. "I'm fine by myself. Mr. Michel" She'd argued but he was too stubborn to listen so she followed him without another protest. "Once again, thanks for saving me and taking care of my hospital bills. You really didn't have to. I'll..." "I already told you, there's no need, Aaliyah. It's only right as I over worked you. Rest as you've been told to do. I'll know if you don't. Goodnight and get well soon" Devonte said, dropping a kiss on her cheek and turning to leave without another glance. Aaliyah was surprised. She stood cradling her cheek. ' Mr. Michel kissed me. He freaking kissed me.' Aaliyah kept chanting in her head till Ines opened the door enveloped her in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're back here. I was going to drag you out myself" Ines said laughing as Aaliyah followed her into their room. Ines saw the odd look on her roommate's face but decided not to pry. She didn't want her thinking she's an intruder in her life again. "Mr. Michel dropped me" Aaliyah told her once she'd settled and was ready to rest again. The look on her face told Ines there was more so she took her chance. "That all? Your hot boss was practically boring holes into you with his eyes" "He- He walked me here and he kissed me..." "Oh gracious. You dirty child, you're f*****g him already?" "Allah,no. Ines. It was just a kiss on the cheek. I guess he doesn't hate me after all" "You can say that. And I'm making sure you rest like you've been told okay?" "So I'm going to miss lectures all week. I'm going to be sick out of my mind" "Whatever you say,missy. You're resting and I'm making sure of that" Ines told her hopping onto her bed. *** Devonte cursed himself for the thousandth time for kissing Aaliyah. Fine it was not so intimate, just a polite gesture but hell,he couldn't erase the pleased yet surprised look when he did that. He'd almost finished his sixth mug of coffee in three hours. He thought he was going mad. Maybe it was s****l frustration yet that didn't seem to justify his madness. That's what he described it as; madness. Madness because he seemed to like a college girl who was also an employee. His employee. As if that wasn't enough,he now felt responsible for her. She hadn't offended anyone but he had many enemies; deadly ones that would do anything- attacking his employees included, just to wound him. It was late, nearly 10:00pm. He'd promise himself to ensure her safety and well-being. The guy who'd attacked her was from the Russian Mafia and that meant a whole of things. "Ma Vie" by Dadju blasted from the radio in his car as he drove to her university. He gently knocked on the door when he got to Room 165. Aaliyah stared at him with a shocked expression. Not only at his presence but her feeling of embarrassment lurking deep down that he'd seen her in her tiny Tinkerbell PJs. "Mr. Michel?" Aaliyah said still standing in the doorway. Devonte forced himself to look his calmest as she stood shifting from one foot to the other in her PJs. He was almost amused by her discomfort. "Well. Aren't you going to let me in?" Devonte asked but she was almost out of air at his actions. First he walks her to her room and now he wants to enter her tiny room just to fulfill his promise of checking up on her. He, a multi millionaire, whatever they're called and her boss. Wordlessly, she moved aside for him to enter. Ines mysteriously woke up just when he'd entered and sat on her roommate's bed. "Devonte Michel?!" Ines questioned groggily. "Holy s**t, a billionaire is in my university room. For what??!" Ines went ahead to say, moving out of her bed "Ines!" Aaliyah said with a stern voice. "What? I'm not as good at hiding my emotions as you are" Ines told Aaliyah with a shrug making her gasp. "Anyway,now that you're not alone, I'll grab my phone from Nate" Ines said despite the pleading look her roommate was giving her. "I could've left while you slept." Aaliyah told her after realising she wouldn't be moved by her look. "I'm a light sleeper,ya know" Ines argued and dashed out of the room. Ines didn't have anything to take from her boyfriend and her roommate was very aware of that. She just wanted to give her time alone with her boss. "I figured you and your roommate are opposites" Devonte commented. "Y-Yeah" Aaliyah stuttered. Her eyes moved to her 'study' to find a bouquet of lillies that weren't there before. Devonte noticed it and quickly handed them. " I got a little distracted by your roommate". He told her. Aaliyah took it muttering a word of thanks and taking the card attached. In cryptic writing; ' Get well soon, colomba' was inscribed on the card. "Thank you..." "Enough of your 'thank yous' . It's fine". He cut her off. "I'm only been grateful Mr. Michel" "I know, it's just not really important you know. If you hadn't been out late, you'd still be perfectly fine by now" "It's not entirely your fault. I was late on my first day at work" "That doesn't count. But why are you standing? Come sit" Devonte ordered and like an obedient child, she did. It was actually like a force pushed her onto the bed. They sat facing each other and almost immediately, he moved some stubborn hair covering an eye behind her ear,a hand cradling her cheek and she found herself leaning in. He was secretly glad she wasn't wearing a hijab. Her face was in full, clearer view. "How are you doing now?" He asked. His voice barely above a whisper "I I'm f fine" She stuttered causing him to smirk. " I'm sorry, Aaliyah. I guess I went too hard on you" "It's fine. Mr. Michel please don't keep blaming yourself. I'll still work there if that's what bothers you" Aaliyah told him. He liked how she called him ' Mr. Michel' even though almost everyone called him that. Hearing it from her made it sound nice, soothing even. "Alright but you have to be careful. It could've been planned" "Yes, Mr. Michel" Devonte reluctantly stood up, ready to leave. He didn't want to spend too much time with the curvy girl. His self control was slipping. "Alright then, I'll take my leave" He told her and she followed his movements, standing to see him off. Just as she was about opening the door the keys fell off and she cursed Ines for leaving them loose as she bent to pick them up. That's when Devonte's self control finally slipped. He'd been wanting her since he laid eyes and her. Wanting to know what I'd feel like if they kissed and he called it madness because he actually stopped himself. Something he rarely did. If he wanted something,he got it without waiting because he was not a fan of patience. His bulge grew at the sight of her fine a*s. He looped an arm around her waist from behind, spinning her to face him. The sudden movement made Aaliyah jump but soft,warm lips concealed any sound she was going to make. After a few seconds of shock, she calmed and returned the kiss. Her mind was hazy with many thoughts yet she focused on the warm lips as her hands went about his neck. He nibbled on her bottom lip making her gasp and he took it as a chance to invade her mouth with his tongue. Aaliyah's brain was on stranger alert; screaming ' Stranger' yet she didn't stop. This was her first kiss and whether her brain liked it or not, stranger or not, she was going to make it nice for herself. She followed his lead and invaded his mouth like he'd done her. They finally broke away for air after sometime. "What are you doing to me, Aaliyah?" Devonte muttered, leaning his forehead against hers. It wasn't meant for her ears but she heard it anyway. She was frozen as the familiar obsidian orbs poured into her brown ones. She couldn't get away even if she wanted to. His firm yet gentle grip was too strong. Maybe that was a sign. A sign telling her to run from this beautiful stranger who has her locked in a steel grip. Telling her there'd be no escape for her if she'd need to escape someday yet that didn't stop her lips from meeting those of the stranger again. Her fingers ran through his dark hair as their lips moved in sync but the blissful moment was shortened when some silly common sense knocked into Devonte with a strong force. He broke the kiss and freed her of his firm grip. " I'm sorry. We shouldn't be doing this". Devonte rushed out, leaving Aaliyah to deal with her confusion. Her lips were still tingling from the kiss and she leaned against the door. Her mind went hazy again. From condemning herself for liking a stranger's kiss to thinking about how her boss didn't like the kiss, most probably because she was highly inexperienced. The latter wouldn't surprise her. She was even amazed at herself for being able to kiss back. You could call her an innocent little girl when it came to intimacy and anything s*x related. Her confused state of mind soon got linked to her annoyed heart; annoyed that Devonte had kissed her and left, apologising for doing that. Needing to escape all the nonsense moving in her brain and heart, she picked her phone and let music give her her much needed peace.
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