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ONE "Aaliyah,get down here now! Your father is leaving already. You don't want to annoy him more than you already have" The dark haired woman called her daughter who she'd describe as the worst thing that ever happened to her next to her sister,Nadie. Khadija believed she'd done everything righteous and nothing wrong to deserve the kind of daughter she got. True, Aaliyah was properly mannered and polite yet her wild attitude. She'd done her best to raise her be like her;calm, submissive and obedient like herself not the overly ambitious girl she'd become. Aaliyah hurried down the stairs as she heard her mom call. It was her first day of college and even though Muhammad Uthman was upset with his daughter, the undeniable love he had for her prevented him from taking what he termed drastic actions against her. He didn't spare her a glance when she sat in the passenger side beside him. Her almost silent greeting didn't matter to him although he heard it clearly. Muhammad Uthman was disappointed in his daughter for she'd been an obedient child since birth, doing whatever he asked of her yet when he'd wanted her to please him most, she didn't. He'd wanted her to live his dreams but Aaliyah wasn't looking in the direction of his dreams. She'd chosen to attend a school he objected to and went further to choose a course he didn't like. University of Lyon wasn't a bad choice. It was the direct opposite of that yet Muhammad thought it was too far from the city they lived in and he wouldn't have so much control over Aaliyah even though that's exactly what the young girl wanted. She wouldn't term it as 'freedom'. She preferred to call it' a chance at life' Being kept in a cage like an injured bird did that to you;it made you crave freedom, to be let out, to explore the world. Not going home for days and weeks is what excited her most. She'd be free for sometime. Free from her father's condemning burning gaze, from her mother's glares and pitiful looks from Nadie. Oh how she wished to be in Nadie's place, to be the unwanted child. Nadie got to enjoy the perks of the freedom Aaliyah craved. Just because Nadie had decided to be wayward from birth. She wished pleasing her parents hadn't been her priority because trying to please them only made them disappointed in her when she thought of pleasing herself. And that's how she learnt one of life's very important lessons; Never put other people's pleasure before yours,it makes you forget you,as a human being also have needs and desires. Trying to please other people first makes you reject yourself and lose yourself in a world created by the people you want to please. Never put other people's desires before yours if you crave success. "You know I won't have time to walk you to your room. Your mother will visit you when she has time. Be safe Diya" Muhammad told his daughter when the car stopped infront of University of Lyon. Aaliyah got down, taking the few things she packed along with her. "Thanks for dropping me,Baba" She said and turned to walk away. Not out of disrespect but she knew there was nothing left to say. Her father had become bitter towards her since she made her decision and she let it be that way. 'Maybe he'll finally understand and get over his bitterness someday.' That hope always lurking inside her; hanging on a thin thread in her Pandora's box spoke to her. As much as she wished to ignore it, she couldn't. Her father would always have a special spot in her heart no matter what happened between them. She'd grown up practically worshipping the man next to Allah so she couldn't even dislike him. According to Muhammad Uthman, his daughter was a disgrace due to her course. He found her aimless. "And what exactly do you intend to become after pursuing that?" He'd asked her with an angry tone and strode out of her sight as if he'd just asked a rhetorical question. Aaliyah stopped infront of Room 165 on the second floor of the block she'd been assigned to and out of politeness knocked to be met with silence. She shrugged and opened the door and immediately, her innocent eyes shut on their own at what she saw. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry" She chanted with closed eyes. "Oh so you're the new girl" She heard a feminine voice say and nodded still with eyes closed. "You can open them now, honey" The same voice said and she was relieved to find them clothed after opening her innocent eyes though the boy was still missing a shirt and sporting a fine torso. She averted her gaze quickly and begun to unpack on a bed next to the one on which they had been engaging in the act. Aaliyah wasn't one to condemn people easily but her innocent self couldn't help but be bugged by what she'd just seen. It was her first time ever seeing that and she was still shivering from the impact. She felt scarred for life. "I'm really sorry you had to see that on your first day here". The same feminine voice from earlier interrupted her thoughts, causing her to turn towards the direction of the voice. "I'm Ines Marie Jean. I'm sure we'll be great friends" "Diya Aaliyah Uthman" "I like Diya of them all so that's what I'll call you"Ines told her new roommate who only nodded and resumed packing. Ines didn't enjoy giving people pity looks even when they did look pitiful yet Aaliyah's state pushed her to feel pitiful for the black girl in a hijab. She felt Aaliyah was troubled or in some kind of pain and it was mostly due to the cold look in the girl's eyes. "Hey, let me help you" Ines said after seconds of contemplation. Aaliyah always liked doing things on her own but she nodded anyway. She just hoped her roommate didn't like nagging and bugging. "You like reading, don't you?" Ines asked, placing Aaliyah's books on what she'd prefer to call a study. "Yes" "That's great. I'm also practically addicted to reading. I especially like paranormal, romance and action. So tell me, what genre do you like?" "I have no specific genre. I read anything I get my hands on" Aaliyah told her. "Oh that's interesting." Ines said. 'Yeah, unlike myself' Aaliyah muttered under her breath. "Did you say something?" Ines asked but Aaliyah quickly shook her head in denial. I don't know but you intrigue me, Diya." Ines told the brown eyed girl beside her who only ignored her. Aaliyah wasn't in college to make friends. Well not yet at least. She had a load of things to concentrate on and making friends wasn't part of those things if not the last of them. *** Aaliyah continued to scribble notes from the lecture onto her notebook. Professor Simone was a very knowledgeable woman. Aaliyah had to give her that. She'd picked up Creative Writing because she enjoyed the power words gave her when she felt lost. There are few people who appreciate the energy words can generate and the power it has over the world. Aaliyah was one of the few who knew. Even though it'd play a part in becoming what she wanted to, Creative Writing class always felt like a release from her cage. The cage her father had unknowingly put her in with his demands. "I'd like you all to present your essays during our next class." Professor Simone's voice dragged Aaliyah's wandering mind back to what should be her main focus that hour. *** Devonte quietly sipped his coffee as he skimmed through the pile of files on his desk. He was already knackered from the endless business talk he'd had with his shareholders. One would think with his level of success, he'd want to rest for sometime but his young age made him want to acquire more. Pierre S.A was known all over the business world as he had branches in almost every country yet Devonte wasn't satisfied. Infact he was far from that. Honestly he had no idea if he'd ever be satisfied. His secretary strutted into his office after he'd softly asked her to enter upon hearing her loud banging. Her high-pitched voice filled his ears as she reminded him of interviews he had tommorow to accept a college student as an intern. How he enjoyed taunting applicants during interviews. An intern for Technical Writing was what he had to endure for a few hours the next day. Most college girls would come for their personal gains and not because they honestly wanted something to do. He inwardly sighed and went back to drinking his coffee. 'Ah the calming effect of coffee is just heavenly' He thought *** Aaliyah patted away some invisible dirt from her tight pencil skirt and adjusted her hijab after asking her mirror it's opinion on how she looked. Ines was still sleeping so Aaliyah decided to leave her a note. Knowing her roommate for those few days,Ines would probably march to the damn Police to report her missing to roommate. She probably would be the first person to show up for the interview but she couldn't give two f***s about that. There were a few things she knew about multi millionaires and billionaires. Whatever they were called;that being the fact that they liked punctuality. Maybe it'd make her chances of getting the job high. Even if she'd be just an intern, she'd at least be practicing to become one of what she wanted to become. After she got down from the bus,it still took her five minutes to see the Pierre S.A building of grey and blue. Upon entering,a dark haired receptionist directed her to the third floor where she'd wait for her turn. She was ten minutes early and even the receptionist was quite surprised and was wondering if she needed the job that bad. Aaliyah checked her wristwatch 8:05am-It read, letting her know that the interview was ten minutes away. Just a few minutes into waiting,two others joined her. They were both girls chatting excitedly and she thought they were probably friends. "He's so hot and sexy" The blonde beside Aaliyah said with a dreamy look. "Oh I really need to at least get a handshake from him" The brunette also said with a laugh. Aaliyah sighed and turned away with a bored look. 'They're only here to see Mr. Michel' Aaliyah thought, figuring the girls didn't really need a job and wondered why and how they were so smitten with a man they most probably haven't met. "Miss Uthman?" A tall brunette stepped out of the office ahead of them. "That's me" Aaliyah said and followed the brunette as she'd instructed. Aaliyah had a staring contest with Devonte upon entering. She could now understand why those girls were also waiting even though they didn't want a job. She suddenly grew anxious. Maybe it was as a result of the obsidian orbs boring into her like they could see right through her. Devonte couldn't take his eyes off the beauty that stood before him. She was covered almost everywhere yet he could find the curves on her body and boy,did he like it! "Are you going to keep standing? Take a seat" Devonte said, inwardly scolding himself for admiring a college student looking for a job in that manner. "Thank you, Sir" Aaliyah said hiding the annoyed feeling she was having due to his rude way of asking her to sit. Throughout the interview, Devonte stared at the muslim girl before him and she'd squirm from his intense gaze yet he liked seeing her squirm for reasons only known to him. With her way of answering questions witfully and smartly, he decided she deserved the job. "Well, you can leave" Devonte finally told her Aaliyah stood up, the annoyance she felt showing in her movements. "Thank you for having me,Sir" She said anyway, leaving his office. Once she was out, she put getting the job at the back of her mind deciding that Devonte's intense looks and attitude towards her was enough evidence that she wouldn't get that job. Opening the door to her room, she found Ines still sleeping. "It's not her fault. There's no class today' Aaliyah muttered under her breath, taking off her stilletos. "Diya" Ines called, making her roommate turn to look at her with raised eyebrows. They hardly spoke yet Ines was the only person Aaliyah said many words to. "I woke up a few minutes to your bed and a note. Did you get the job?" Ines questioned. "I have no idea,Ines. Mr. Michel doesn't seem to like me though this is my first time meeting him" "Oh, don't worry Diya. I've heard that guy is pretty rude. Knowing you, I'm sure they'll employ you. Just wait for their call. Be a little patient" "I hope so but why do I seem to be the only one who hasn't heard of him?" "Geez. Diya. He's like the hottest bachelor right now. Don't you watch magazines? Christ! Are you even on **? People post him everyday with his newest flings" Ines said rolling her eyes with every sentence. "Oh. I'm not a social media and magazines person so..." Aaliyah said with a shrug. "Don't worry, Diya. I bet they'll call you. I'm going out to grab a few things okay." Ines told her roommate, getting out of the room. Aaliyah's mind wondered back to the interview. She just couldn't stop thinking about it. Devonte, the C.E.O, being one of the reasons and the money she'd make out of it being another. She'd be elated if she gets hired but she decided not to dwell on it, picking a book from the desk and letting it soak up everything on her mind. The ringing of her phone made her drop the book beside her. "Nadie" The caller ID read. "Aaliyah I'm so sorry for not calling sooner. It's been a week, I know, but I was expecting you to call home. Why didn't you?" Nadie rambled when Aaliyah answered. She sighed. Typical Nadie. "You're too much of a rambling machine. Will you ever be patient in your speech? Anyway I'm alright and it's fine you didn't call. I'd have called home but I didn't want to hear Baba's angry voice. Tell Mom I'm fine and take care of yourself. Bye" Aaliyah said and hung up. You'd think Nadie would be offended but she wasn't. This was the relationship between the two sisters. They still believe they're close even though Aaliyah's unknown depression pulls them apart. Nadie could only pray their father stopped influencing their lives in every way he could. He may not know it but he imposing his will on Aaliyah made her coil in. She practically lived for him and not herself. Ines had returned and had finished changing. She'd witnessed Aaliyah's conversation with her sister. "I know it's wrong to eavesdrop but my ears kind of picked up everything. I'd be hurt if I was the one at the end of the line" Ines said. "That's why it wasn't you. My sister understands and besides there's really nothing more to say" Aaliyah said coldly "I'm sorry" Ines said, quickly rushing out of the room. Aaliyah knew she'd been rude to her but she hated how people who saw how she related with her family criticised her. She'd pinned Ines for one of those people and acted that way towards her and she felt a little bad. Just a little bit bad, not so much. *** Devonte kept thinking about the muslim girl who came into his office earlier. How her thick lips moved when she answered his questions,how the Kohl lining her eyes made her brown orbs stand out. Too bad he didn't know what colour her hair was. He instantly felt his pants get tight, thinking of her curves the pencil skirt brought out. 'Get your s**t together, Devonte' He scolded himself. 'She'll be your employee for Christ's sake' His subconscious added. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Come in" He said and the door opened to reveal Adrienne,his ex fiancee in a barely-covering-butt skin tight dress. "I know we're not together anymore but should you look at me with such displeasure whenever you see me?"Adrienne said while she sat. "Why are you here, Adrienne?" "Oh, just to say hi and see if you're up for some fun" "If you have nothing important for me I suggest you leave" "Oh but I do have something for you" The blonde said getting up and straddling him all in a flash. "Adrienne, stop!" Devonte protested. He groaned when her hands moved to his growing bulge to palm him. "Adri-" "Shhhh. You need this. I know it" Adrienne shut him up, unbuttoning his pants to cup him. She slid off him and took him in her mouth earning a groan from him. The office was filled with groans and grunts as she kept working her mouth on him. He slid his member out of her mouth to bring her up. As their lips connected, she slid onto him, rocking herself back and forth. "f**k" Devonte cursed. He pushed her off him after a couple of thrusts and fixed himself. He hated himself for letting his l**t get in the way but Adrienne was unphased as she pulled her dress down and left his office, giving him one of her signature fake smiles. He wondered if there ever was a real one. *** The sound of her phone ringing woke her from her much desired sleep. 'Who the heck would call at 6:00am?' She muttered to herself and answered the call anyway. "Miss Uthman?" The voice at the other end said making Aaliyah sit straight. "Y-yes how may I help you?" "You've been hired as an intern at Pierre S.A . You may start today at 8:00am". The voice said "Today?" "Sorry if you've not been informed but you'll be working on all days except Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays" "A-Alright". She stuttered and scolded herself for that. She was happy to have gotten the job but starting that day? Good thing her lectures were in the afternoon and she wondered how they'd arranged her working days. Without wasting much time, she spread her mat beside her bed and performed 'Wudu'.
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