Chapter 5 - Esme

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I had found University such a drain on my brain today, but one I was eternally grateful for. Anything was better than being back at our pack. Five years into my medical degree now, and two years left before I was fully fledged Dr, then all the pain and suffering and long days would finally be worth it. The fact that after my training shift at the hospital I was collecting my cousin was just a stark reminder of the realities of the hells that remained at our pack on a daily basis. But I was not going to complain about seeing my little Lola. My best friend since we were pups, her visits were one of the highlights of my months when her Mum and Dad managed to sneak them in. It was a true shame she did not live closer. Both of us 24 this year, and as close as sisters rather than cousins. Lola and I have been the best of friends from being tiny, and I know she found it so difficult me being away at University. But then, at the same time, she was so supportive of me, and she loved her visits here to see me too. So it worked well both ways. I just needed to focus my brain for the last few hours of my shift and I should be ok, I tell myself. I have a few days off for Lola's visit, and we have lots planned....... pampering..... nights out...... lots of catching up as always........ shoppping.........plans of escape....... That was always a topic of conversation for us, ways of escaping our old fashioned, unforgiving, archaic, strict and outdated pack we had built up such a loathing for over the years. Our pack was not the standardly run werewolf pack. The current Alpha and former Alphas were very out-dated with their views surrounding women and mates too. Fated mates are the mate you are meant to wait for, the mate that our own moon goddess has selected for you, the one that is perfect for you. Yet our Alpha prefers to keep all pack members within the pack and not allow members to leave, even when meeting fated mates, so in order to maintain this, fated mates are almost unheard of in our pack, and most are chosen mates or even arranged marriages set up by our very own Alpha or the parents within pack. The women within in pack have very few rights which quite frankly infuriates me. I had to fight to be allowed to continue my education past high school. It was only because my teacher pushed for me to be allowed to college and University that I find myself here, that and the fact I have a Dad who is willing to stand up and fight my corner for me. Or else I would have likely been one of those girls at pack who was married off already. Thankfully, I had been allowed to head off to University to do my Drs degree on the agreement I would return to pack to be a Dr at our pack hospital. And already I am five years through my degree, and time is most definitely flying by! But I love the course and find it so interesting to do, and love being away from the pack. The freedom is amazing, the thought of going back when my degree is done terrifies me. But I still have a few years left yet. But for now, I would be enjoying my weekend with my cousin. a night out on the town drinking, having fun, dancing the night away....
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