Chapter 4 - Gabriel

803 Words
I can hear the chattering in the house before I get to the door. Another of our weekly get-togethers. I am happier to be here than I was at the family BBQ earlier, getting sick of being harassed in the end….. It works out so well having the houses nearby, as we literally pop in and out of one another’s homes, or gardens. A little community of our own, which is what we had wanted with us all being so close. So, as we have kids, they grow up together. Not that there are kids on my horizon anytime soon. Jeez, the noise and smells that come from Indie and Dan’s and Knox and Lilah’s kids, they can keep them! They are cute, don’t get me wrong, but f*****g hell they are noisy! And sometimes there is no pleasing them. You feed them, they still cry. You change them, they still cry. It’s like, well what else can I do for you? You are harder to please than the Alpha! If I do find my mate and have kids, I hope some paternal instinct will appear, as right now I am more a fun uncle type that they can have a laugh with and I get distracted playing with their toys. I have no clue how to take care of them! “Hola! The party can start. I have arrived” I greet everyone as I walk in the door. “Hey Gabe” Lilah comes and hugs me. “Looking gorgeous as ever, Chica” I kiss her head. My Luna is the sweetest, she has changed so much in the little over two years we have known her, and I know that is all down to Knox and being here in our pack. She is where she belongs. Plus, I think being a Mama too, she is a perfect Mama for that little bundle of joy of theirs. Though I think Knox changed too, meeting Lilah, he was always a tough and ruthless, but fair Alpha, but while he is still tough and ruthless, in some ways he has softened. He would do anything for Lilah and you can see from a mile away how much he loves his mate. The way it should be. How we never realised they were mates that first night they met I truly don’t know when we look back. That lotion Lilah used must have been some strong stuff, because it definitely had us all fooled. Though while we assumed they weren’t fated mates, we had all assumed they just both had some serious s****l tension and chemistry going on. I think in truth it was a mixture of it all. The moon goddess made a good choice pairing them up though. I guess she picks the fated mates for a reason, and with them you can see why. They complement each other perfectly, Knox can be a jackass at times, while Lilah is a sweet angel haha. “Alright d**k head” Knox slaps me on the back in greeting. “Hmm yeah, you?” I reply with a smile. “Yeah, see you just walk in as always” Knox laughs. It drives him crazy we all just walk into one another’s houses. “I knew I was safe today, if I can hear other people in here I know I ain’t going to walk in on you doing the dirty” I joke. I hear Lilah and Indie giggling, because they know I am right. I have unfortunately walked in on them both with their mates at awkward moments. I should knock, but it’s fun to keep them on their toes. I do see Dan and Knox with their mates and how much happier they seem. I never thought they were unhappy before, and still don’t think they were unhappy before, but they seem a whole other level of happier now they have their mate by their side. And it has honestly made me think it has to be my turn soon surely. That along with the constant pestering from family, I really can’t help but think about it. I have not had a chance to meet my mate yet, but she has to be out there somewhere, right? We meet different packs regularly with warrior training, yet I have never come across my mate. It makes me wonder if I will ever find her. All our group of friends were late in finding their mates, which was unusual. I am in no rush to have the kids and settle down, as much as I know it would be expected of me, but needing my mate, wanting my mate, that is something I am craving. Part of me is terrified that may never happen for me. And that I could be alone.
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