You need to move

1472 Words
Rosa’s POV “One, two, three, four_” I murmured under my breath, counting the droplets of water coming down from the sink close to my cell bed. I had been in that cell for two days and by that time, all the restlessness and fury I felt when they initially threw me in there had died down. I had halted all my screaming, crying, and cursing at the police officers to let me go and had accepted my miserable fate. How did I get there? Or rather, why do I always end up there? Yes, that wasn’t my first time being thrown in a cell by the same vicious man. Anyway, it was bound to happen when I didn’t consider all pros and drawbacks before taking money from someone as powerful as Mr Matteo who relishes making my life a living hell. I ought to have had all likelihoods at the back of my mind before borrowing, but I had to since my foster mother needed the money for her cancer treatment, which she later eventually died of. All the money I spent ended up being for waste and I had to suffer the consequences. Don’t blame me for not considering a way to pay back after taking a debt of 5 million dollars. I did, but right after my mother passed away, a huge fire broke out at the restaurant I had inherited from my foster father before he passed away. I was left with nothing but our house which Mr Matteo was threatening to bring to the ground if I continued to owe him. I let out a sharp gasp. My life was a complete wreck, and it got worse every day that counted. Should I perhaps end it all and join my parents? They were the only people who showered me with genuine love. They had adopted me from my foster care home at the age of 6 and nurtured me till I turned 21, even when I wasn’t their blood. Would they be mad if I tried to take my life and join them? After all, my life made no sense without them anyway. I was so tired of running from my debt. Each time I thought about it, I’d feel a lump form in my throat that wouldn’t go down until I cried my eyes out. I felt the lump now, but what was the point of crying anyway? Crying wasn’t going to bring 5 million dollars to my account that instant. I sighed. I had to accept my fate. I lost and Mr. Matteo won The striking of the rod of my cell’s gate sent me into a jolt. I stood up that instant as fear clutched me like a coat. Were they perhaps here to beat me up again by the orders of Mr Matteo? My ribs still hurt from being beaten up two days ago. I wasn’t sure I’d survive another round of mass beating. I stared at the guard who unlocked the gate of my cell and I swallowed hard. He stood by the entrance with the gate widely open. “You’d be back here in a week, what’s the point anyway?” he muttered under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear. “Bail!” he finally chanted and my eyes lit up immediately. The moment he stepped aside, Bianca, my best friend came rushing inside my cell. I knew from the second the officer mentioned the word ‘bail’, it had to be her. She was the only one who could get me out, as she had always done in the past. That was because she was Mr Matteo’s daughter. The same man who would have my head if I stood too close to him. I and Bianca had always been friends from childhood and went to the same high school which I was opportune to attend on scholarship. The closeness we shared was what made her advise me to take a loan from her father when she heard of my mother’s predicament. She believed he’d understand and might even give me the money without expecting a payback. I took her advice wholeheartedly, not knowing Mr Matteo had always had a grudge for my father. They had a beef in the past and the money was just a way for him to trap me and make me suffer. Bianca didn’t know all that. If she did, she wouldn’t have advised me to take the money, but the deed was already done and I was caught up in a hot mess. “You have no idea how long it took to convince him” she let out the moment she set her eyes on me. “Yeah, I know. Two days” I said, rushing at her and hugging her, but she squeezed too hard, causing me to wince as a result of my aching rib. I tried to hold my scream because I didn’t want her to start asking me questions and I most definitely didn’t want her to see her father more than the monster she already saw him as. After breaking the hug she looked at me with saddened eyes. “He wouldn’t listen to me. I told him to let the money go, but he is so bent on making you suffer. I had to tell him you got a big job and that you’d be able to pay in 2 weeks” she said My eyes widened, as my jaw dropped. All the excitement I felt died that instant. “2 weeks!” I yelled out. She hushed me instantly and then she spoke. “Grab your things, let’s leave. We have to talk about an alternative” I didn’t have any stuff to take, but myself, since the police arrested me on my way back from work. I lost my purse in the process and my phone too. Only God knew how’d I be able to afford another one. On getting outside, the cool air hit my skin, causing me to inhale sharply. I had been gone for just 2 days but it felt like I had been starved. I closed my eyes, letting the hair caress my skin, but was interrupted when Bianca suddenly tapped me. “This is entirely my fault.” Was the first thing she muttered as her eyes saddened. I was forced to sigh. If this was anybody’s fault, it had to be mine. I ignored the signs that he actually hated me whenever he would stare at me so grumpily and speak so crankily, almost dismissing me whenever I came over to their mansion in the past, looking for Bianca. “But you really need to step up your game” She added immediately. “I got a new job as an intern. That might help” I spoke up with confidence. She leaned closer. “Is that going to get you 5 million in 2 weeks?” I slouched in defeat. “Not even up to a thousand” She bit her lips, shaking her head “That won’t do.” She paused for a while, staring at me closely. I knew that instant she was going to say something I’d certainly frown to. “If you are thinking of prostitution. Count me out” I shot at her, deepening the frown I already had on my face She shook her head “No, that’s not it” A sigh evaded her parted lips as she blurted out “You need to leave this f*****g state” I scoffed that instant, staring at her in disbelief. “Leave here? And go where exactly? I have never stepped out of this town all my life and you want me to leave to another state entirely. That’s too much” She c****d an eyebrow, staring down at me. “Oh, you rather pay 5 million then? You better start working that ass in pubs and clubs. I bet you, it’s going to be worn out in 2 weeks” she fired, causing me to scowl at her I folded my arms across my chest. “And you think with how powerful your father is, he won’t fish me out no matter where I run to?” “No” she leaned closer; looking around making sure no one was listening in on our conversation. “My father has a lot of enemies and there is somewhere he won’t dare look for you if you run there” I nodded even more drawn in the conversation than ever. “And where might that be?” “Solevento” she mumbled. My eyes widened as I leaned away immediately, staring at her like she had lost her mind. “You mean the most dangerous town in the whole of ITALY!"
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