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Norva opens her eyes to see a planet with mountains and plough fields. Everyone except her is unconscious. She sees the pod she carries where Paul is still unconscious. She comes in her original form as she sees the island and Darr unconscious through the window of the island. "Where are we" She Says. She looks here and there .She remembers this place. "Norva" A voice is heard as she looks ahead. "You have been redeemed as a wanderer. Now you can chose to be a single wanderer roaming through anywhere you want. Even the masters can not interfere in your action. You are an elite but a follower of Eternity and Infinity. You are Their champion now. "Says the voice. "Who are you? If i can chose anything I want. Cccannmnn I be with them or with him" She Stutters as she looks at Paul. "Yes.

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