The Watcher

669 Words

John can't believe he could zoom without using his bow or sword. All of the crew look at the window to see a pod carried by the fire lady Norva. John tries to zoom as he can see a blurred image of Paul. He doesn't have his weapon as he left both at the pod which Paul is flying or Norva is. John tries to zoom and this time he sees Paul as crystal clear as he is. He zooms more and he can see that Paul is unconscious. He looks below to see a flaming woman carrying the pod. He could see the spark from the flames of Norva. His eyes can't cope with the brightness as he zooms more at The flames as he is forced to withdraw his eyes. He falls into the floor as he withdraws. All of the crew look at him when he falls except for Paula who is still looking at the pod. But shortly she sees John. "

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