f**k me....

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Taehyung POV : I was fuming with anger. Jimin just warned me and kicked the crap out of me, and left me, in my own house. He had the nerve to do it. Well, I am not complaining, I would have done even worse, if it were me. I just smiled to myself. He doesnt know what's coming to him. I took care of myself, my freshly given wounds by jimin. It kinda felt satisfying. Him, feeling insecure because of me, he was afraid of loosing y/n, just like I did, once. Now he will get every ounce of pain, what I suffered in past, because of him. Because I am not going to stop until I make her mine. Next day: I prepared everything for jimin's flight, he's having a shoot in Europe, his new film with that b***h, simmu. I wish they could end up together and he would leave my y/n Alone. Not to mention, that b***h is obsessed with jimin. I just wish it really happens though., I went to jimin's place to make sure he's all packed, Afterall I am his manager. I just want him to be out of this country, so that I can go to my y/n. Instead I plan of making her totally mine this time. I will make her love me. I have a plan. It's all settled. I was smirking to myself imagining what I am going to do with her after jimin left to Europe, until I was greeted by jimin.  All bruised over his face, from our yesterday's episode., well so am I. "Hey man.. " I smiled trying to ease some tension in the air. He ignored me and left to his car. Well... Good for you. He didn't even cared to give me any glance all ride. He departed to Europe in the company's special flight with other crew, which also includes simmu. I was just about to took off from the airport, I heard huge noises inside the airport, and when I got in, I got to know this.... Lame news, that jimin's plane was  got busted even before it started to take take off. To my own luck, no-one's got badly hurt. Well, at least I wish for one. That particular one. Everything happened so sudden, everyone were all hasty, the atmosphere became clumsy with doctors, ambulances, phones calls, announcements... And jimin walked right through that haste with a wicked smirk he had on his face., Something's going to happen.. . . The next thing i know, I was calling y/n, telling her the plane was crashed, he made me do it. He practically threatened me to prove my innocence or loyalty to him, by lying to y/n. I saw him hearing our convo, standing beside me very keenly. That bastard!! And this whole time I only wish I could do something to to wipe that wicked smirk off his face. That fucker made me pawn in his own game in order to get back y/n and implement his mastermind to make her his completely. What I am going to do? I should think some plan before something may really happen. This was a real bust to me, I didn't expected this at all.  Aish!! Y/n POV : I was driving beyond my limit, to reach home. To my home., jimin. Oh my God!!  Why did I even leave him in the first place? I couldnt find myself to drive the car straight. My hands were shaking, so were my legs. My sight was being blurry all the time, because of my tears, not letting me see the road in clear. I was sobbing all the time. I just, I just wish for one thing, that he's safe and sound. " Hello?" "Y/n, jimin was here in home." "Have you gone mad taehyung? Why would you do that? Just go and admit him in a hospital." I yelled at him through the phone. I can hear him breathing out sharply. What? Why are you mad man? You got no right for it! "Just come home. He's here, safe and- he's being treated from here." he sounded dead serious calm. "okay.... " I increased my speed and drove straight to the home. . . I didn't care to close the door of car let alone park it, I ran my feet off as soon as I reached to home. There he is.... Sleeping soundly, with some bruises on his face. Relief washed me off by seeing him. I could feel my heart pounding right out of my chest, while I was driving. Blood rushed down to my feet when  I heard what Tae said. It's like my whole body stopped working and went numb hearing jimin suffered an accident. My mind was restless until now. Now, now I can feel myself alive and stable, standing in front of him. He is all I wanted. He made me feel all these things. I think, Hoseok is right. I love him. I have always loved him. It just took my stupid mind to realize it until he got into an accident. The moment I saw him, I just got to know one thing, I realized it, I confirmed it, I love him. I love him more than anyone in this world. I f*****g love him more than my self. Yes, jimin. I love you. I ran straight to him, and kneeled down to his range. Tears flowed out of my eyes non stop. I tried to hold my sobs so that I won't wake him up. I just wanted to make sure he's taking proper rest. I mean he's hurt after all. I took his hand into my hold and kissed it smoothly, then after keeping it closer to my embrace. He had the nerve to scare me off to my death. I hate him. Stupid!  Once after he's better, I will Never let him out of my sight. I will always take good care of him. I remembered all the promises I made while I was driving here, only wishing jimin should be safe. I noticed a hand wiping my tears. Jimin. His eyes. His smile. Why didn't I ever noticed he has an angelic smile that can make you forget all your worries and will make you feel relaxed...? I want to drown in those eyes. "You are crying.... " he pouted. "Of course, you stupid!!  I am crying. What do you want me to do? " I shouted while crying. He chuckled. "Don't worry y/n. It's just a stupid take off failure. No-one was hurt." he said. "What about these bruises?  Don't lie to my face. " I said with a stubborn face. "Come on. These were all nothing. Now that you are back., I am already feeling better." he tried to gave me an energetic smile. I can see him pretending he's fine. "Wait!! Why did you came?  You said you needed some time to handle yourself. " He asked me. Is he kidding me?!? "You mad or what?  Your plane was crashed.... And you still think I wouldn't come!!? Moreover I came clean with myself. All I need now is you, jimin. I want to be with you." I smiled and kissed his hand. "If only it's not a dream.... " he said with his dreamy eyes expression. I punched on his shoulder, and instantly regretted after hearing him groan in pain. " f**k!  I should have known better than to tease my wife." he cursed out. "I am sorry. Is it paining...? A lot? " I panicked "No it isn't. " he tried to cover it. He still was trying to Make me feel comfortable. Even when he is not in the condition to do something . And I said that one thing that I should have told him way past earlier. "I love you jimin." I can see his eyes bulge as his whole body started to react to the three words I just told him. "What? " "Yes jimin. I love you. I think I have loved from the beginning but couldn't bring myself to accept it let alone admit it. I have fallen in love with the person that you are .The way you make my life so beautiful and simple has made me realize that you are the one that I want to love and take care of forever. You make me complete. I just have had the worst journey experience of my entire life, wondering what may have happened to you. Just imagining the worst case scenario happened to u, made me go insane. I cannot live with you. I love you jimin." I confessed my first ever love proposal to him. My love., holding his hand and looking into his eyes. He was just smiling. A genuine one. Tears at the edge of his eyes. He looked like he's overwhelmed by my confession. Well, he deserved it. He deserves a lot more than this. And I will make sure of it. At that moment, I took an oath to myself that I will always make him happy. He was just so precious. I am really lucky enough to have him as my husband. Him loving me like no other, was the best thing happened to me. And I am never letting go of it. We both returned to reality once we heard a glass breaking into million pieces, which was held by Tae earlier. He looked heartbroken. Did he heard us over?  Well,  it's for the best. But I do feel terrible for him. No I can't make everyone happy and if have to make a choice, I will and I did. He stormed out of the room. I know what I should do. Ignore him y/n. Jimin needs you the most. Do right with jimin. Jimin POV : As I planned plane got busted at it's took off. I tricked or right to say pratically threatened him to inform y/n fake news, so that she will be flying to me. And I couldn't feel any victorious when I was using Tae to do my dirty work, in order to make y/n mine. And it worked. She came to me. Mine... I acted my level best, to make her believe I was suffering a terrible accident and I was actually hurt. Well, I am an actor after all. She believed it so well., and all was going according to my plan. Until she proposed me. And she just made me the happiest man alive. Her genuine confession, the love I saw in her eyes, true love. It felt so right. So true. I couldn't stop tears, happy tears. Wow, even I can be accessed to true happiness. My y/n. She said she's in love with me. That's it. That was all I need. I don't feel threatened anymore. No taehyung can snatch her away from me. She made sure of it. Now I made a oath to myself., that I will never do anything to stop her loving me. She was mine., is mine and will be mine. Forever. I committed lots of evil things, just to keep her with me. But hearing say I love you was worth it all. All I wanted was to be with her, and I proved my dad that only live can bring you love. She made me proud. "I love you too y/n." I replied her back. She leaned her head down to mine as I held her face, and brought her closer to my lips. The moment I touched her lips with mine, I could feel heaven. Our kiss was sensual, as I can inhale her breath, the warmth of her skin on my body, the taste of her lips on my tongue. It felt so good, so right and so euphoric. We didn't moved our lips but just stayed like, but it's good. Infact the best kiss of all our kisses. Maybe this is what they mean, when they said love is above of it all. She parted from me and I breathed sharply in denial. "Take rest Mr. Park jimin. We still got lots of time to do this. First I need you to recover. " she smiled and left to bring me medicines. Aish!!! My own plan got me. Fuck me..
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