Funeral Derangements

2309 Words
Malcolm “It’s the business of everyone here to know that you are f*****g the Chameleon Killer,” Alpha Picard snarls. “How the uck do you know so much about me?” I snarl back. He grins evilly, “I have my ways, young prince,” He spats and tries to walk away. I jump in front of him. “How do you know so much about me?” I repeat while trying to use my royal alpha tone. The other alpha laughs, “Oh, that royal tone doesn’t work on me, boy.” I take a deep breath trying to maintain my composure. I really can’t afford to start a fight right now. Picard adjusts his collar, “I am going to go tell Pascal everything.” “No, you aren’t,” I snarl and try to grab the other alpha. ‘Use your tone,’ Xerxes urges me. ‘It doesn’t work on him,’ I argue. ‘It will if I help you,’ He states, and I feel a surge of power within me. “Alpha Maurice Picard,” I say in a deeper tone, and the alpha freezes. I walk around to face him. “Your eyes are glowing,” He sputters with wide eyes. “Kneel,” Xerxes takes control and speaks for me. The alpha hesitantly kneels and looks up at us with utter hatred. I can sense his wolf fighting my command. “You will not utter a single word about the Chameleon Killer being my mate,” Xerxes orders him. “Am I clear?” Alpha Picard’s face turns red as sweat beads on his face. He is doing everything he can to fight my command. “You are clear, your majesty,” He says slowly. “You may rise and return to your prior activities,” Xerxes says and gives control back to me. Picard slowly rises to his feet. His eyes are red from anger, and I can sense his wolf fighting for control. “You are lucky that I have control over my wolf. He wants to rip you apart.” “Oh, I’m sure your wolf is aware that he would lose,” I get into his face. “A coward like you is no match for a royal white wolf.” I turn away from the alpha and walk into the building. ‘I hope that command worked, Xerxes.’ ‘Of course, it worked,’ He snorts. ‘Do you doubt my power, Malcolm?’ ‘No,’ I reply. ‘Liar,’ He scoffs. ‘You doubt my power, Malcolm. We have been together for twenty years, and you still doubt me,’ Xerxes sounds hurt. ‘I’m sorry, Xerxes,’ I sigh. ‘I don’t doubt you.’ He says nothing and retreats to the back of my mind. I hate that I hurt his feelings. I head towards my room to freshen up and put on proper clothes for the funeral. I am still only in a pair of trousers and nothing else. “Malcolm,” Rico shouts as I approach my room. Addison is just behind him. “What’s up?” I ask as I enter the room and let them in. “We found some information on Alpha Picard like you requested,” Addison states. “Okay, let me get dressed real quick,” I tell them. I grab my funeral clothes and head into the bathroom. I shower and then put on a pair of blue slacks, a button-up white shirt, and a black jacket. I comb my long hair and pull it into a ponytail. Rico and Addison are watching TV when I step out of the bathroom. “Looking sharp,” Addison smirks. She is wearing a pair of nice jeans and a white shirt. “Thanks,” I respond and turn off the TV. “Hey,” Rico protests. He is wearing a pair of dirty jeans and a t-shirt. “You need to change before the funeral,” I tell him. “Since when are you the fashion police,” Rico pouts. “You represent me and thus represent my father,” I remind him. Rico folds his arms and huffs. “Anyways, what is the information you two have?” I sit on the recliner. Addison rolls her eyes at the pouting Rico, then looks at me. “Picard employs a shapeshifting witch. She can shift into just about anything, including flies.” “So, she is a literal fly on the wall,” I say and look around my room with mild paranoia. “And how did you come by this information?” “We followed her to the hotel you were at,” Rico adds. “Oh,” I breathe out. “Sofia says she has changed her ways,” I sigh. “Do you believe her?” Addison tilts her head. “I want to. Xerxes believes her,” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I want to know how Picard knows that Sofia is the Chameleon Killer.” “The witch may know,” Addison responds. “Then talk to the witch,” I say to her. “That’s easier said than done, Malcolm,” Rico snorts. “I know,” I smirk and smack his shoe. “In the meantime, don’t be late for the funeral, alright?” They both stand up, “We won’t be,” Addison nudges Rico. “Good,” I say to them. “Dismissed.” “See you later, Malcolm,” Rico smiles and follows Addison out of the room. “Change your clothes,” I shout after him. The smell of sage crosses my senses, and I turn to see Sofia sitting on my bed wearing a short red dress with her hair hanging loose. “Talking about me?” She smiles and rises from the bed, and steps toward me. I wrap my arms around her, “I was just trying to find out how others know about you.” “Probably Aunt Opal,” She smirks. “Aunt Opal?” I lift an eyebrow. “The shapeshifting witch,” Sofia steps back from me and sits on the edge of the bed. “You know about her?” I ask. “Yeah, she is my aunt. Well, great aunt. She is my grandma’s sister,” She shrugs causally. “Your great aunt is the one following me and feeding information to that alpha?” I question her. “Yes,” She nods. “How did you know?” I fold my arms. “I saw her last night when we were having s*x,” Sofia states like it’s nothing. “What?” I gasp. “She was in the room?” Sofia nods, “Yeah, as a moth.” She laughs. “And you didn’t say anything?” “I guess I was too occupied by having s*x with you to say anything,” She shrugs. I sit beside her, “She isn’t in this room, is she?” I look around. “No,” Sofia responds. “I ordered Picard not to say anything to anyone about you,” I sigh. “Good,” She runs a finger up and down my arm sending sparks spreading through my body. I shudder as I stare into her ice-blue eyes. “Are you just going to stare at me, or are you going to kiss me?” I lean down without words and capture her soft lips with mine. She presses her soft hand to my cheek, and we deepen the kiss. I want to go further, but a knock on the door interrupts us. I let out a frustrated growl and stood up while Sofia giggled. I open the door to Claudio Torres. “Claudio?” “Prince Malcolm,” He smiles, revealing his fangs. “I was just wondering if you would accompany me to the funeral?” He says and sniffs the air. His eyes turn black as he tries to poke his head into my room. “Who is in the room with you?” “N-n-no one,” I respond. Claudio pushes the door open and steps in. I turn to see that Sofia is gone. I sigh with relief, and Claudio turns to me. “I thought I smelled someone else in here.” “My warriors were just in here a few minutes ago,” I tell him. “Hmm, that must be what I smell,” He chuckles. “Anyways, the funeral?” “I will accompany you,” I nod. “Gracias,” He waves his hand and walks out of my room. “It starts soon.” I closed the door and let out the breath I was holding, “Sofia?” She steps out of the bathroom, “Yes?” “That was close,” I laugh, and she steps up to me. She presses her hand on my chest. “I’m surprised that bloodsucker is allowed to just roam around the packhouse,” She wrinkles her nose. “He’s alright,” I shrug. “And you know my sister is the Queen of Vampires, right?” She shrugs, “I won’t hold that against her.” I kiss her lips, “I have to go to Armand’s funeral. You can stay here if you want or-“ She touches my lips. “I have things to do,” She whispers. “You aren’t going to go kill someone, are you?” I narrow my eyes. “I told you that I was done with that, Malcolm,” she scoffs and folds her arms. “Sorry,” I sigh and touch her cheek. “I guess I have trust issues.” “I swear I am not going to go kill anyone,” She looks me in the eyes. “Will you come and see me later?” She bats her long eyelashes. I trace the back of my hand down her cheek, “Yes,” I whisper and kiss her again. “You know where to find me,” She responds and backs away from me. She chants a quick spell, and a portal opens, and she disappears into it. I stand there for a moment before walking out of the room. I find Claudio standing down the hallway, “Shall we?” I nod towards the ballroom where the funeral is being held. Claudio eyes me, “We shall,” he finally says. We walk side by side towards the ballroom. I see Rico and Addison before going in. Rico is dressed better and even has his medium-length hair combed. “Is this to your liking?” He presents himself to me. “You look fine, Rico,” I pat his shoulder. I turn to Claudio, “These are my warriors, Rico and Addison.” Claudio holds a hand to them, “Lord Claudio Torres,” He introduces himself. Addison and Rico both bow their heads in respect to Claudio. “Go on in,” I tell them. “They may not look like it, but there are both exceptional warriors.” Claudio says nothing, and we head into the ballroom. We walk towards the front and sit just behind Alpha Pascal and Ariella. Ariella is holding Bastien and cooing at him. She turns to me. “Ah, Prince Malcolm,” She smiles. “He is a bright and happy baby,” I point to Bastien. She looks at her grandson, “It’s too bad his young life has already been marred by tragedy,” She kisses his forehead. “Would you hold him while my mate and I start the ceremony?” I nod and let her place the pup in my arms. I have held my nieces and nephew before, so I feel comfortable. Bastien looks at me with bright blue eyes like his mother. “You have your mother’s eyes,” I say to the pup. Alpha Pascal and Luna Ariella step up to the podium and start the service. I hold the pup asleep in my arms while his grandparents speak. I look around and catch Alpha Picard glaring at me. Bastien coos, and I turn my attention to the pup. Pascal and Ariella finish their speeches and return to their seats. Ariella takes Bastien back. “Merci, Prince,” She whispers. The funeral goes on for a few more hours as pack members and other alphas have their say about Armand and Blanche. We then move outside to the pack cemetery, where their plain wooden coffins are placed in hallowed ground. Tears fall from my eyes as I watch their coffins get covered in dirt. The pack begins their mourning howls, and I join in. After the funeral, we go back to the packhouse to eat a feast in honor of Armand and Blanche. I sit with Claudio, Beauregard, and a few others and eat my fill. After dinner, I go back to my room, change out of my suit, and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I sneak out of my room and look around to see if anyone is following me before I take off my clothes and shift. My white wolf takes off through the woods towards the hotel. Xerxes is eager to see his mate again. I make it to the hotel, shift, and put my clothes back on. I head straight for Sofia’s room, and her sage scent overwhelms me before I knock on the door. She opens the door, and I growl when I see her bloodied and bruised face and arms and ripped clothes. “What the hell happened?” I ask as I step into the room. I smell something besides sage and then notice the bloody corpse on the ground. “I killed Aunt Opal,” Sofia confesses.
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