Paris It Is

2888 Words

Sofia The tingles on my lips from kissing Malcolm lingered as I stepped through the portal. I found myself in the woods behind the packhouse. I wanted to find my aunt and have a little talk with her. I didn’t like her feeding information about me to that alpha. I dug into my dress and pulled out the velvet bag I had stuffed with potions. I found the one to disguise my identity and hiked towards the omega’s door. I observed the omegas for a moment before dawning the face of a young one and sneaking back into the packhouse. I needed to find out where Aunt Opal was staying, so I listened quietly to the omegas. “Annette, what are you doing?” An older omega yells at me in French I jump slightly and look at her with my mouth open, “I am on break,” I reply. Thankful that Grandma taught me se

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