Bienvenue à Paris

3031 Words

Sofia “Sofia,” His voice echoes through my dream. I am running from a mysterious force and can’t find my way back. “Sofia,” His violet eyes appear, and I can find my way back. I open my eyes to his staring down at me. He gently shakes my shoulder as I lay in his lap. I blink up at him. “We are here,” He smiles, and I feel all the warmth and love he has for me. I slowly sit up and look out the window. We are in front of a somewhat rundown-looking Parisian home. Addison is in the driver’s seat, waking Rico up. “This is it?” I ask. “It looks better on the inside,” Malcolm chuckles. He opens his door, “Come on.” It is still light outside, but the sun is on its way down. I get out of the car, and Malcolm clasps my hand. Addison and Rico unload the trunk while Malcolm leads me inside. An

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