Fairy Bones

3468 Words

Malcolm It was another cozy scene waking up with Sofia in my arms. I can't help but admire my mate as she snores and moves her lips in her sleep. I wonder what she is dreaming about and can only hope it's something happy. I kiss her shoulder and gently unwind my arms from her and roll out of bed. It's about five-thirty in the morning, and we need to be at the cathedral by seven to meet up with Tuatha. Sofia yawns and sits up, "What are you doing?" she mumbles. "We have to meet your grandfather at seven," I mention as I grab a towel and head into the bathroom. I climb into the small shower and turn on the water. Moments later, Sofia squeezes herself in and grins at me. "I thought we could save time if we shower together," She grins. I lean down and peck her forehead, "Good thinking,

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