
1088 Words

Chapter Thirty-Three – Attack Aida’s POV This was successful! My respect for the council just climbed a lot higher. It was like those detective movies humans produced. That elder had been really cool. I wondered what he’d do with the rogue. Even if she had hurt me, I felt pity for her that her mate and siblings were killed by Neon. I clasped my hands together in thanks. This one had been successfully adverted. I didn’t care how Neon would leave Tesemel Foods but that was his problem. Sir Zachary was free too. Neon’s little conspiracy failed. A grin spread across my face as I thought of this. My next three years were guaranteed to be Neon-free, and I’d grow stronger during those years. I could even get promoted within those three years and have my own bodyguards. My grin spread wider

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