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Chapter Three: Aida’s POV I couldn’t believe it. A reply had already been sent to me. And I got in! I got into the Diamond Group of Companies as an intern. And the position I got was even more unbelievable. “Yes, yes! I’ll be secretary of the Acting Manager of Diamond Group of Companies! Yes, the second son of the company. I can’t believe it too!” I jumped around as I told Dylan. The second son of the Company graduated from my university at my first year. As a billionaire’s son, he had lots of ladies swarming him and he was also really good-looking. But the reason I had interest in him was because he was a prodigy that had the best scores in Business Management. I looked forward to breaking his record but failed. We’ve only had two interactions during his time at university. The first time, he had let me take his spot in a queue as he was engrossed in his phone. I didn’t get to thank him because he left before I was done. The next time was in a seminar, he had asked me for my pen. I doubt he would be able to recognize me after three years. I was so glad to work under someone I respected and as his secretary! If I scaled the job, I could get employed! “Goodness! Thinking of my paycheck makes my nose want to bleed!” Dylan chuckled. “Honestly! I was surprised when I got an offer too. My friends haven’t yet so I guess the company was checking the most impressive resumes.” I laughed. Of course, Dylan was the second best student in Business Management even if he didn’t get an award for it. I was glad he got in as well. “So wanna have lunch later to celebrate?” he suddenly asked. A smirk came to my face. “Definitely! Let’s meet at the restaurant in front of Diamond Group of Companies. We’d be having meals there more often when we start work.” “Yeah!” he agreed. “See you then. Sorry, I have to go drop my siblings at school now.” “I understand. Say hi for me.” I really respected that he wasn’t ashamed of his responsibilities to his siblings unlike other men I knew. He was primarily a father and older brother figure now. He hung up afterwards and I exhaled. Today had started with a good news. My mind went to visiting the pack, to tell Mia and Mom of this news, then to carry my last things from the pack. If only Mia had a phone, I could have called her and tell her all these. But many werewolves in our pack saw phones, internet and cars as humans things. They barely did business because it could involve humans and they couldn’t discriminate them because the government had a no discriminatory rule against a different specie. Why have a car when a wolf was faster. Why have internet when you could ask the elders anything. Why have a phone when you have mind link. They always had something to say. But they forget mind link only worked when one were few meters from the other person. That reminded me how Mia had mind linked me when Dennis pulled me away. She must have chased after me, but got lost, to be able to mind link with me. I sighed. I didn’t want to think of sad things. “For now, I have to go to the pack and do this. I’d get Mia a phone too. I’m moving on.” I nodded and left to wash myself. If I got a job at a human company, Diamond Group of Companies, then I’d have even less things to do at the pack. I lived outside of it and worked outside of it. My life was almost human and I loved it that way. My father’s position as a Lead Warrior had been filled so there was no legacy I wanted to preserve there. When I was done, I took a taxi to the pack. The driver dropped me at the entrance because there was a no taxi rule within Black Bite Pack, the only werewolf pack within this vicinity. The warriors standing guard at the entrance gave me dirty looks as I came down from the taxi. I ignored them and paid the taxi to leave. I searched for Mia and my mother in mind link as I walked in. Eyes were on me but I ignored them as well. They all knew I graduated yesterday yet known of the came to congratulate me. The Alpha who came, out of duty, destroyed my day with a rejection. I owed this pack nothing anymore. “You are where?” What was Mia saying? She and my mother were at Alpha Red’s study? What did he want with them? I marched to the study and banged it open. The guards weren’t there. Alpha Red frowned as he looked up at me. There were more and more emotions on that cold face of his. “Aida.” My mother called and patted her side for me to seat at. My eyes were still on Alpha Red. What was he trying to do? I sat besides my mother not taking my eyes off him. “If this is about me then you know better than to involve them.” Mia panicked and held my lips after I spoke. “S-Sorry, Alpha Red. She means… she means you should hurry and tell us what you called us for.” So he hadn’t told them yet? I removed Mai’s hands from my mouth. “Yes, hurry and tell us. I have a date later.” Both Mia and my mother turned to me but I didn’t look at them. “You know a lot about the human world, don’t you?” He made it sound like humans were aliens from another universe. “I know more than your pride would let you know.” Mia gave me a side glance, while my mother made a ‘hmm’ sound. I didn’t know why I was acting like a hurt girl but what was more strange was how Alpha Red just ignored my actions. He should’ve punished me for my act yesterday yet he was made it look like it never happened. I didn’t know if I should be lucky or scared or hopeful. It wasn’t news that he readily banished any pack member who showed the slightest form of defiance. Was my case different? “I wanted to speak with your family first, but as you’re all here, it’s best.” Alpha Red rested on his chair. “From tomorrow, Aida Sundew, you’d take over Black Bite Pack’s businesses.” What? The importation of raw materials from abroad. I was to handle that? I knew barely anything about raw materials. Why should I do that? Was this how he said I’d be useful?
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