
1444 Words
My mom is gone. I can’t sleep or eat. When I close my eyes the image of mom appears in my mind. I haven't stepped outside of my home in two days. I'm just lying on my bed. Silence filled the whole house. Suddenly someone started to knock on the front door. Why is someone knocking on the door? There is no door there. Only broken pieces. Still, the knocking continues. I got up from my bed. I slowly walked towards the door. When I reached the door, Beta Sam was standing there. Is he here to scold me? “Claire, I know you lost your mother. Sara is a good omega. She always does her work properly. Especially the needs of Luna Ellis. Your mother is gone. So, the responsibility of looking after Alpha's family is yours now. You must get to work fast”. Sam said. After saying those words Sam disappeared from in front of me. At that moment my mom's voice echoed in my mind. “ We must do our duty whatever happens' '. I go straight to the washroom and take a bath. After that, I took the things for cleaning and headed towards the main building. The way to the main building is covered in silence. Pain is filled in everyone's face that passes near me. They didn’t recover from the attack like me. Before I entered the main building a group of people were standing in the corridor. They were talking to each other. Their faces are filled with seriousness. Passing near them, I heard them talking about Alpha Tyson. I stopped walking, I was standing a little distance from the crowd. “Alpha Tyson is in depression. He is not eating or sleeping after the death of his luna. He is dying, and our pack too”. One man said. He is a gamma, one of the best soldiers we have. “Our pack needs new alpha. Otherwise our pack gets destroyed. We must save our pack”. I knew that voice, so I looked at the crowd carefully. That is Arnold. Suddenly his eyes fell on me. Arnold gave me a weird smile. I withdrew my eyes from him and entered the main building. I got into the staircase and started to climb the staircase. Alpha lives at the top of the building. Is everyone plotting against Alpha Tyson? Our pack is going through a tough time and they want to get the alpha position. That is ridiculous. Did I need to inform the alpha? Yes, I must inform this to alpha. Otherwise, it will affect our pack. The staircase is in a luxurious hall. I have never been here. I didn’t have the permission to come here. As a luna’s omega my mom has only come to this corner of the building. The hall is filled with expensive furniture. There are a lot of paintings on the wall of the hall. One of them is Alpha Tyson’s father, Alpha Luke. Where is Alpha Tyson? I looked around the hall. My eyes spotted a door. I came near it. The sound of beta Sam is coming inside the room. So, I knocked on that door. Talking inside of the room stopped. Then The door opened, and Sam appeared on the other side of the opened door. “Finally you came. Get inside”. Sam said. Sam completely opened the door for me to enter. I entered the room. Unexpectedly, my eyes caught the face of Alpha. He is sitting in a chair. Our eyes caught for a second. Suddenly, Alpha withdraws his eyes from me. I started to look into the other side of the room. “This room became a mess. So clean it quickly”. Sam said. “Yes, beta”. I said. I moved away from Tyson and Sam. Then I went to another corner of the room and started my work. “We must prepare for another attack by Rex. He lost his twin brother. So, so he will never rest until the destruction of our pack”. Sam said to Tyson. I slowed my work and gave some focus to Sam's conversation. He is talking a bit loud. I can easily hear that. “Sam, I don't know what to do. It feels like I am incapable of leading the pack. So, I must…”. Tyson said. There is no confidence or command in his tone, only depression. “Don’t. Please don’t talk like that alpha. You are a capable alpha. The pack knows that”. Sam said. I must tell the conspiracy against Alpha. Did Sam also know about the conspiracy? Suddenly, Sam started to move towards me. I speed up my work. Sam came closer and said, “Claire, after cleaning this room. Then focus on the hall and other rooms. Today onwards you are in charge of cleaning this side of the building. And I would like to give you another responsibility to take care of Alpha. You must do whatever Alpha wants. We need our alpha Tyson back. Is it clear, Claire?” Sam said. “I understood, beta”. I said. After that Sam opens the door and gets out of the room. I continued my work. After some time, I completed my work in Alpha's room. The next job is to clean the hall and other rooms. Before that I had to ask Tyson if he wanted anything, So, I walked slowly towards Tyson. He is still sitting there in the chair. His eyes were closed. Is he sleeping? “Alpha?” I called him in a very low voice. He slowly opened his eyes. “Alpha, did you want anything?” I asked him. Tyson is looking at me with amazement in his face. His eyes become brightened up. He gets up from his chair. I take two steps backward. Tyson started to come towards me. “Ellis, come near to me”. Tyson said. What about Ellis? Is he thinking that I am his dead Luna? Without warning, Tyson hugged me. The mop and the bucket in my hands fell to the floor. Before I understand what is happening. Tyson already took me in his hands. I can feel the strong hands of Tyson. He is carrying me towards the bed. “Alpha, please stop. Leave me”. I begged, but Tyson didn’t bother. Tyson throws me in the bed. He started to undress his shirt. I don’t know what to do. He entered the bed and came closer to me. He moves me closer to him by crossing one of his hands on my shoulder. The distance of our lips becomes shorter and shorter. Finally, our lips become locked together. Now he is tasting my lips. I want to stop it, but I can’t. I started to kiss him passionately, I couldn’t control my emotions. Tyson started to press my breasts. One of his hands goes between my legs. I started to mourn. Tyson removed my t-shirt and his mouth went straight to one of my breasts. His saliva was all around my bra. My hands were going through his strong body. Suddenly his hands went back off my body and unhooked my bra. I know I have an average body but Alpha is still enjoying it. Tyson started to press my breasts with intensity. His lips started to taste my n*****s. I started to see another world. The feeling of loneliness started to erase from my mind. I can feel safe and protected. After my n*****s, Tyson’s lips and tongue go for my v****a and my whole body. I started to scream. The s*x was intense. This is my first s*x. I wanted to give my first s*x to my mate. But? Now we are lying in bed without any dress. Tyson gets up from the bed and sits on the side of the bed. I got up and started to get dressed. “Nobody should know that I had s*x with you. I don’t want to pack knowing that they have had s*x with an omega. You understand that?”. Tyson said. “Yes, alpha”. His words are hurting me. I finished my dressing and took the mop and bucket from the floor. “Alpha, I'm leaving”. “Ok, you must finish your remaining job” “I will” I go straight to open the door before I open the door. Someone started to knock on the door from outside. “Alpha, I am Sam. Can I come in?”.
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