
1544 Words
When I reached the corner of the main building, I put the bucket and mop on the ground. Still, tears have been running out of my eyes. I want to sit alone for a few moments. Nobody comes to this side of the building at this time. I sat on the ground and started to cry. I cried like a baby. Alpha’s that slap still hurts me. He slapped me in front of everyone which hurts even more than the slap. I know omega’s life is like this. We didn’t get any respect from anyone. To my amazement, Luna Ellis appeared in front of me. She is looking at me. I suddenly got up from the ground. “ Are you crying?” Luna asked. “No, Luna. I was just sitting here”. I said. Luna came closer to me and looked at my eyes. “Your eyes tell a different story,” Luna said. I didn’t say anything. Luna runs her fingers through my red cheeks. “Looks Like someone slapped you in your face. Who?’’. “Alpha”. I said in a low voice. Luna’s face filled with sympathy. “Claire, you know about the arrogant character of Tyson. He can’t control his temper. But he is a responsible alpha. He is facing lots of problems now. So, please forget what happened today”. Luna said. Her soft words started to heal my heart. After hugging me, Luna moves slowly away from me. Luna Ellis always takes care of her pack. She is just a few years older than me but she is a mother to our pack. I heard some people saying she can’t give a baby to Alpha Tyson. But in my heart, she is the best Luna. At night we had dinner. Sometimes mom looks at my face when I get slapped. Her face is filled with sorrow. But she never shows her pain outside. “Mom, I'm alright. Have your food peacefully”. I said. Mom knows the life of omega is like this. “Claire, we can’t control the actions of one’s that are above us. We must be careful.” After that, she didn’t say anything to me. We ate our breakfast in silence. I was preparing to sleep. There is a lot of work in the pack house tomorrow. “Claire”. Mom called me from her room. “What Mom?. I'm going to sleep”. I said in a loud voice. “Just come here for a minute”..Mom said. “I coming” I went straight to Mom’s bedroom. When I reached the door side, I saw mom sitting on her bed. She is wearing her nightdress. When she saw me, Mom waved her hand to come near her. With a smile, I went near her. “Claire lay on my lap”. Mom said. I sat on the bed next to mom and I lay my head on my mom’s lap. It’s been a long time since I laid on my mother’s lap. I feel safe there. It calms my mind. That calmness I never experienced in my whole life. Mom started to cuddle on my forehead. I closed my eyes slowly. “Are you sleeping?” Mom asked. “No, mom. I am just feeling your cuddling”. I said without opening my eyes. The memory of alpha slapping still lingers in my mind. That pain is still in my soul and body. Suddenly the tears started to fill in my eyes. The tears started to flow through the closed eyes. I suddenly got up from mom’s lap and started to wipe the tears. “Hiding tears never heal your pain, sweety”. Mom said. Mom put her hand around my shoulder and moved me closer to her. She looked at my eyes. Her eyes look very sharp. “ Claire, when I lost my George in a battle. My life becomes hopeless. At that time, you are in my womb. I don’t know what to do.I don’t know how to survive. It felt like my life was ending. One day, an old woman came closer to me. She gave me food and shelter. That old woman always says to me, “ Life is like a battle. Never surrender”. I want to tell you the same thing. Never surrender in your life. Face bravely whatever things come to your life”. She kissed my cheek where alpha slapped. “Go to bed and sleep peacefully, my love”. Mom said. “Good night, Mom,” I said and got up from the bed. “Good night dear” I came out of the room. I was looking at the mirror in my room. My image appeared in the mirror. I know I am an average girl. Today I got insulted by Arnold and the gang and got slapped by Alpha Tyson. But I never surrender in my life. Suddenly a gunshot was heard outside of our house. I was shocked. I get out of my room. Mom was already at the window and looking outside. I came closer to Mom and asked, “What is happening, Mom?” “I think we have been attacked”. Mom said. “Is it a rogue pack?”. “I don’t know” Suddenly, someone started hitting our front door. I was scared and came closer to Mom. In the next minute, our front door broke into pieces. From the broken door, already-shifted wolves get inside our home. Their arrogant red eyes were looking at us. The two wolves started to come towards us. “Claire, run,” Mom said with a scared face. “Mom, we can’t escape from them” Mom takes her hands from me and goes straight to the wolves. “Mom, no”. I screamed. “Run, Claire” The wolves were biting my mom. I took a stand and hit one of the wolves. The stand was broken. The wolf leaves my mom and comes closer to me with blood in his mouth. I looked for a weapon, but before that, the wolf hit me with his hand. I lost consciousness before closing my eyes. I heard my mom screaming. When I opened my eyes, I was lying in bed. The sunlight shines on my face. I looked around, lots of people were lying on different beds. Some of them are sleeping and others are lying with open eyes. I feel immense pain in my body. I have a bandage on my head. So the wolf didn’t harm me much, thanks, the moon goddess. I looked around. Where is mom? I slowly got up. “Don’t get up from the bed. You need rest”. A voice came from the corner of the room. I looked in the direction where the sound came from. Nurse Eva is coming towards me. “Claire, you need rest. Your body is weak”. Eva said. “Eva, where is my mom?. I want to see her”. “Sara is not here. Maybe in another ward”. Eva said. I got up from the bed quickly without Eva stopping me. Eva tried to stop me by holding my hand, but I didn’t stop there. “Claire, please stop”. Eva shouted. I got out of the ward. Eva is right, my body is weak. It feels like I will lose my consciousness. Sometimes I pressed the wall for support. At that moment I started to notice the broken glasses and doors of the pack house. Nobody is there in pathways, it feels like a deserted place. Where has everyone gone? A rotten smell started to come in my nose. A big attack took place here. My eyes captured a huge crowd of people some distance away from me. I think They all are standing at the crematorium ground. I slowly walked towards the crowd. When I reached the crematorium, I moved forward between the people. Finally, I reached in front of the crowd. In there alpha Tyson and Sam are standing there. I was shocked to see our beloved Luna Ellis lying on the crematorium ground. She is still glowing even in the crematorium ground. “I never forgive alpha Luke for killing Ellis and attacking my pack. We avenge them”. Alpha Tyson screamed. Everybody, including Sam, shakes their heads in support of Tyson. I noticed that not only Luna's crematorium ground there. There are a lot of them. Lots of people's lives were lost in yesterday’s attack. One of the crematorium grounds gets my special attention. I slowly walked towards the crematorium ground. “Where are you going?’. Everybody wants to stop me, but I move forward. Please moon goddess. It felt like my life had ended near that crematorium ground. My mom is lying on the inside of the crematorium ground. I looked at my mom for a few seconds. Feels stuck, everything around me feels like it has stopped. I fell to the ground and shouted, “Mom, please don’t leave me”. There is no movement in my mom. A silence filled there.
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