Chapter 12

2216 Words

Harley After sitting and talking to Hinley and Cole for awhile I decided to head up to bed. I had another early shift at work tomorrow. It's another seven to seven shift and those days are so long. Today is Wednesday so I just gotta make it through tomorrow and then I get a three day weekend. I can't wait for it I'm exhausted mentally and emotionally. It's been a long week. But i have to spend all day friday cooking and baking. I told Suzy (the guy's mom) that id help fix stuff for the cookout. When I get to my room I decide to check my messages on my phone bc I had it turned down while I was talking to Hinley. I've got a couple new ones from Dec and Hunter and surprisingly enough Jax also. I decide to read them and respond back before going to sleep. Dec- I'm sorry I was an ass

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