The New Alpha Husband

1156 Words
“Jozy, can you hurry up?" My mother's voice echoed through the house, signalling that it was time for me to finish up in the shower and have breakfast in Alpha’s mansion. Yep, you heard that right. My mother had gone and married the Alpha of our pack after my father was banished for running off with another she-wolf. Talk about scandalous. No one had heard from my dad since he left to start his own pack, probably called something ridiculous like the "Backstabbers" or the "Runaway Rogues." So here I was, stuck living in a mansion with my mom and her new Alpha husband, who seemed to think he was the king of the world. I mean, sure, the mansion was nice and all, but I missed the simple life in our village across the river. Oh, did I forget to mention I have a stepbrother? Well, I do, Mason. And let me tell you, he's a piece of work. Mason, with his sweet and handsome name, is anything but sweet and handsome. He's what I like to call an arrogant, self-destructive wolf w***e. Yeah, you heard me right. He's a real piece of work. "Jozy!!" My mother yelled from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts of Mason. "I'm coming, jeez!" I shouted back, rolling my eyes. The bathroom door swung open, and before I could even react, there stood Mason, with his droopy eyes and sexy piercing gaze. "Wow, dude can you knock?" He just opened the bathroom door. I tried to cover myself with a towel but he was still staring. "Your mother is calling you," His gaze lingered a little too long on my barely covered body. "I'm coming," I muttered, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I stood there in just a towel. He is phew, like really out of this world phew. With his dark hair and chiselled abs, he could make even the most composed person want to rip off his t-shirt on the spot. And don't even get me started on how hot he is. I'm talking about ice cream weather hot, the kind of heat where you just want to lick it all up. "Are you coming?" Mason's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I strutted out of the bathroom, his eyes wide and fixated on me from behind. “Can you stop staring, you're creeping me out," I said, trying to keep my cool as I continued on my way to my bedroom. I think I need a shower. Again. "Can I come in?" Mason asks, with that smug look on his face. He just opened my bedroom door again. I try to maintain my composure, but it's hard when he's standing there looking all hot and bothered. "No, my mother is calling, and you..." I trail off as he just stares at me, his eyes are like lasers, cutting right through me. What is he doing? "Why are you shaking?" he asks, taking a step closer. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I try to back away. The towel slips from my grasp and falls to the floor, leaving me standing there completely naked in front of him. I can feel the panic rising in my chest as I scrambled to cover myself up. Mason just stood there, his eyes roaming over my exposed body. "What are you doing here?!" I finally managed to choke out, my voice coming out in a squeak. "You haven't turned yet, have you?" he questioned, his voice low and husky. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he moved closer, trapping me against the wall. My pulse quickened as his scent filled my nostrils, a heady mix of musk and desire. I tried to compose myself, to push away the primal urges that threatened to consume me. But as he leaned in even closer, his lips tantalizingly close to mine, I felt a surge of desire, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. My hand trembled as I reached out, unsure of whether to push him away or pull him closer. His breath was warm against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel the tension between us, thick and palpable. “No, I haven't.” My words came out as nothing more than a strangled whisper. His eyes bore into mine. "I can see that," he said dangerously close to my lips. I couldn't help but notice the way his lips curved into a mischievous grin. What was he up to? Before I could gather my thoughts, his fingers trailed down my neckline, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. My heart raced as he inched closer, his breath hot against my skin. Just as I felt his touch inching close to my cleavage, my mother's voice shattered for the moment. “Josy, for the love of god, you're going to be late for school!” her voice seemed to be right next to my ear, causing me to jump in surprise. Mason’s lips were almost touching mine and all of a sudden a broad smile spread over his face. “See you downstairs, little sis,” he said, his words floating through the air like a feather before he turned and disappeared down the stairs. Wait, did he just call me sis? Urrghh! I quickly threw on a plain white T-shirt and jeans, not bothering to check if they matched or not. I yanked my hair into a messy ponytail and raced downstairs, only to be greeted by my mother's disapproving glare. “Why did you take so long? School starts in half an hour, and you haven't eaten yet,” she scolded, eyeing me up and down. I shot a glare at Mason, who was casually munching on an apple and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Oh, sorry Mother, My stepbrother here decided to play a little game with me this morning. You know, the classic 'let's see how fast we can make Josy's heart race' game. I thought to myself, but not saying it out loud. "I. Well, I was busy. I couldn't find my T-shirt," I stammered, trying to sound convincing. "Really? You couldn't find your T-shirt? That's the best you could come up with?" my mother said while Mason cracked up. I could feel my veins boiling. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of her scepticism bearing down on me. "Okay, fine. I overslept." I couldn't exactly tell her that Mason was in my room seeing me naked and made me well… let's just say, he made me feel a bolt of electricity running down there, you know, downstairs. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You and your excuses. Just admit that you're a walking disaster and let's move on.” Mason's laughter echoed through the room and I stuck out my tongue at him, feeling like a mischievous preschooler.
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