Condom daydream!

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"Ugh, Mason will give you a lift to school, I have to meet Christian at the offices," my mother said, nonchalantly tossing my lunch into my bag. Perfect! I thought to myself, and by perfect, I meant sarcastically perfect. I plastered a fake smile on my face and nodded at my mother. "Well, come on, we're late," Mason barked as he headed towards the door. "Asshole," I muttered under my breath as I grabbed my bag and followed him out. I slid into his flashy convertible. The leather seats hugged my body like a long-lost friend, and the scent of a new car filled my nostrils. I tossed my bag onto my lap. The sun was shining, and the wind was whipping through my hair. "Put your safety belt on," Mason said, as he casually fastened his own. Why do I have a feeling this drive is going to be a fast one? I shot him a look that said, "Are you serious right now?" But of course, he was. I took a deep breath and clicked the safety belt into place. Mason revved the engine. I couldn't help but think about all the things I still wanted to do in life. Like turning 18, for example. Or maybe even turn into a wolf myself before I die. As we peeled out of the driveway, I held on for dear life. The wind whipped through my hair and I couldn't help but let out a nervous sigh. “Can you slow down?" I squealed, gripping the door handle for dear life. But did he listen? No! Instead, he just laughed maniacally and pressed down even harder on the petrol pedal, causing the houses next to me to shrink in size like they were made of Legos. I swear, if we hit a speed bump at this rate, we'd probably launch off into orbit. My heart was pounding in my chest, my knuckles turning white from holding onto the oh-s**t handle so tightly. I couldn't decide if I should close my eyes and pray for dear life or keep them open to witness my impending doom. “Listen, you may have a wolf that can protect and heal you, but I don't. So slow down.” I said louder this time. “Oh come on little sis, have a little fun,” he smirked. "Stop calling me sis," I shouted over the roar of the engine. "I'm not your sister and slow down now!" he loosened on the petrol paddle and we slowed down. I breathed in and out feeling relieved. "I can't wait for you to turn into a wolf, I want to see how you're going to handle the rush of running wild," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye. I shot him a glare that could rival Medusa's. My mother never told me how it feels to turn. I have watched a few times how some of the older kids in the village turned, and it looked horrifying. Like every bone in their body breaking into a million pieces. We finally pulled up the school driveway, and everyone was staring, and not at me, nope at Mason Steele. I watched the girls wheeling in, one by one, to greet Mason. It was like they were in some kind of trance, kissing him on the cheek and giggling like schoolgirls. And then, to my horror, one of them actually slipped a condom into his hand. A condom! Mason's smile grew wider as the girls threw themselves at him, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were all vying for his attention. It was like watching a scene from a bad teen movie, except this was real life and I couldn't believe I was witnessing it. I tried to compose myself as I watched Mason's interactions with the girls, but it was impossible. The whole situation was just too ridiculous. I mean, who brings a condom to school? Mason dragged me towards the school entrance, trying to escape yet another group of girls. "What, was the heat too much for you to handle?" I teased. “Maybe you can use that condom on that girl over there," I joked, nodding towards a shy girl sitting alone reading a book. I mean, hey, at least she was actually doing something productive with her time, unlike me, who was being dragged around like a ragdoll by Mason. "Or maybe I'll just use it on you," Mason said, flashing a mischievous grin down at me. Did he just, what? "What?" I managed to squeak out, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Mason just chuckled, a deep, hearty laugh that seemed to reverberate off the walls. With a playful glint in his eye, Mason grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the hallway. "Come on, slowpoke! We're late" he teased. I stumbled along behind him, trying to keep up with his brisk pace. As we rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall - sure enough, we were dangerously close to being tardy. “I will see you later little sis," Mason said with a sly wink as I headed into my classroom, him off to his own class. I settled into my seat in class, trying to focus on the lecture about ancient civilizations. But my mind kept wandering back when Mason made a joke that he would use the condom on me. My hands started to sweat again, I was. Well I. Okay! I’m still a virgin. Yup, a virgin that still hasn't shifted into a wolf and has never been kissed by a boy. Never! Can you believe it? I mean, I've read enough romance novels to know how it's supposed to go down, but reality just hasn't caught up with my fantasies yet. To be honest, I am a nerd. A bookworm, who conveniently moved in with a bully and the most popular guy in school. I mean, did I mention someone gave him a condom? I wouldn't even know how to put that thing on. “Jozy?” Mr. Barnes bellowed, yanking me out of my daydream. I coughed awkwardly and squirmed in my chair, feeling the weight of all my eyes in the classroom boring into me. Did I accidentally blurt out my thoughts to the entire class? "Can you explain what Ancient civilization refers to?" he asked, and phew! I dragged my fingers over my forehead. He was just asking a question about the lecture. I take a deep breath and launch into my explanation, trying to sound as knowledgeable as possible. "Well, ancient civilizations refer to societies that existed thousands of years ago, with complex social structures, advanced technologies, and impressive architectural feats," I say, feeling like a walking encyclopedia. Yup, I told you I was a bookworm. “Excellent Jozy,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, causing the rest of the class to snap their heads back to the front like a group of synchronized meerkats. I glanced around the room and caught the eye of Sarah, who was trying her best to hold back a laugh. Sarah was the daughter of Mr Anderson. The billionaire Alpha from the crescent moon pack. I never thought I'd be one of the privileged few to attend school in the city among humans. But hey, when your mom goes and marries the Alpha, suddenly you're part of the elite group. It's like being in the mafia, only instead of suits and guns, we've got backpacks and textbooks. “Hey, did Mason walk you to class?” Sarah asked. Sarah mated with Mason and even shifted already. And here I am, still waiting for my wolf to make its grand entrance. Am I the only one who hasn't shifted yet? I mean, I get it. I'm not even eighteen yet. My birthday is still three agonizingly long months away. But that doesn't make it any less frustrating to watch all my friends frolicking in their fur coats while I'm stuck in this human skin, feeling like a total outcast. Back to Mason and Sarah. They mated when they turned in January. Mason had a party, and he yelled at his mate! And they lived happily ever after! Urrgh! I tried to hide my blushing cheeks when she asked if Mason walked me to class. I couldn't exactly form a sentence thinking about this morning when he was cornering me with just my towel around me and, oh, the condom! As I stammered out a response to Sarah, my mind was racing with all the embarrassing moments of the morning. It was like a bad sitcom episode playing on repeat in my head. “Uhm, yes,” I said quickly. Why didn't he say hello?" she asked herself, her brows furrowed in confusion. I watched as her eyes darted around the room, searching for answers that seemed to elude her. I pulled up my shoulders, trying to look nonchalant, but deep down I was just as puzzled as she was. Why hadn't he said hello? The room suddenly seemed too quiet, too still. I cleared my throat, breaking the tension that had settled between us. "Maybe he's just shy?" I offered, hoping to lighten the mood with a touch of humor. She shot me a look that clearly said she wasn't buying it." Shy? He's never been shy before." I pulled my shoulders up again as if that would somehow block out the chaos swirling around in my brain. Mr Barnes was droning on about communities that became the basis for later states, nations, and empires' nonsense.
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