Chapter 3

1050 Words
Earlier that same day. King Costello flung a newspaper in his son's face, which he caught without stress. "What is this?!" He slammed his fist on his office table. Dominic had grown up into a fine young man. People called him King's replica; they looked extremely similar. He was like the younger version of his father, but only physically. His dark raven hair, ocean blue eyes, and perfectly formed face, sharpened brains along with his model-like height made him a man most women desired. Hence, the reason why they flocked around him. One of the reasons he was known as one of the nation's most popular date and drop; heartbreakers. He despised his father and was indifferent to his behavior in every way. Dominic looked for every opportunity to infuriate his father, one of which was getting into as many scandals as possible. Dominic opened the newspaper and saw another edition of a blog about him and the famous actress, Leah Chantel, in a scandal at Lansbury hotel a week before. He simply scoffed and tossed the paper to the floor, chuckling deeply. "Really?" King was fuming. "Do you think this is funny? You're engaged to Roselyn!" Roselyn Bale, a self-acclaimed princess and goddess. The earth moved for her. Her father, Robin Bale, was a multi-billionaire who was only willing to contract with King if he could promise his son to his daughter, who solely desired Dominic. He agreed to it; the Bales were much more affluent than they were, and anytime King saw an opportunity to make more money, he jumped at it. She had also suffered from Dominic's reputation. Videos of her fighting with his side chicks were on Vacebook, Stargram, and DanceTok. People mocked her and disrespected her whenever she left for sticking with a man like him. Roselyn didn't mind. He was the man they all wanted, and the man she would end up with. After all, she did get the sympathy of others who saw her as the victim. Dominic would also have to deny ever dating those women with fake evidence as his father would have him. Their union was nothing but a comedic tie, for the enjoyment of the media and their enemies. Dominic was always unapologetic and would continue anyway. "You keep amazing me, father," Dominic spoke icily.  "You speak as though mother is the only woman you keep next to you. I know about your little w****s; just make sure I don't see you together with my very own eyes." King threw a glass cup at Dominic, which he dodged; the alcohol it contained ended up staining the white walls along with the broken glass. Dominic remained unfazed; his father had always been violent, not just to him but to his mother and his workers. He was a role model to the public but a piece of s**t outside the media. He hated Roselyn too for being so delusional and for trying to launch herself on him. He promised himself that he was going to break that engagement no matter what, and all he needed was the perfect girl. He had searched for three years since the engagement, but all the girls he found only liked him for his looks; if it wasn't for that, it was money or most times both. If that wasn't the case, they seemed boring and only did whatever he wanted them to, which only reminded him of how his mother worshiped his undeserving father. He dated and had several flings and dropped them once they became boring to him, thus earning his reputation. "Is that how you talk to me?! I gave you everything you own today; remember that!" King yelled so much. "I'd like for you to take it back then," Dominic scowled. "This is why I go after other women; they don't make me as sense as you and your stupid mother make me." Dominic never defended his mother whenever his father hurled insults at her; he stopped trying when he was eighteen, when he realized that his mother was beyond help and wouldn't stop kissing his father's ass. "I'm late for the Annual Billionaires Charity Conference. I must fulfill my duties as the perfect son." "Perfect, my foot!" King huffed. Dominic touched his face. "At least you didn't scar my perfect face. We know how much concealer it took to hide the ones from my childhood before they faded." "And if you're not careful, I'll be adding more to the list." Before he could leave his office, "Once you return from the conference, we will be talking about your wedding with Roselyn. Her father and I have decided that it is time. You best know that your mother won't survive the aftermath of you disobeying me." Dominic kept silent and left. His mother's existence depended on his father, who was also human like them. He chuckled bitterly. "Sir," Michael, his personal assistant, gulped. He knew all wasn't well when his boss chuckled like that. He knew that his sanity had been put to the test. Michael had witnessed King's explosive nature multiple times and how much it affected Dominic. He would sometimes yell out of impulse but would immediately call himself like. He hated that he became similar to his father even though he promised himself he would become nothing like him. He felt disgusted at the sight of his father and ready to give him hell for the way he ruined his life. "Is the jet ready?" He looked up at his assistant. "Yes." "Get twelve bottles of vodka, whiskey, and tequila on the plane." "Yo-you can't show up drunk to the conference, sir." "Since when are you the boss of me?" Dominic asked Michael with bloodshot eyes. "How could I ever be the boss of you?" He laughed nervously. "I'll make sure I get them on the plane." All eyes were on him as he walked out of his father's company; from the way he didn't reply to anyone's greeting or spare anyone a side glance, they all knew something went down between him and his father. Dominic was going to the conference only for two reasons. One, because his father made it obligatory for him to be there. Secondly, because he was going there to disgrace his old man.
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