Chapter 5: Collision Of Fate

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K I A R A ' S P. O. V "Who was that hot stranger you danced with last night? He must have crashed the party because I definitely did not recognise him." I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course, Tessa thought she knew every single socialite in New York, even though it was dark and their faces were concealed with masks. I smiled sheepishly at her, even though my answer would in know way satisfy her insatiable hunger for a name. "No-one." "Bullshit. You two cleared the dance floor, put on a hot f*****g show...I mean the whole thing was electric. I felt horny just watching the two of you." "Oh an exhibitionist now, are you?" To my surprise, she giggled. "On the odd occasion." She bit her lip in a naughty fashion. "Kale and I found this club that's..." I quickly plugged my fingers into my ears. "La, la, la, la, la! I'm not listening, no s*x talk remember!" "Okay, okay," She gestured to lose the fingers. "Anyways, mystery man. Go," "There's nothing to say, I was dancing with Tristan and then suddenly I was dancing with him." Putting up her hand, she smiled. "You danced with Tristan? Like you in his arms? Are you two..." I couldn't believe she would even suggest that. "What no! We're just friends, we bumped into one another and talked. That was it." "What did you talk about?" She asked, digging her spoon into the bottom of her Ben and Jerry's tub. The girl left none to spare. "Life, what we've been up to you..." "Did Aaron come up? Anastasia?" "Stasia no, so if you see him, don't mention it. Aaron yes, briefly and I don't want to talk about it anymore." "Fair enough." I gave her a smile in appreciation. "So, where's Alessi?" "He's taken Stasia to the park with Kai. Apparently seeing Central Park has always been on his bucket list." "That's so weird, I mean we've lived here all our lives. Walked in Central Park probably a million times and yet, for other people it's a once in the lifetime opportunity." "We're lucky then." Money, a beautiful baby, a gorgeous home. I had it all, yet something always felt like it was missing. "We're back!" Alessi called out as he poked the door. Stasia's incoherent babbling quickly followed. "My gorgeous baby," I giggled when she fell onto the ground and tried to push herself up. To no avail, she simply huffed and sat there impatiently, waiting for someone to scoop her up. "Why the pout baby? You nearly got there." I smothered kiss all over her face, earning her infectious laughter. "She might be a little hyper, Kai gave her an ice cream." I sighed, knowing the long night I had ahead of me. "I'll just have to find some way to tire her out then." Letting her run wild in the garden seemed the best choice at the moment. I shifted her in my arms to give Tessa a one armed hug, before she left for her dress fitting. Anastasia squirmed in my arms, wanting to be released so I gently set her down. She waddled over to the bed and began chewing on the comforter. I chuckled, shaking my head at her antics but she was just too damn cute to scold. That's why, whenever I did, I forced myself to imagine something else in her place. A duck, a gremlin, that creepy goblin creature from Lord of the Rings. Somehow, she always got her way though. Or ended up with a new toy. It was scary, but she had ways of manipulating me and she could barely speak. I feared for my future. "Thank you for taking her." "It was my pleasure Bella," Alessi held me close, burying his face into the nape of my neck. I sighed, drawing him in closer. I felt comfort in his touch. After I had left the ball, which was directly after our dance I ended, I went straight up to my room. Alessi was already zonked out in the bed, his body sprawled everywhere, and so was Anastasia in the same fashion, except she was lying in her crib. The shower I took must have lasted at least half an hour. I spent the entire time, remembering the dance over and over again, trying to feel each hand movement, each whispered breath, the sound of my nickname rolling off his tongue. That was the only word spoken. Princess. Alessi knew what that nickname meant to me now. I had explained it all after our argument and he promised to never utter the word again. He cared so much about me, he respected the fact that Anastasia came first and he was willing to brave my family. No guy had done that for me, especially not Aaron. I needed to open up my heart to him. The heart that was padlocked and hidden deep within me. The heart I didn't even know is able to love, but I needed to try. If not for me then for Stasia, she deserved a happy family more than anyone. "Where is she?" Alessi commented, quickly drawing away from me. Confused, I glanced around the room, finding no-one but us, and the door that was slightly cracked open. Oh no. I raced out and headed down the hallway, directing Alessi down the other. Calm down Kiara, she's lost in your house. Well, she can't really be lost in a house but you'll find her. There are a million security cameras and guards. Someone will find her. Then I recalled what my dad had told me this morning. "Make sure to keep Anastasia away from my office, I'm having a meeting with tomorrow. A dangerous one." There was no need for him to elaborate. Dangerous meeting meant mafia. One of the very things, I wanted Anastasia to stay away from. "Stasia! Stasia!" I searched door after door, bellowing her name out, echoing it off the walls but nothing. My heart began to race as visions of creepy old men, snatching my daughter up, began to plauge my mind. No, I would die before I let someone take my baby from and she would not be taken from my own house, of all places. "Stasia!" My mind went numb as my eyes settled in on the scene. His hands were on her, his eyes staring down at my little girl, assessing her with sheer curiosity. I felt myself tremble and my knees threatening to collapse from underneath me. His eyes finally looked up. Upon seeing the true terror on my face, his mouth fell agape and his eyes widened, and then he looked down at my little girl again. This was the stuff of nightmares, my nightmares. Aaron f*****g Black, holding my baby girl, and there was nothing I could do about it. *** A A R O N ' S P. O. V After last night, I knew the only thing I could do was visit the Romano mansion. Fortunately for me, Ryder was bound to have a meeting with my company's rep today. Ryder no longer wanted to see me, nor I am after his daughter had ripped out my heart and left me shattered at the airport. This time though, I was going. My brain was telling me this was a s**t idea, a f****d up, screwed up plan that would only lead to further problems. However, my heart wanted see her, I meant. I just needed to see her again, and maybe talk? Brushing off the lapels of my suit jacket, I stepped out of my office, ignoring my assistant's goodbye. The minute I sat down in my sleek black Audi, my phone began to buzz, forcing me to hook it up to the Bluetooth. "Aaron Black speaking," I put the car in the reverse and started the familiar drive to the mansion. "Aaron, are you in the car?" "What the f**k do you want Tristan?" I snapped. "Where are you going?" I didn't reply. "For f**k's sake, you said last night only." "I need more." Just a few touches wasn't enough to satisfy my unquenchable thirst for Kiara. "You're getting greedy again, and you know this s**t will only end one way." "It could end differently this time, and we didn't talk. We just danced." He let out a humourless laugh. "I think that dance said everything it needed too, including the part when she ran out on you. Again." Even I couldn't argue with that symbolism. "I'm just going for a meeting, if I happen to bump into her, then...I guess it's fate." The stars were always aligned for our favour, or mine should I say. We were inevitable. Her future would forever be entwined with mine. She's only been back a few days and already we've touched, danced and practically f****d with our eyes. I needed one more touch, one more night with her. Then I could say goodbye forever. "You're a f*****g i***t and this is a stupid ass plan." "Nice speaking with you too Tris," Pressing end call, I settled back into my leather seat and sighed in content, watching the traffic slowly move. In an hour, I would be in her house. Her presence would linger through the hallways and her body, mind and soul would be there somewhere. Completely unaware that I had come for her. *** I was greeted by Ryder immediately upon entering the foyer. The deathly glare and surprised expression, I was expecting. However the panic plaguing his eyes, I was not. He almost looked...sacred. That was definitely the most frightening thing I've ever seen. "What are you doing here?" No politeness in his tone and his hand hovered over his nine inch revolver. I should have drawn my own and be severely pissed off, especially with the deal I had offered him. I guess...I did f**k his daughter though. I'll call it even instead. "I decided to take this meeting instead." I c****d my head and spoke ambiguously. "Why? Are you hiding something from me?" "No not at all." He let out a nervous chuckle and then flashed me his signature smirk. "Follow me." As we made our way to his office, I noticed how he was quick to the avoid the staircase. My eyes lingered on the many doors it led up to. She must be hiding in one of them. I decided to shut my mouth for now and quietly follow Ryder. We discussed the main points of the meeting, and the two of us negotiated a new trade deal for more arms at my warehouses. It was nearing almost two hours and my body was still itching to explore the rest of the house, more specially upstairs. "I need the bathroom." Ryder stood and opened the door, gesturing towards the kitchen that was opposite us. "Take a left at the kitchen door and then you'll find it on your right. In fact, let me escort you." "No, no please. I'm sure I can find it without assistance." He flashed me a fake smile as I left, and I was surprised he didn't slam the door on my ass on the way out. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see the man hated me. Many did. Hell, most days I hated myself. Never here though. She never said those words to me. Despite all the s**t I put her through, those three little words that would break me whole, never left her mouth. And I was thankful for it everyday. I rushed up the stairs, skipping one at a time, and then started flinging the doors open. Most of them were empty, some had maids still cleaning them. One particularly brave one had the balls to wink at me and then flash me a smile. Another threw me out whilst flinging Spanish slurs my way. I guess she had just done the mop. Yet, no Kiara. No sign of her. It was almost as if the woman I danced with last night was a ghost. A very own figment of my imagination. I would have thought she was as well, if it wasn't for Tristan, who witnessed the entire thing with his own two eyes. I could hear the faint shrill of Gabi's voice, calling out a name. Stacy...something. Anyways, I turned the corner, hoping to avoid her when something crashed into my leg. Looking down, I frowned in confusion, eyeing up the small child that had just ran into me. The little girl's bottom lip popped out and her eyes began to water. s**t, did I hurt her? Suddenly she began screaming and when I say screaming, I mean f*****g screaming. I couldn't risk someone finding me, so in panic, I picked her up quickly and began bouncing her side to side, like I remember my dad doing to Caitlin when she was a baby. Somehow, it works and now I'm just holding a non crying baby. I shrugged, pleased with myself and set her down. The baby fell to her knees and cried again. Jesus, couldn't this kid walk properly? Picking her up again, I bounced her again, earning a cute giggle from the little monster. "Fuck." I muttered, knowing I was in deep s**t. If I set her down again, chances are she would scream. I looked down at the baby. She wasn't that young, must be over a year at least. Her chubbiness made me smile, and laugh. She was cute. Her hair was black, no doubt about it. Her eyes though, her eyes were... "Wolfie." A tiny voice squeaked. I found her eyes glued to my face, a big goofy smile erupting onto hers. "Excuse me," I stammered out. "Wolfie," Her hand touched my cheek and I gasped. Suddenly her eyes narrowed and she scowled. "Bad wolfie!" Then she slapped me. What the f**k? I was so confused and taken aback by the small slap, I didn't even notice her. Looking up, I was instantly stunned. f**k, how did she look more beautiful than last night? There was no mask concealing her face, no makeup covering her up. Sweatpants and a baggy shirt donned her perfect figure and her dark locks were thrown up into a messy bun. This was the woman I've been looking for, for two years. This was the woman I took to Paris. This was the woman I comprised all my values for. This was the woman who broke my heart. The baby began to squirm in my grip and I glanced down at her. Her lips were so perfectly shaped, I had only ever seen one other pair like that. Kiara's. The resemblance was uncanny. Despite the hair and the eyes, she could be Kiara. "Mama." The little girl called out, her eyes set straight on Kiara, who turned ashen. There was no f*****g way. ________________________________ A/N: Ahhh!!! Do you think Aaron knows? What will his reaction be? Will Kiara tell him the whole truth?
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