Chapter 4: Him

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Omg guys you have no idea how long I've been planning this particular chapter for!! I'm so excited to share this with you, especially the scene where the song, I still don't know your name, is vital so when I say press play then please listen to the song whilst reading!! K I A R A ‘ S P. O. V "Are you sure you don't want to come tonight? I could easily hire a sitter." Alessi met my eyes in the mirror, watching intently as I put in my final earring. Anastasia babbled loudly in his arms, launching forward to grab another car. We both laughed as she face planted the mattress instead, and my heart clenched when I noticed the admiration and awe on his face. He really did love her. "No, I'm good bella. Balls aren't really my thing, you known I'm not much of a dancer." I laughed, remembering fondly the night he took me salsa dancing. My feet got trod on so much that I was forced to go to the emergency room by the end of the night. "Besides, it gives me more time with this beautiful little Angel." Picking her up, he threw her in the air and caught her. She giggled, screaming in joy as he did it again. I shook my head in amusement, and stepped back to smooth out my dress. Releasing a shaky breath, I turned around. "So, how do I look?" His jaw literally dropped and even Stasia turned her attention away from her car for a moment. "Mama, mama," She cried, bouncing up on down. I quickly swung her into my arms, and bopped her nose. "Mama pitty," "Are you trying to stay pretty, gorgeous girl?" Giggling again, she nodded and grabbed my face in her hands. Planting her lips on mine, she pulled back with a huge lipstick imprint all over her face. "Messy girl." I grabbed a wipe and quickly cleaned her face, before setting her down. She fell at first but then quickly got herself up and began waddling around like a duck. Laughing to myself at the little monster I had created, I slowly turned to Alessi. He raised his hand and on instinct I took it. Lowering his head, he placed the lightest of kisses on my knuckles. "Beautiful, just beautiful." "Thank you Alessi." I pecked his lips, just as a knock sounded on the door. "Come in." My mum looked like a total knock out in the original Chanel dress she had designed for this very occasion. The champagne colour contrasted perfectly with her tanned skin. "Oh my..." She stopped in the doorway. "Gramama!" Stasia exclaimed, putting her hands up for attention. My mum walked in, picking up my drama queen of a child, and then placed her hand on my cheek. "You're so beautiful darling. God...I feel like tearing up." "I'm not the one getting married mum and save the tears for the actual wedding day." "I know." She sniffled, dabbing her eyes with the napkin handed her. "But you're my baby, and Anastasia is getting so big..." "I know. I feel like crying everyday when I see her, it's like she grows overnight. We just have to enjoy the moment though." She nodded quickly, passing Stasia off to Alessi. "Enjoy the moment. Right." "Are my beautiful girls in there?" My dad's voice boomed from down the hallway. "Grandpapa! Grandpapa!" I sighed, watching as Stasia began screaming for my dad now. "There's my gorgeous girl." I beamed stepping forward, but my smile dropped as my dad surpassed me and made a straight beeline for Stasia. I guess I wasn't my dad's little girl anymore. My heart blossomed though as I watched them both interact. My dad had always acted as a surrogate father for Anastasia too. She had so much love right now, I didn't want to strip her of that. "Ryder, your daughter is here too." My mum chided. "Yes, and she looks perfect as always but my grandbaby looks better." He winked in his joking manner. "Mum the guests are starting to arrive!" Kai called out. "Okay it's go time," As my mum forced me to stay a quick goodbye to my daughter and then practically shoved my out the door, I knew this night was going to be anything but fun. *** "Why aren't you dancing?" I gulped down my drink and then put up my finger to order a another from the bartender. "Because I would rather camp out by the bar and get drunk all night." Tessa rolled her eyes, setting her hand on her hip. She was honestly gorgeous, from her natural blonde curls to the form fitting pink dress she donned. For some reason, my mum decided to make this a masked ball and therefore shoved a very uncomfortable black mask over my eyes. Tessa's though, looked completely elegant with tiny rhinestones outlining her eyes. "You have to dance, it's the essence of a ball." "Look, Kai is over there in the corner practically f*****g some random slut in a mask. Go talk to him," Snatching my drink away, she gripped my wrist and tugged my away from the comforts of alcohol. "He isn't on the verge of falling into a depression." "I'm not..." "I'm worried about you." She said bluntly, cutting me off. "I want you to have fun at my wedding. Not drown yourself in scotch." "You're right, I'm sorry." I stepped away from the bar and let her drag me over to our table. "But I'm not dancing to this crap. At your bachelorette party though, I promise to go a little wild." She grinned and clapped, practically jumping up and down. "Perfect. I can't wait." "Babe, let's dance." Just like that, my brother whisked my best friend away like the Prince to Cinderella. I slumped down my chair and groaned as the music got louder. Thank god I didn't bring Anastasia. First of all, she would have cried at the sound of the music blasting and second, this place was filled with people ready to pinch her chubby little cheeks and fawn over how adorable she is. Now, my daughter was an attention seeker, but I knew first hand how it feels to have your cheeks squeezed by what feels like a hundred people. I definitely did not want to subject her to that. "Hey," The spotlights from the stage were blinding, and blurred my vision. The large figure before me, felt some what recognisable and yet their mask was doing a spectacular job at hiding their face. "It's Tristan." The spotlight moved away and he lifted up his mask so it rested upon his head. Startled, I quickly stood and moved in for a hug, but then settled for a hand shake instead. We hadn't left each other on a happy note in the coffee house. Surprisingly he took my hand in his. I felt my breath hitch slightly at the familiar feeling of his touch, and then quickly pulled my hand back. "Hey, what are you doing here?" "I was invited." I frowned. "Well, kinda." "So you're crashing the party?" I asked with a knowing smile. He looked around for a moment and smirked. "Doesn't look like much of a party to me?" "Don't tell my mother that, she'll kill you." He laughed. "She invited me actually." I glanced over at her, watching as she conversed gracefully with the Mayor of New York. "I'm acting as a rep for Black Industries." My gaze snapped to him. "Black Industries? I was under the impression that my father no longer did business with you." "Oh he doesn't, but there are still contracts in place that must be honoured. Ryder meets with our rep once a month to discuss them, but he doesn't have any contact with...well you know. Besides, I'm expected to be here." Leaning in, I could taste the remnants of whiskey on his breath. "We are in the same business after all." He meant drugs, weapons, killings. He meant everything I ran away to escape from, and this entire visit just secured that decision. Anastasia didn't belong in this world, which meant I didn't either. "Of course, it would rude not to invite you anyways." Scoffing, he held out his hand for me and grinned. "Enough with the stuck up b***h act, and just dance with me." "What if it's not an act?" I said sickly sweetly. He merely rolled his eyes in response and snatched my hand. "Hey," I whined, trying to pry it free. "We are going to dance." Looking over at the numerous couples, slow dancing with sappy love sick expressions plastered onto their faces, I adamantly shook my head. "It's one dance. Unless, you're afraid?" "I'm not afraid of anything." Clutching his hand, I led him onto the dance floor, just as the music changed and the lights dimmed low. Please play the song, every movement fits with the song and every time I listen to the song at home, I can just envision this scene. You won't regret it. Took your heart. Did things to you only lovers would do in the dark. He placed one hand on my waist and held my hand with the other. We swayed gently to the music, his hand trailing up and down my back lightly. "Why ask me to dance Tristan?" Vibrant green eyes met mine and he smiled, almost melancholic. Confusion plagued me, and goosebumps pricked along my bare skin, as though sensing danger. "Because...I wanted to." His words sounded forced, his smile fake. The music began to pick up, and he moved us faster, gravitating towards the centre of the dance floor. My eyes stayed glued on his, but he was looking else where, into the distance. Something glazed in his eyes, just as pulled me closer, and pressed his mouth against my ear. What do I say, to make me exist "I'm so sorry baby-girl." I frowned, as he twirled me. "He made me do it." The crescendo picked up and my eyes went wide as he spun me around with a force I didn't know he possessed. I went spinning until my chest crashed against something hard. I looked up, stunned, and almost died right here and then. Still don't know my name Blue eyes. Smouldering gaze. Perfect lips titled up at the ends. Aaron. It was Aaron. His face was concealed by a black mask that covered half his face and the flashing purple lights were the only thing that helped me to see him through the darkness. You still don't know my name But it was his eyes that gave it all way. The same cerulean blue orbs I had been dreaming about for two years, were piercing my very soul with his gaze. I couldn't look away, I couldn't escape, all I could was dance. We glided across the dance floor, our body's in synch with one another's, as everyone and everything else became a distant blur. I was trapped in this bubble we had created for only the two of us. Neither us bothered to look anywhere else other than at each other, and I felt his hand squeeze my waist gently, telling me that this wasn't a dream. No...this was very f*****g real. And I would die or stay I was spun, and then pulled into his chest quickly, before we danced again. Crossing the entire dancing floor and not paying attention to anyone else. My mind went blank, all urges for me to run were pushed away and common sense was long gone. I wanted to dance, I wanted to be trapped in his hold forever. I wanted to relish in the feelings of being in his strong arms because I knew that this wouldn't last forever. But you still don't know my name Yeah The music suddenly turned quiet, and he dipped me. Our bodies came to sudden halt, and his fingers inched down towards my ass, softly touching the crest. Slowly, he lifted me back up. Missed you, kissed you and make-believe My breathing turned ragged and heavy, as we gravitated closer and closer to each other. Two years of nothing. And then this. Our bodies pressed against each other, his hands touching me in places they shouldn't, his gaze which was scorched into my mind for all eternity. His head dipped down slightly, and my breathing got heavier. I watched him carefully, memorising the way he lifted up one hand and grazed my cheek. Cupping me, I gasped. His palm was soft against my bare skin and my head leaned into his touch on its own accord. His thumb fiddled with the lace edge of my mask and then slowly, he dragged it upwards. I did nothing but stare at him as he unmasked me, making me feel naked under his hot gaze. The lace scraped against my cheek softly, and my breath hitched in the back of my throat, as he lifted it off completely, revealing all of me. I'm kissing all over your body, my Nefertiti His knuckle grazed down my cheek, causing me to shiver. His goddamn perfect eyes. I was sucked in almost immediately, entranced by all his natural beauty. Gliding his thumb down my cheek, he stopped once he reached my lips. Slowly tracing the outline of my pouty lips, I gasped when he pushed it into my mouth slightly, barely touching the top of my tongue. The music began to slowly pick up again, and we inched towards each other. It was like magic. All the tears, pain, the trauma were suddenly forgotten. I wanted him. God, I wanted all of him. You still so close yet so far As our lips were about to meet, he murmured something. One word, that caused our fake reality to crumble. One word that reminded me of everything, all the tears, the pain and the trauma to come flooding back. "Princess," I pulled back abruptly, and met his pained expression. Hurt flashed in his eyes, but I felt nothing for him. As he twirled me out, I yanked down my mask, relinquishing any thoughts that we would could be together. Never again. You still don't know my name We danced, taking control of the floor. He dipped, twirled me, and completely intoxicated me as the song came to an end. My heart was racing, as he swooped me up into his arms. His hand resting on my ass, when he lifted me up into the air, twirling us around and around as we did nothing but stare into each other's eyes. And I would die or stay I couldn't help but pour out all the love I felt for this man into this one dance. The first and last dance we would ever have because I wouldn't allow myself anymore. I was falling for him deeper and deeper with every second that passed by as he held me close in his arms. But you still don't know my name The song ended, and so did our moment. Yeah Placing me on the ground, he pressed his forehead against mine, the two of us both panting hard from everything that just happened. I glanced up one last time, to allow myself a second just to live in the feeling of being completely captivated by this man. Slowly, I detached my arms from around his neck. I stared at him for one last second, letting the image of him sear into my mind. Then, turning around, I ran without a second thought. ________________________________ A/N: Ahh, finally they are reunited!!! My best and favourite chapter!! What did you guys think?? Did you play the song? I can just envision the entire scene and it's magical! Thoughts on Tristan? I love how he helped out Aaron with his plan!!
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