Chapter 18: Domestic Mafia Man

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Three weeks later A A R O N ' S P. O. V I groaned, turning over in my king size, and placing my hand over my head to block away the harsh sun. I had forgotten to draw the blinds last night, major i***t move, when you have full glass panels that lead out to a balcony. My phone vibrated incessantly underneath my pillow, causing an annoyed growl to rip through my throat. Can't a man get some damn quiet in the morning? Diving my hand underneath the pillow, I yanked the phone ready to turn it off when I saw her name across the screen. A smile automatically broke out on my face, as I read the plethora of good morning messages to go alongside the call. She really was perfect, and now, she was all mine. My girlfriend, f**k I had girlfriend. I'd never had a girlfriend, not during prom or senior year or even as a little kid. Commitment was my biggest fear, was, now it was anything happening to break the commitment I had formed. Kiara Romano was officially mine, and not in a primal sense of you can't f**k her because I am. We had a label, we were an us. Defying all odds, I was happy in a relationship with my baby mama and I planned on staying that way forever. "Hey Princess," My voice sounded husky and primal from the early morning start. "Hi...did I wake you?" Yes, but of course I didn't care. Listening to her voice first thing in the morning was the closet thing I ever get to a calm relaxing start. "Not at all. I was waiting for your call." She'd made this cute little habit of calling me every morning. We lived only twenty minutes away but we were addicted to each other. Tristan kept saying it was just the honeymoon stage but I felt different. Hell, we hadn't even slept together yet. The most we've done is make out like horny teenagers in the back of my car. And I was fine with that. "I missed you last night." A dark chuckle left my throat as I thought of all the sexy things she got up to under the covers alone. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, in this big wide bed. I miss your cuddles." "I was more hoping for I missed your c**k, but I'll settle for cuddles." "Hey! I am not that type of girl." She giggled. My mind zeroed back to Paris, to the time when we classed ourselves as lovers. The things that girl could do with her tongue... "I'd say you're exactly that type of girl, which is good because I love it." "And me?" I smiled to myself. Since the first time I said those three words to her up on the balcony, she hadn't gotten enough of hearing them. Strangely, neither had I. There was some weird sort of validation and relief in hearing them again and again. "I love you, Princess." "I love you too, my dark knight." "And what am I saving you from today?" "Laziness." I heard her sigh loudly. "All I want to do is lie in this bed all day and talk to you." "We could lie in a bed together and do more than talk?" I teased. Silence filtered through the other end. "Aaron we've talked about this. Our entire relationship was built on s*x before, I don't want it to be the same, I want it to be better. For us, and our family." "I know Princess, I was only teasing." She wanted to wait until it was special, or at least hit that three month mark. Funnily enough, I did too. I had a plan in the works, I wouldn't screw this up like time. If she wanted a boyfriend and romance, I'd be the best goddamn romantic boyfriend in the world. "I'm sorry, I know you've got extremely bad blue balls. It just hurt." I could hear the smile on her voice. "It does, very much, but your voice soothes it. He only likes you." "Soon, I'll show him exactly how much I missed him." I groaned, feeling my erection start to grow. It was going to be another cold shower this morning. "Promises, promises." Her unadulterated laugh made it worth it. f**k, I missed her. "Where's Anastasia?" "With my mum, apparently cuddles are the best medicine." "So I've heard. Is your mum feeling better?" "Yeah, she's practically healed but my dad won't let her leave her room without assistance. He's even carrying her to the bathroom, it's crazy." "He's a man in love. Men in love do crazy things." "Oh yeah, what are you going to do?" I put the phone on speaker as I began stripping off my clothes. "I'll be telling Caitlin about us today." "Ohhh can I be there? Please, come on! She'll be so happy!" Laughter broke free from my chest. She was so f*****g cute about the littlest things. "Why don't you come over and then we can visit Tessa together? As a family?" It had been three weeks since the attack, and Tessa was finally going to be released. She was shot badly, her blood loss imminent and if it wasn't for her mother giving her the transfusion, she probably would have died. It was Kalen I felt for. I could feel his pain, his anguishing pain that looked to destroy him. For days, he sat outside her room doing nothing but staring into thin air. It took Gabi and his brothers physically dragging him to the car for him to snap out of it. Imagine the prospect of becoming a widow on your wedding day, imagining the feeling of potentially losing your everything. I had that know, I had my everything. Losing them...that wasn't even an option. I couldn't. After my shower, I cooked breakfast for all of us, even mashing up some banana and apple for Anastasia. I whistled a happy tune, I think it was the one from that dwarves film. "Are we having guests?" I glanced up from the sizzling bacon. Caitlin sauntered into the room, uniform already pressed, thanks to Rosa her nanny. "Uh, yes. Kiara and Anastasia are coming over." She excitedly clapped her hands. "Really? Kiara? She hasn't been over properly since that night. Did something happen between you two?" Chuckling, I shook my head. I could get nothing past this girl. "Yes actually, and it's what we want to talk to you about." The doorbell rang on cue. Rosa came barrelling from the laundry room, muttering something in Spanish about the state of the kitchen as she passed. I heard the door click open, Kiara greeting Rosa and then the best sound known to man. "Dada!" Anastasia waddled quickly into the room, her hair pulled back into two pigtails. She was getting better and better at walking, and I couldn't have been prouder. Her speech was becoming more pronounced as well, and we had already banked ten new words together in her vocabulary. "My little bunny!" I swung her into my arms, planting kisses all over her face. She squirmed, giggling furiously. I passed her off to Caitlin, the two of them both eager to see one another. "Hey stranger." The love of my life was dressed in a warm wool knit sweater, knee high stockings and short boots. I caught sight of her devilish grin. f**k, she was teasing me. "Come here." I practically growled, storming across the room anyway, and picking her up. She fit in my arms like a jigsaw puzzle, slotting inside them perfectly. "My Princess," "My man." I pulled back and arched a brow. "What happened to your dark knight?" She shrugged. "I want to change up a little, keep you on your toes." I laughed, leaning in for a kiss. Feeling like a man starved, I devoured her lips, sucking diligently on her tongue. She moaned, pressing her body closer to mine and reciprocating the kiss with an equal passion. "I missed you so much." I nudged her nose with mine, resting my eyes shut. I immersed myself in her touch, the feeling of her hands gently running through my hair. "Ditto." She murmured, finding peace the same way as me. "Mama no!" Anastasia screamed and then a loud crash followed. I set Kiara down and we both turned. Our crazy one year old had thrown an empty pan onto the floor, her bottom lip sticking out mad her arms crossed over her tiny chest. "Someone's jealous." Kiara sung, crossing the room to pick up our stroppy baby. "I made her some food. It's over there." I motioned to the small bowl of mashed fruit. To my surprise, she laughed. "You know she can eat solid food right. You could have just given her a banana." "She might have choked." I countered. "No way am I taking any chances." Kiara's face lit up and she reached up to pinch my cheek. "Aww, you're so cute." Caitlin and Anastasia laughed at my embarrassment. Damned woman. Catching her hand, I pulled her in close and smacked a kiss onto her lips. A quick short one, since Anastasia's hand came flying at my face straight afterwards. "My mama." She clung your Kiara's neck like a koala. "Can't she be mine too?" I drew her in closer, and let my chin rest on her shoulder. "We can share." After some carefully consideration, she nodded, flashing me a toothy grin. I chuckled, snatching my baby girl up. Chomping at her stomach, I pretended to eat her and as always she let out a high pitched shriek. "So, I'm guessing you two are together again?" Caitlin smirked, her chin resting on her hand. "Yes, we are. Kiara is officially my girlfriend." I smiled at my Princess, and then looked warily at my sister. "Is that okay?" Jumping off her chair, she sprinted over and hug us both. "Yes, a million times yes." "Good, because you're not getting rid of me that easily. Come on," Grabbing Stasia, she took Caitlin's hand and they all began eating. I leant against the stove and watched them. This domestic life was perfect, my woman sitting in between my little sister and my daughter, her smile beaming bright enough to block out all my darkness. And all I did was watch them, listen to them laugh and talk and smile. Raw peace achieved through sheer perfection, and I never wanted it to end. "Do you think she'll like the balloon?" I raised her hand to my mouth and kissed it. "She'll love it, and besides she'll be happier about finally leaving the hospital than some silly balloon." "Hey, this thing was expensive." I kissed her pout and watched her smile blossom. We walked down the hospital hallway, hand in hand, and child free. Sometimes it was hard to distinguish that Kiara was only twenty and myself, 24. We'd been through so much s**t in our lives that it was crazy to think our lives were only starting. "Do you think Anastasia will be okay with Rosa?" She stalled, lingering just outside the room. "I mean, she's never been with her before." "Yes, but Caitlin has and Caitlin is there. If there are any problems, Rosa will call us. I got the best nanny I could ever find for Caitlin, and she's the best for Anastasia too." I reassured. "She's only ever been with me, or you, or my parents or Ales..." Her words cut off, as my eyes grew dark. I had forgotten all about that bastard, and he wasn't really a bastard in the sense that he seemed like a good guy and I guess he did push Kiara in my direction but, he's f****d my woman. He's been inside her, he's tasted her and that I can't forgive. Tristan's the same, most days I want to punch his face in but then I remember I'd have no friends if it weren't for him and well, he's family. In my experience, that's hard to come across. "I'm sorry." I heard her murmur. Then I felt her hand press against my chest. "Come back to me Aaron, fight the demons and come back." Suddenly the clouded darkness faded away, and I was back in the present. Kiara's warm eyes melted away all that constricted anger and slowly, I felt her lead me into the light. "Come on, let's just forgot about that and enjoy our time away from being parents." I trailed into the room after and winced, hearing the loud sudden shrieks. Kalen stood in the corner, zipping up Tessa's suitcase. His eyes flamed with amusement watching the two of them and then they grew distance, wary as he tracked my steps into the room. "I come in peace." I raised my hands jokingly. He was anything but amused. My stance grew rigid as he stalked towards me, and Kiara stepped in-front, her eyes sharp and glaring. "He's with me. He's my boyfriend Kale, get over it." "Do you know what he's done?" She scoffed, and reached back for my hand, giving me a reassuring squeeze. "I know more than anything what he's done and I've forgiven him. You need to get over yourself and accept him too. He's part of the family now." "Does dad know?" I tensed whilst she let out a stranger forced laugh. "Dad doesn't get in say in our relationship, and I'm pretty sure he understands that. Stop following in his footsteps and be better, learn and forgive. I mean you did sleep with my best friend Kale and kept it a secret, but I got over that and now I'm happy for you. Please, just be happy for me." "I'm sorry Kiwi." She let go of my hand and hugged him right. I found myself bawling up my fists at the sight of her in another man's arms but I forced that anger down and practiced restraint. He was her brother for Christ's sake. "Aaron." I looked up at Tessa. For a woman how had just survived a gun shot wound, she looked good. I nodded. "Tessa." She's Kiara's best friend, I should at least make an effort. "How are you feeling?" "Good, surprisingly. In a week we're gonna drive up to the cabin we bought together near the lake and have our honeymoon." "It's no Hawaii as planned, but..." Kalen pulled away from Kiara, and moved to Tessa's side. His eyes lit up in her mere presence, his face completing adoring as her stared down at her. "I'm sure it'll be great, and you can teach her how to fish!" Kiara exclaimed. Tessa let out a low chuckle. "Not likely. Anyways, thanks for coming. It means a lot to me, you really helped me out Kiara." "Hey, what are best friends for? Actually, I guess we're sisters now." "We always were sisters." Tessa countered. "Just now it's official." My phone decided to start buzzing at that exact moment. I politely excused myself, ignoring Kiara's curious gaze that followed me out the room. "Aaron Black speaking," "It's Tristan, just wanted to let you know that I've got everything set up for Sunday." I smiled to myself and walked down the hall for extra protection. Kiara has ears like a bat. "Even the..." "Yep, and the soundtrack, which was really f*****g hard to find..." "Do you think she'll like it?" I blurted out. His heavy sounding pause echoed through the line. "I think she'll f*****g love it. If she doesn't then she's an idiot." I snorted. "Kiara Romano is many things but..." "i***t isn't one of them." We finished together. "This is good Aaron, you're changing." For the better I hoped, because for once, I was all in. ________________________________ A/N: What do you think Aaron has planned? Thoughts on the little family they're finally building together??? Fair warning!! The sexy scene you've all been waiting for is coming soon. ??!!!
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