Chapter 17: We Will Always Be Chained

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K I A R A ' S P. O. V "You love me?" I watched as a single tear dropped down his cheek, blue watery eyes boring into my soul. Smiling, I let my eyes rest shut. "Always have, always will." "I don't deserve this." I felt it, like a tug on the chain between us. He was trying to pull away, fighting his desires, my wanting of him. He was in disbelief, thinking he didn't deserve my love. As his lover, his was my job to prove him wrong. "Look at me." When his eyes continued to look glazed and stony, staring out at the twilight sky, I gently tilted his face towards me. I saw the guilt, the fighting, the repulsion. My eyes softened. "You deserve this more than anything Aaron, definitely more than me. I ran like a coward because I was afraid and I haven't suffered, not like you have. Most days I hate myself for it, for loving a man who deserves more than I can offer him. I fell in love with you Aaron because you're strong and brave and have the most beautiful soul I've ever seen in a person. You deserve happiness, and if I make you happy...then take me. Take me and never let me go." "Oh Princess," I shivered at the familiar touch of his calloused rough fingers brushing against my skin. Suddenly, he fell forward. His face buried inside of my neck, panting hard as he pressed warm sloppy kisses over my bare skin. A moan slipped from my mouth, a quiet breathless moan, both of relief and awe. I never thought I would have this again, his hands roaming my body, his lips pressed against my skin. I needed more of him, all of him. Gripping a chunk of his hair, I forced his head up and slowly rose on my tip toes. I let my arms wind around his neck, felt his hand drift over my back, cupping my ass, as our mouths hovered merely inches away from each other's. "Is this real?" He murmured, the world slowly drifting away around us. "Whenever I have this dream, I always wake up now. Before I can taste your lips, take you home, make you mine forever. Please, please tell me this is real." "This is real, I'm real, your real, and this is happening. I'm're mine." A smile broke out on his face. A smile I wanted to devour, memorise and love for the rest of my life. "Princess," My nickname, my perfect nickname, left his lips softly. Then, with the patience of a saint, he slowly and painfully lowered his head down to mine. Upon the first brush of our lips, I was screwed. I felt myself became drawn in and locked away from whatever freedom I thought I would ever have, because my body and my heart and my lips would always belong to my dark knight. Moaning, I gripped his hair tighter, kissing him, with unadulterated passion and strength that rocked through my body. Every nerve was vibrating inside of me, and when his fingers ran across my waist, when they glided my leg and pulled my leg from the long slit in my dress, I felt it. Felt the undeniable chain that had always tied us together and yet it felt different now. It was lighter, airy, freeing. I gasped when he turned us, pressing us against the hard wall and wrapped my leg around his waist. His body began grinding against mine, our tongues clashing in a fierce battle for dominance and submission. He won, of course. When it came to Aaron, my body always surrendered. Like always his touch obliterated my soul, and this time I felt it. Upon the harsh sweeping of his tongue, gliding along the roof of my mouth, I erupted. I burst into a million flames, letting passion ignite me into pure ruin. Finally we pulled away, only to let our bodies breathe, inhale oxygen and our mind to understand the earth-shattering kiss that had just ruined us both. Eventually, I just began laughing. My emotions running wild inside of me and quickly my laughing turned into crying. Quiet, silent sobs that racketed through my body. I saw the concern in his eyes as he gently tilted my chin up, and then understanding. He knew exactly how I felt because it was exactly how he was feeling. Overwhelmed, scared and unbelievably happy. "We should go back to the party." He murmured lowly as a cold rush of wing hit the both of us. I shivered in his arms, causing him to wrap them tighter around my small frame. Sniffling, I pressed my head against his chest, sighing in content as he rest his chin atop my head. We fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that has been buried at the bottom of the box. "I want to stay here." I felt his smile. "I know Princess, but we have a very tired baby waiting for us downstairs." Anastasia. How would she cope with this? With us? Does this mean that we were boyfriend and girlfriend now? Was he my partner? Did we move in together? "Hey," I looked up and saw the love shining in his eyes. Immediately my paranoia settled down. "We'll figure everything out slowly, but for now, know that I love you, our baby and I don't plan on ever leaving your side. I would love it if you would move in with Caitlin and I, but obviously I would need to speak to her first. Or maybe, we could buy a new house? Together." "I like the sound of it." Beaming up at him, I slowly rose on my tiptoes. His lips puckered, tilted slightly up at the sides as he lowered his head down to mine. Bang! Bang! A loud commotion of screaming quickly followed after. Aaron and I froze on the cold balcony, a ricochet of heavy gun fire echoing from the party. "Anastasia," I breathed out, before sprinting for the exit. I could feel Aaron quick on my toes but I kept forward. My only thought, my only mission was to get my daughter safe and in my arms. Panic flared inside my chest once we finally reached the party. Several fire were blazing from small bombs that had been thrown in, smoke grenades still emitted heavy thick smoke that made it hard to see anything and bullets were still being vigorously fired in no one direction. Through the billowing smoke, I could make out the dance floor and quickly ran towards it, ducking when Aaron yelled for me to and trying to keep myself from falling apart. "Tessa?" Aaron mumbled from behind me. Scanning behind me, I gasped, covering my mouth. My best friend lay in my brother's arms, her head slumped to the side and her wedding dress stained red over my chest. Heart wrenching sobs left Kalen, his hands furiously trying to contain the blood loss was too much, it looked like too much. "Princess," I faintly heard whispered amiss the voices plaguing my head. "Princess!" I snapped out of my stupor and found his hands cupping my face. "Princess, I'll find our baby okay? You just get to safety and I'll find her." Anastasia. My baby. I could feel my hope and determination slowly breaking down. Tessa was dying in this horrible mess, what hope did my baby have? "No, I...we'll go together. I need to find her." He nodded tightly and then gripped my hand, tugging me with him as we pushed through the havoc. A bullet suddenly whizzed past us, Aaron knocked us to the side just in time. Fists clenched, he let go of my hand and smashed his knuckle into the bastard's face. I watched his nose burst open with pride, and he fell to the floor. Aaron took his two guns, chucking one to me and c*****g the other. "Kiara! Aaron!" I turned around as Aaron stood from his crouched potion. Tristan came barrelling towards us through the fog, blood splattered over his face and shirt, yet Anastasia wasn't with him. "Where's Stasia?" "With your mum, she took her when the shooting started. I think they were heading for the safe room, your father told them to go." I felt my stomach slowly settle. She was safe. "Do you know what the f**k is going on?" I shook my head, tears steaming rapidly down my cheeks. "My family has a million enemies, it could be anyone. Get an ambulance, okay? Tessa's been shot." "Shit." He murmured, digging into his pocket for his phone. I quickly turned around. "Aaron I'm going to find them." "I'm going with you." The smoke had slowly began to settle, the gun shots quietening and the loud ringing of sirens approached. Kai and Kieron were busy taking care of the bodies before the police arrived. Not that it mattered much since my father practically owned the entire police force. One person I had yet to locate was my father but he was probably already in the panic room, helping my mother out. I felt my happiness slowly shrink away as I stared at the blood stains over the white seat coverings, the balloons floating mindlessly into the air and the cake smashed to smithereens. Kalen continued to hold Tessa, even after the paramedics arrived. The happiness day of my best friend's life, might have just turned into her worst. "Anastasia! Mum! Mum!" I called out as we reached the lower floors. Eerie silence followed us. Aaron pushed me behind him, and slowly opened the door. I felt his hand slip from mine and then watched as his body stilled. Peering around his statuesque frame, I felt all my hope, joy and belief in God drain away. Because no God would ever be this cruel, no God would ever subject any child to this. "Mama!" My baby cried, held in the arms of a scrawny lean man, a nasty grin sprung onto his face as he pressed the barrel of his gun harder against my little girl's head. My mum lay knocked out in the corner, blood trickling from the nasty gnash on her forehead, and my father was visibly trembling with fury, his eyes pinned on the gun that threatened my daughter's life. "You know it's funny," Laughter vibrated from the bastard's chest. "Here I am, one man and yet I have two of the world's foremost gangsters ready to get on their knees and beg. All because of this one sweet angel, maybe I should keep her?" My heart shattered as he ran his long bony finger down her cheek. Anastasia flailed in his arms but he had no care, no sense of kindness and instead he pinned her arm down painful, twisting so hard that she began bursting into tears. "Stop! Please, she's just a baby. She's innocent, she's just a child. Stop it!" "What? This?" He twisted her arm even further to the point where I feared it may shatter. "f*****g asshole," Aaron swore storming forward. "Don't take another step." The bastard had her arm pinned his so she was trapped and screaming in pain. By now the place should have been swarmed if it wasn't for the sound proof walls that lined the room. "Remember who holds the power here." "Surely I'm worth more than a baby." "True." The man countered. "But you'd easily overpower me. This baby is my way out of here." He wanted to have a captive weaker than him, someone who stood no chance and I was guessing he was sexist as well as paedophilic. "What about me?" I ignored Aaron's pleading stare and stepped forward. "Surely I'm worth more. The daughter of Ryder Romano, the Princess of the Mafia, Aaron Black's girlfriend." That was the first time I had ever said it aloud. I had wished it, begged for it, cried for it and finally, I could say it. Glancing back, I smiled softly, he returned it, our moment waring thin though when the c**k of the gun filled the silent room. I turned around and found the barrel now pointed at me. "Come to me little girl, I think I'll like playing with you better." I recoiled in disgust. f*****g creepy misogynistic prick. Slowly, I walked towards him, trying to give myself time to conjure up a plan but I was stuck. Once he had me...what would happen? Relief settled in, knowing that Stasia would be safe but Aaron would let him take me, my father definitely wouldn't. My feet still as the sound pierced the air. A shot fired, the silver bullet sliced forward and blood exploded. I felt a single splatter hit my cheek, and then I dove forward, an anguished cry ripping through my throat as I tried to save my baby. My father got there first. He caught her in his arms, shielded her with his jacket and unleashed his wrathful fury upon the dying corpse. "f*****g pig." He spat, releasing the final bullet into the bastard's already mangled corpse. "Anastasia!" I had no words for the brutality, no sense, no thoughts. I was numb to the violence, my mind almost in pause. There was only word that made me breathe, and that was Anastasia. I needed my baby. Hastily, I grabbed her from my father, pressing her face into my neck as I heard her cries. Her cries meaning that she was alive, my baby was alive. "My baby, my baby, my baby," I murmured over and over again. Aaron dove besides us, wrapping an arm around my waist and gently peeling Anastasia back with his hand. "Hi bunny." I glanced down. My heart stopped. Her innocent angelic face marred by dirty blood. That bastard's blood was tainting my little girl, my little girl who I sought to save from all of this. She could barely open up her eyes, so when Kai and Tristan burst into the room, Aaron ordered them to get some paramedics and water so he could wash it away. "It's okay baby, it's okay." She cried, clinging onto my dress, my hair, my heart. I sunk into Aaron's embrace, letting him carry me. "Ryder what the hell were you thinking?" Aaron snapped, forcing me to look up. My dad had my mother cradled in his arms, she was slowly stirring awake much to my relief, but I saw the tears trickling down his cheek. He thought he lost her, and my father without my mother was someone no-one ever wanted to see. "I'm sorry." He looked directly into my eyes, guilt pouring through them. "I saw a clear shot, I wasn't thinking. He had already taken your mother, Anastasia and then you. I couldn't let him." "It's okay. She's okay dad, I'm okay and mum will be okay." Aaron didn't speak after that, but I feel his anger coursing through his veins. Instead, he held us close to his heart, and I let my eyes fall shut. Praying tomorrow will be better. ________________________________ A/N: So much s**t just happened that my mind can't even comprehend it!! What did you think of the ending? Thoughts on their first kiss...again??? What do you think is coming up next? Who attacked??
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