Chapter 8

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Book 1 Chapter 9-01 Rosalyn's POV After Alessandro and I left Ke’shaun’s office we ventured to the second floor where Michael told us my father would be, I haven't seen my father in years we've talked over the phone and our relationship is pretty good however I can't help but wonder if deep down he's disappointed in me, after all I did get pregnant at 18 and as bad as the whole situation was with my family and being rejected looking back I should have at least visited once or twice it's not like I had to stay at the pack house my dad still owned our house he just moved to the pack house because it was easier. Michael couldn't visit us because of his beta duties and dad only came once but that was when Alessandro was a baby. I stopped in front of a room with a double door and knocked twice before I heard a gruff "Come in," I walked into the room with Alessandro close behind me. my dad was in his bed looking pale and sickly, he looked nothing like the brave strong beta I knew growing up. I immediately rushed to his side and engulfed him in a tight hug fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes at any moment due to the sight of my father. "Hi daddy" I said as I held onto my father like he would disappear at any moment. "Hello baby girl" my dad replied "Why didn't you or Michael tell me that you were this sick I would have come out here earlier" I asked him as a tear fell from my eye "I didn't want to worry you Rosa plus you have a good life in Italy I didn't want to burden you with my problems." He replied with a cough "grandpa don't say that you'll never be a burden to us we love you" Alessandro said before I could say anything else to my father. Dad tilted his head and looked at Alessandro with a smile "Alessandro my boy you've grown so big I hardly recognized you come give your granddad a hug." Alessandro threw himself at his grandfather hanging onto him like his life depended on it, he and my father had a deep bond and he loves him very much he was the father figure in Alessandro's life in all his years of growing up and even though we lived countries apart my dad was always there for Alessandro whether it was via phone call email or FaceTime and that's why I know it hurts him to see his grandfather like this. I was extremely puzzled as to why my dad was so sick he didn't have any physical injuries as far as I could see so I decided to ask him about it. "Dad?" I said bringing back his attention to me "Why do you look so weak and pale I can't see any injuries on you so it can't be that your healing from physical pain so what's wrong?" I asked, worried as to why my father looked like that. "First of all Rosalyn I want to apologize to you for not being a good father when you were growing up I guess I was so busy being a beta it took you running away for me to see the giant flaws in my family. The reason why I'm this sick is because y-your mom left, we had an argument about you and she asked me and Michael to choose between you and her we decided that she was making an absurd request and told her we wouldn't choose she then left shortly after, we searched for her for months but couldn't find her we gave up hope when we had exhausted all our resources then, a couple months ago I felt a burning pain in my neck and my heart felt like it was being ripped from its place in my chest I asked my wolf Riley what was going on he told me that our mate had been marked and mated by another and the pain I was feeling was the pain of our bond shattering. I hadn't eaten, slept or talked to anyone in weeks and my wolf became unresponsive so Michael made me move into the pack house. At first I was a bit better with other people around but then my depression came back and I've been like this ever since. I knew Michael was gonna invite you to his wedding and he wanted to tell you what has been happening whenever he called but I asked him not to tell you I didn't want you guys to worry." I gasped at what my father just told me I could the hear the hurt and betrayal he felt in his voice, how could mom do that to him the man she was married to for so many years he was her mate. I remembered what my dad said about her wanting them to choose between her or me I couldn't hold back my tears any longer as I thought to myself this is my fault if he had just chosen her my dad wouldn't be going through this pain right now. "Oh my darling baby girl don't cry" my dad soothed as he tried to calm me down "Dad I'm so sorry this is all my fault if you had chosen her instead of spending your time searching for me you wouldn't be in so much pain right now" I said as tears poured from my eyes. "No no honey none of this is your fault it's not anyone's fault I don't know why your mom rejected you since the day you were born but I do know that I love you with all my heart and that will never change." I hugged my father and told him how much I loved him with all my heart. We spent practically the rest of the day catching up laughing and talking about life throughout the past years. Michael had stopped by from time to time to check on us as well. By the time we were done talking it was already 4:00 in the evening, my dad sent us off to have dinner and said he was gonna take a nap because he felt tired. As I closed the door to my dad's room I couldn't help but feel sad because of what my dad was going through. "Don't worry mom he'll get better I know it" Alessandro said while hugging me from the side "I know mi bambino it just hurts to see him like that." "How about we try calling out to his wolf maybe if his wolf comes back he'll start feeling better" asked Alessandro "That's a good idea son I'll ask your aunt and uncle to try as well" "Ok mom now let's go have dinner cause I'm starving" Alessandro replied as he threw his hands in the air dramatically I chuckled at his antics and said, "ok let's go to the kitchen and I'll make us something to eat." When we arrived at the ground floor I saw people bustling about, I stopped a young girl to ask her what's going on she replied with "The alpha's parents and sister are due back any minute now" and rushed off to where she was going. I remembered Michael telling me that this morning but I just shrugged it off and made my way to the kitchen with Alessandro by my side.
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