Chapter 7

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Book 1 Chapter 8 Michael’s POV As I walked up the stairs to the alpha's office I saw Rosalyn and Alessandro leaving, I am surprised to see them leaving his office I hope no one is bleeding again. Rosalyn smiled when she saw me and pulled me into a hug, when I pulled away I heard her say "Michael I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Ke’shaun being my mate and Alessandro's father I didn't want you to have any ill will against him as you are the beta of this pack and I knew you would be mad at him" "I understand" I replied "Honestly I just wish you would have told me but that is in the past now I'm just glad you guys are ok also, Rosalyn Mr. and Mrs. Black are coming back today I don't know how that will unfold I just thought you should you know" I looked at Alessandro's face to try and get a read off him but it was blank Rosalyn however had countless emotions on her face and I was slowly regretting asking her to attend my wedding. "Rosalyn look I know I asked you to be here because I really want you at my wedding but if this whole situation is getting too much for you to handle then I think you should go back to Italy I don't want you to be overwhelmed by all this" I told her "Michael this isn't your fault, it's mine. I should have told you everything from the beginning, and I know how the Blacks can be, but I didn't come here for them. I came for you and my dad whom I haven't seen since I got here. By the way, however, I could care less about what Ke’shaun’s parents have to say about me or my son. There is a reason why I gave him my last name and not his father's, because he's mine, he's a Parker not a Black, and we didn't come here for acceptance into their family. I came here to support mine. I love you and my dad with all my heart, and I don't blame you guys for anything that happened to me. I know it was just as hard for you as well, so from now on let's focus on our family because we are all that we've got left." "I understand Rosa and thank you for being here. By the way, dad is on the second floor of the pack house. I forgot to tell you yesterday, he's not feeling so well. That's why you haven't seen him around the house; I'll see you later when I'm done talking with alpha Black" "Ok" she replied and walked off with Alessandro. I sighed as I walked into the alpha's office without knocking "Alpha I need to talk to you" I say as I walked in he looked up at me as I closed the door; without sitting I said "Why did you reject my sister" getting straight to the point. "Look Michael I know you probably hate me for rejecting your sister and you want answers but I can't give you them right now ok I don't have the time for this I have pack business to take care of plus my parents are returning today so I can't deal with this right now" he replied. I was ticked off at his answers but I understood how he feels we all know how his parents are. I sighed as I plopped down on the chair in front his desk "Are you at least gonna try and get her back?" "Honestly Michael I don’t even know if I can get her back, even though she has never once left my thoughts; the day I smelt her scent in the pack house my wolf stirred and howled with joy and I'll admit I've never been happier than that moment when I saw her again I'm gonna try my absolute best in Winning her back I know it won't be easy but I won't give up without a fight." "Well I'm glad to hear that just know you'll have your work cut out for you but I wish you all the best I just want my sister to be happy also when you’re not so busy I will be back for your explanation" with that said I left his office to look for Genevieve. Genevieve's POV I can't believe what I saw took place yesterday I was searching for Michael to tell him that his father was asking for Rosalyn. I'm still so excited that she could be here for our wedding even though I know it's hard for her being back here based on what Michael told me about her child hood plus being rejected and by the alpha no less, I was so shocked when I heard her say it and now I feel guilty for asking so much of her but I am still glad she's here she is the sister I always wanted but never had as well as a motherly figure in my life she's really a special person and it breaks my heart to know she had such a horrible life but I guess what doesn't kill you really makes you stronger because she is the strongest person I know. besides I know she can survive anything as long as she has Alessandro that boy is her life and he loves his mother more than life itself, that was proven when he defended his mother in front of everyone yesterday. The pack is still a bit antsy about what happened but I understand why he did it and I couldn't be more proud of him. I'm currently sitting on my bed Wondering what type of flowers to use for my bouquet all this wedding planning stuff is so hard I hope Rosalyn has better ideas about weddings than I do I've never done this before and its making me go bat shits crazy. The bedroom door opens and I instantly know who it is from the scent. I see Michael walk in and smiles when he sees me "hey babe how's the wedding planning?" He asks "uggghh don't ask it's horrible I can't decide on anything not even my bouquet this is so hard" I replied frustrated "Don't worry Rosalyn will help you when she's done talking with dad they are catching up so just put down all of whatever those are that you have on the bed and come here" he said with a smirk I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck as he crashes his soft lips on mine, the kiss was soft and gently filled with love and passion but soon became heated and the next thing I knew I was on the bed in only my underwear. Let's just say it was a very eventful morning Jermaine's POV Everyone is in a buzz today because my parents and baby sis are coming back this afternoon and also because of what took place yesterday day between my nephew (who by the way I didn't even knew I had) and my brother. I on the other hand can't stop thinking about Rosalyn; she's the girl I've loved since middle school but never had the courage to tell her how I feel plus she was always studying and never had time for anything else I doubt she even knew I existed because unlike my brother I wasn't popular at school I mean I had a lot of friends and I went to parties etc. but my brother was the popular one and I had no problem with that I'm not one for the spotlight. I decided I was gonna tell her how I felt the night of my brother's party 17 years ago but I didn't see her and I left the next morning for new York, there I met my mate and we were happy together and was building a life until she was hit by a drunk truck driver while crossing the road, by time she got to the hospital she was already dead. I almost died when I lost her but my family helped me survive. I spent a couple years living in new York but came back once in a while for special events however, I didn't see Rosalyn. when I asked about her someone told me she left the pack; I always wondered why she would leave but now I have my answer. I can't believe the girl I loved all these years turned out to be my brother's mate it hurts a bit if I'm being honest and to top it off the i***t rejected her I swear if he wasn't my brother I would kick his ass. I'm also wondering how my mom and dad will take the news of Alessandro being their grandchild I know my mom will probably be pissed at the situation but happy she has a grandson she always wanted grandchildren but my dad on the other hand he's hard to read I just hope he doesn't say or do anything stupid when he finds out, also I miss little Izzy she's the cutest little sister anyone could ask for its just so sad she was born with a disorder that prevents her from using her legs to their full potential due to complications when my mom was giving birth to her but everyone loves her nonetheless and would protect her with their life, she is the crown jewel of our pack. I decide to take a shower before my parents arrive and also hope it gets Rosalyn off my mind I know she can never be mine because she is my brother's mate and I doubt she even feels the same way about me. Sighing I strip out of my garments and step inside the bath filled with water I close my eyes and relax as nothing but thoughts of Rosalyn Parker invades my mind.
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