Revealing Himself

2020 Words
"Ivanka. Ivanka!" Ivanka grumbled out of sleep when she heard someone repeatedly calling her name. She was so upset as she yawned sleepily and found her mum standing beside her. "Good morning, mum." she greeted perfunctorily, forcing herself to sit up. "What is it? I was having such a good time." Mrs. Cora was in her pajamas and had both had both hands on her thighs. "Well, I'm sorry, but I needed to inform you on time. I hope you're not forgetting the date you're to have today?" Every haze of sleep that was left in Ivanka's eyes vanished at once as she stared sharply at her mum. She rolled her eyes and pulled her rumpled duvet to cover her legs. "Can we not talk about this, please? It's too early for an argument." "And who said there is a need for an argument?" Cora scoffed. "Listen to me, Ivanka; you're getting married to that young man whether you like it or not. Do you have any idea how prestigious his family is? Do you even know how difficult it was for me to convince them into getting married to you? Ivanka, they'll be of great help to us and help clear off our debts. How dare you think of rejecting them?" "Mum, please!" She pulled a crumpled look. "I didn't ask you to get into debts, alright? And you can't simply clear them off with my happiness. I don't even know this guy you're talking about, and even if I do, I don't have any interest in..." "His name is Baxter, and he's the second son from a wealthy family." Cora interrupted. "Go on this date so you can learn more about him. He's very handsome as well." Ivanka threw her head backwards to lean on ber bed-rest. For two weeks, her mother has been ringing it in her ears that she's found the perfect husband for her. Hell, like she ever asked for it! According to her, he was the son of her old friend from college. She bumped into this old friend recently and talking business, they decided to get their children married. "Ivanka please," Cora's eyes held an earnest plea. "You need to do this for the family. Don't reject this, please." Ivanka rose to her feet. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I know you've never respected or regarded Alaric, but I'm madly in love with him. So, asking me to get married to someone else is simply unfair." Cora's eyes glinted in pains. Ivanka started towards the bathroom. "Really?" Cora's words made her pause. "You're going to let such an opportunity go because of that nobody? You'd chose him over your own family?" Ivanka c****d her head at her. "You're wrong, mum. I'm chosing my happiness." She proceeded into the bathroom and spent a long time in there, freshening up. By the time she was out, her mum was no longer in the room and she felt so relieved. She checked her phone and realized she had gotten two missed calls from Alaric. "Damn it!" She slapped her forehead and quickly made to return the call. A smile tugged at her lips as she heard it beep, and shortly, he answered. "Hey handsome," she cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed and swinging her legs tho and fro. "Hey, still sleeping?" His smooth, honeyed voice hit her ears. "Well...not really. Just woke up a while ago." "I see. That explains why the sun isn't out yet. The princess was still alseep." Ivanka lifted her hand to her face Immediately, feeling the warmth that crept into it. They spoke lightly about the weather, their nights and other unimportant things. Then, Alaric introduced the most important. "I need you to get ready. Tonight will be about the both of us. I'll be taking you out for dinner." Ivanka's face crimsoned immediately. "Are...Are you serious?" Her eyes grew wider. "Oh, my goodness, Ric! You're being too sweet this morning. But...are you sure you have the money for it? Make sure we don't go somewhere too expensive, alright?" Alaric laughed. She had no idea why he did. "After tonight, you won't have to worry about expensive places anymore." He spoke with a warm inflection. Ivanka furrowed her brows. "What're you talking about?" "Don't worry. Just be ready, okay? I'll text you the time and location." "Mmm. Alright, then. Can't wait." There was a brief pause. "I love you, Ivanka - so so much. Thank you for coming into my life and redefining love to me." Ivanka was so touched by his words, her eyes shimmered with tears as she smiled. "You're acting so differently this morning, Ric." she sniffed. "I love you too." "Alright. See you later." The call ended. Ivanka fell flat on the bed and giggled. Why was Alaric making her heart flutter this much? Goodness, he was making her so hungry for him. Now, she felt like seeing him and smashing his lips right away. She rolled to the side of the bed, couldn't up herself and laughing crazily at the funny memories. There was no way she was leaving this guy - not when he's won her heart over and over again. Her door suddenly burst open. Ivanka turned in fright to see her younger sister running into the room, panting heavily. "My goodness! Ellie, what is wrong with you?" Ivanka shrieked, her hand on her chest. Ellie looked like she was being chased by a ghost and found it almost difficult breathing. "Mum...Mum..." she gasped for air. "Something's happened to mum." ****†****†****†****† After the call, Alarick's face held a warm smile as he gave a long stare at his phone. The mere thought of all he's planned for Ivanka filled him with so much joy, he wished it could be evening already. Slipping the phone into his pockets, he proceeded into the jewelry store in front of him. The name boldly read: SHIMMERING SOLITARIES. They were known to have the best gold and diamond jeweleries. Since he was proposing to Ivanka, he wanted the best for her. For so long, he prayed and waited earnestly for the right woman to spend his money on. He yearned for this moment. And finally, he's found the right one. The clerk welcomed him with a warm smile. Of course, they had no reason to look down on him because he wasn't dressed like a beggar. He was done acting poor. There were a lot of designs on the show glasses, and taking his time, he observed everyone of them. He was there for an engagement ring. So, he focused on the ring section and checked keenly for the best. "I told you he's the one!" He suddenly heard someone say and lifted his gaze to meet three familiar ladies. They were Ivanka's friends. Was, actually. They used to be friends, but somehow, because of him, they had issues and fell out. Staring at them only reminded him of all the humiliation his Ivanka had to go through for him. Now, she was going to get her reward. "And what is Ivanka's dog doing here?" The one in the middle sniggered. That was Aria. "I'd have guessed you were here for a cleaning job, but why the hell are you dressed differently?" Her words sliced through Alaric's emotions. If it wasn't for the fact that they were ladies, he'd have released some punches. He wasn't the type to bicker or exchange words with females, so he ignored them and continued looking through the glasses. "Hold on, is he shopping for a ring?" Nova scoffed. "Seriously? You want to propose to Ivanka or what?" Alaric ignored them, just minding his business. But the ladies were having fun and walked behind him. "I can't believe you'd be shameless enough to propose to Ivanka in this state. You can barely feed yourself." Lyra added. "By the way, it seems you're confused on where you are. A candid advice, this isn't a regular jewelery store. You can't get cheap or imitated rings from here. These are pure diamonds, and I'm certain you won't be able to afford them even if you sell off your entire belongings." Finally, Alaric turned to look at them. It was obvious he was trying so hard to control his anger, but the bitches couldn't see that. "I don't need your candid advice, Lyra. I'm very much aware these are diamonds, that's the reason I want to get them." His words were clipped. The ladies exchanged glances at each other and ended up laughing. "Seriously? You'd chose to make a joke of yourself? Ivanka is really stupid for choosing you." "I really don't know what you hold over her. I mean, how can she fall for someone like you and even lose her friendship with us? She's so dumb." Alaric was relieved when he found the perfect ring. At last, he could be free from their rants. "I need this." He clicked his fingers towards one of the clerk who came running immediately. The three ladies crossed their arms, hungrily waiting for the drama. They were so certain that Alaric will not be able to afford it. "Give me a moment, sir." The clerk hurried away and returned shortly with a book. "That'll be six hundred thousand dollars, sir." She reported with a smile. The three friends were trying so hard not to laugh. When the clerk called the price, they had expected Alaric's face to be contorted with disappoinment. But it didn't. Instead, he withdrew a card from his pocket and handed to the lady. "Here. I'll be paying with this." The clerk bobbed and left to get the POS device. Now, the three ladies were beginning to get edgy. Alaric was looking more confident than they had expected. "You're such a joke." Aria scoffed, although her tone wasn't as solid as it was before. "I can't believe you're trying this much to be dramatic." Alaric said nothing. Shortly, the clerk returned with the device. She inserted the card, requested for his pin, and the ladies watched with bated breath as the transaction processed. The device beeped and a paper rolled out. The clerk's face lit up with a smile. "Thank you, sir. It's successful." "Thank you." Alaric collected his card from her. The mouths of the three ladies hung open as they stare in disbelief. Was this a dream? A joke? No way! "What the...what the hell just happened?" Nova shook her head. "Did he just pay for a ring worth six hundred thousand dollars?!" "How's that possible?" "Is this the same Alaric?!" Alaric's lips curled into a smirk as he walked away from them, going to the counter where the clerk wrapped his gift. It was so beautiful, he imagined it being even prettier on Ivanka's finger. The three ladies approached him. "Alaric, wh... what just happened? Did you hit the jackpot or something?" Lyra asked, her voice curious and soft. That was when it registered on them that he was truly looking different. Something had changed about this guy. How could they not see it? "Talk to us, Alaric, what happened?!" He didn't spare them a glance until the clerk was done with his package and handed it to him. "Thank you so much for shopping with us, sir. We hope to see you again soon." She smiled warmly. Dipping his hand into his trouser pockets, he brought out some cash and slipped into her hand. "This is a tip. Good job." "Oh, my! Thank you so much, sir! Thank you!" She beamed. The three ladies were even more shocked. They ran after Alaric as he walked out of the building. "C...Can you hold on a minute? We'd like to..." "Stay away from me." He turned fiercely at them. The look in his eyes screamed danger, they froze at once. In a voice tinged with grumpy undertones, he added: "Girls like you deserve the worst. And I hope you get it." He shot them a glare before walking away, and they were too shocked to move.
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