CHAPTER 10Early the following morning and after a good night's sleep, everyone including the llamas appeared refreshed and ready to continue their journey. Only Urco looked reluctant as he placed saddlebags over Ginger's back and gave the llama a handful of grain. "Why the miserable look?" Cualli asked. The boy shrugged. "Nothing, I guess." "Go on," Cualli replied. "There's something. What is it?" 'The second oracle seems to be half right." Cualli frowned. "Half? What does it say?" Tupac said I should be certain before I repeat the words I learnt?" "And you are only half certain?" Urco nodded. "The bit about being followed. If I thought we were being followed by that priest… what was his name?" "Etalpalli." "That's the one. If I knew he was following us it would make all the cond