Almost 3 months later...

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No one to save me. No one to help me. No one, no one, no one. The thoughts repeat every day, but I get more and more anxious with each day as well. 2 more days and I'll be 19. Then I can meet my wolf. Though everyone keeps telling me I'll be wolfless and I'm not worthy of having a wolf. But I don't listen to them because I know she's there. I haven't told a soul I can talk to her already. She showed up last week, and we've been inseparable ever since. Her name is Mari, but she won't show me what she looks like. Tells me it's a surprise and I just gave up asking. ‘Mari?’ I asked and waited for her reply. ‘Yes, Avia?’ She responded, and I smiled at hearing her soft voice. ‘Will we be strong?’ I asked her, and she chuckled. ‘Of course! Even with your gift.’ She said, and I was surprised she knew. No one but my mother knew, and she told me to keep it a secret. ‘Don't worry, Avia, I won't tell!’ She laughed, and I smiled again, admiring her playful nature. I continued to cut up oranges and bananas when my father came in, and my body involuntarily tensed. From being abused every day now, I am tense when I see anyone. "Avia! Where's my mate's fruit salad that she asked for 5 minutes ago?!" He bellowed, and I quickly finished cutting the last banana and handed him the bowl. "Finally, mutt. Go take your break. You have 3 hours." He said as he took the bowl and turned away. ‘Did he ever love you?’ Mari asked. ‘Once...’ I replied, and she went quiet again. Just make it 2 more days, 2 more days. I kept repeating to myself, and that gave me strength. 2 more days, and I can shift. 2 more days, and I can run away. Just 2 more days. I kept thinking as I walked into the forest, making sure I wasn't seen, and I walked towards an old cabin near the borders of our lands. My mother's old cabin. As I sat on the decaying floorboards, I wondered what Mari would look like. Black like my father or brown like my mother. I hoped I got my mother's coat, and it would be a reminder of her with me. I picked at the wood and lifted the floorboard, revealing a stash of all kinds of food. I opted for a bag of cheddar chips and some peanut butter cookies. As I munched, I wondered what to make for supper for my old family. My father mentioned he wanted steak, but Nyra wanted lobster. I pondered for a minute then gave up, settling on making both. I didn't know how long I had sit there, so I got up and started the walk back, noticing the setting sun. I got to the 3-story packhouse and went into the kitchen staff door and went directly to the fridge, grabbing everything I needed for supper and got to work. After supper was done, plated and dished out, I went to my corner of the Omega dorm and laid on my small bed. ‘Will you tell me now? It's only a day away now. Tomorrow at midnight.’ I questioned and heard a small laugh. ‘Nope. Not yet, Avia.’ She replied, and I huffed, disappointed but begrudgingly agreed. I don't know how long I slept for until I was awakened by a smack on the cheek. "Mutt! Wake up! You have to wash my laundry for dad's big announcement tonight." I heard my older brother, Mich, say, and I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, nodding as I rubbed. I heard his feet trailing away, and I looked at the clock above the door. 5 am. An hour before I usually wake up. Great. I stood up and took one step forward... falling on my face. I groaned and looked behind me where I fell and saw 3 huge laundry baskets, filled to the brim with clothes. Even better, he has a lot of clothes for me to wash. Fan-f*****g-tastic. Oh well, complaining won't get it done, so I grabbed them all, placed them all on top of each other and walked to the laundry room. As I set them down and opened the washer, I noticed my father talking to an Omega. Shirley, I believe her name was. As soon as they saw me, they went the other direction down the hall, out of view. Weird...I thought, but kept to myself and started loading the washer. ‘Midnight. Just make it to midnight, then we can run away.’ Mari said to me and I internally nodded. After putting the clothes in the washer, I went to the kitchen to see where I was working and saw I was in the dishpit. Easy enough. Only one person was in the dishpit at a time, so at least I was alone today. As I made my way to the dishpit, I kept my head down and tried to appear invisible. It didn't work because I got hot grease flicked at me, jabbed in the sides with utensils and my hair pulled. It's going to be a long day... I thought and got to work on the mountain of dishes, wondering what my father's announcement tonight was. The day went by fast, and soon we were dismissed, and the night staff was brought in to make supper, but I was let go because "I have to do dishes tomorrow again anyway" by their words, so now, I get an even bigger mountain of dishes tomorrow. "Avia, you're wanted at the announcement." Molly said, and I grew weary, but went to the auditorium. Walking the short distance from the packhouse to the auditorium and as I got to the doors, I pushed them open and walked down to the stage while everyone stared at me. "As everyone knows, Avia is my daughter." My father said as I made my way up the stage. "And tomorrow evening, she will make her first shift and be mated to the Alpha of the Bloodstone Creek Pack!" He declared and I stopped still. Everyone in the auditorium roared with cheers, and I was left in a stupor. Bloodstone Creek had the most deadly, ruthless, horrible Alpha that ever walked. I'm a dead woman. Dead, dead, dead. But he was wrong about one thing. I shift tonight, not tomorrow. Thankfully, Mari and I leavetonight —for good.
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