The Beginning

1324 Words
It started out fine. I was loved. I was cared for. I was well-established in the pack. Then, she happened. My horrid stepmother. My father left my mother for her because they are mates. Not just chosen ones like my parents chose. But, I guess even some bonds can be broken. After she came, my mother disappeared out of nowhere. No one held an investigation, no matter how much I asked for one, my father claimed she ran away because she couldn't handle Nyra being my fathers true mate. I believe she was murdered. The council believed him over me, of course. The Alpha of the RoseBlood Pack could never do anything wrong. Once my stepmother sunk her claws in, I became an outcast. The black sheep. My older brother was more loved and praised than I ever was since she's been here. I've come to realize and accept, I'll never belong in this family again. I'm 18 now, and I haven't belonged in this pack for 10 years. Ever since Nyra came crawling in on her stomach on our borders, she's had this pack and my family wrapped around her finger. My pack hates me and outcasts me because of her lies and deception. Same with my father and brother. They don't outwardly express it, but I can see it. The avoidant stares. The moving out of the way when I come through. Whispering behind my back. I could handle the isolation and being the outcast. Absolutely. Then the abuse started. "Avia! You worthless wretch!" Nyra came out of nowhere and, for the first time ever, slapped me. My head snapped to the side and spit flew out. I was rendered dizzy from the sheer force of her slap. "You stole more of my jewelry, didn't you? Oh, you're horrible! Your father should have gotten rid of you when I told him to." She said with so much hate and venom. It was unbelievable how this woman can hate me so much. "I didn't take anything, Nyra." I said, rubbing my cheek. "Lies!" She screeched and berated me with more slaps, getting stronger each time. I had to shield my face to prevent her claws from catching my face. I could feel them slice my neck, my arms, my back, and my head. I couldn't do anything, and she had shifted. I didn't. I was practically human until I shifted in 3 months. "Nyra, dear, what are you doing?" I heard my father ask and for a brief moment, I thought he was coming to my rescue. "She stole my diamond ring and topaz earrings, Wessy!" She whined, and I couldn't believe it. Surely my father won't believe her. "Is this true, Avia?" My father asked me, and I vehemently shook my head. "No! I would never steal!" I cried, and my father nodded. "To your room." He stated. "What?" I asked and I felt his Alpha aura come out, and I unwillingly bared my neck in submission. "To. Your. Room." He enunciated every word, and I walked up the stairs and down the hall to my room. Being the daughter of a Beta was alright, I could hold my own and I had rank. But, I was powerless against my father's Alpha aura. Two guards, Michael and Laui, came from the other end. "You called us, Alpha?" Laui asked, and my father nodded. "Yes, search Avia's room for my mate's diamond ring and topaz earrings. Surely, this useless mutt must have them somewhere in there." He said, and I was stunned. I was used to name-calling from others, but my father? Still stung. "Yes, Alpha." they both bowed and went into my room. There wasn't much. A small bed, a small dresser and an area rug was all I was blessed with for furniture. I had hardly any clothes. I was always patching new holes or tears. They came out of my room... holding Nyra's "stolen" artifacts. "We found them, Alpha." Michael said. "Right under her bed, hiding underneath her rug." Laui added, and I was even more stunned. I turned to my father and was met with a hard, heavy SMACK! And I collapsed on the floor. "You. Useless. Mutt." My father's voice came from above me. "Steal again, and I will banish you. You will work in the kitchen from now on. No more getting off easy. You will earn your keep now. You will sleep with the Omegas." He said, and I went wide-eyed. Despite the dizziness, I got up. "To the kitchen. Now! There is supper to be made. I've already let them know you are coming." My father yelled, and I walked as fast as I could to the kitchen. As I got there, I could smell roast beef, carrots, potatoes and buns. My mouth watered, and my stomach grumbled. "Avia, is it?" Molly, the head chef, asked, and I nodded. "Get to stirring the carrots and potatoes, then I want you to prepare the gravy. Instructions are on the box in case you don't know how to cook." She said, and I nodded, although I did know how to cook. I went to the stove and started my task. Working back and forth so many times, my feet had blisters, and my arms had blisters from the kitchen staff, either purposely or accidentally, I'm not sure, bumping me into the stove and oven by any chance they could. But, I got through it and brought the last plate of buns to the table and went back to the kitchen, where the servants ate, but I wasn't counting on eating. I was hardly ever allowed to eat, and it was Thursday. My eating days were Tuesday and Friday. Water days were the days in between, so at least I could have as much water as I wanted today. I grabbed my small wooden cup from the shelf that I was assigned to and filled it with cold water, drinking it all and refilling it within a matter of seconds. I slowly sipped the 2nd glass and tried my best to ignore my hungry stomach. After I had three more glasses, I found a secluded free bed in the top floor of the Omega dorm. No one will bother me here, I hope. I thought to myself as I laid down on the dusty bed. Wondering what I did to deserve this life. I woke up to cold water being dumped on me and then laughter. "Oh, look. It's the Alpha's daughter, sent to live with us." A snide voice said and then more laughter. I sat up and got off of the bed, and as expected, they parted for me to go through. "Don't worry, Avia. We'll help you fit in real nice." The one Omega laughed and threw the bucket at me. I caught it and the laughing ceased, but all I did was put it down. I was too hurt by my father to care about fighting back. He hit me. For the first time ever. No matter how bad it got, I was never hit. Until yesterday. I didn't know where I was until I smelled something burning and I looked down, seeing the bottom of my top on fire. "s**t!" I yelled and patted it out, looking around me and seeing everyone else mind their own business. Somewhere along the way of my thinking, I got to the kitchen and started making bacon. Weird, I have no memory of doing it but oh well. I finished up and helped bring breakfast to the table and walked back to the kitchen, seeing my father in the kitchen. "Avia." He said, and I bowed my head. "Alpha." I said back, and he smirked. He came closer and then smacked me again and came to tower over me. "You will never, ever, belong here again." He said and walked away. What did I do? I thought.
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