The Best Run

1251 Words

Unsurprisingly, we came to the beach. 'Maybe we'll swim!' Mari said excitedly and I smiled. 'Maybe.' I said back and took my runners off, stepping in the hot but nice sand, feeling the coarseness of it go through my toes. 'Ready?' I asked her and she nodded. I focused on her and within seconds, I was on 4 paws. "Wow. It's unbelievable how fast you can shift." Raven said and came up to me, petting my side. "You're so soft." He murmured and Mari shivered. Butting his chest with her muzzle, she sniffed him, then looked at him. 'He's beautiful.' She said and I nodded at her. We watched as it took them a few minutes to shift, but when they did, our fears came true. We towered over them by at least another foot. In human form, we were even taller than them, and they had to be at least 6 fe

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