Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 I've been pacing my room for the past half hour while Casey lays across my bed taking selfies. At lunch, I told her about my little injury and how Logan carried me to the school nurse. She is developing her own theories while I try to figure out exactly what all this means. "He likes you, Katie. That's the only reasonable explanation for all this." I stop and glare at her. "Logan Malone doesn't like people, okay? He was just...he was..." I can't explain it and it's driving me nuts. Why does he always seem to come to my rescue if he is so scary and awful? Could he like me? Is he even capable of liking another human being? "Katie. He was holding your hand for crying out loud! He refused to leave your side! He practically threatened that dickhead Colton's life because of you! Do you see him running around rescuing all of the damsels in distress?" She sits up on the bed and smirks at me. "Nope. Just you, because he likes you." I sit down on the bed beside her and let out a long, dramatic sigh. "There's no way he likes me. Why would he? I'm so plain. And he could have his pick of any girl in the school." Casey drapes her arm around my shoulder. "You're beautiful. Maybe a little weird, but nothing about you is plain. He obviously sees something in you that you don't even see." I lay my head on her shoulder. "Thanks, Case. But I think you're reading into this too much." She stands up and places her hands on her hips. A mischievous grin spreads across her face. "I'm always right." She's not. "I think, no, I guarantee that you'll be dating him by the end of this semester." "Dating him?" I scoff. "I can't even talk to the guy. How am I going to date him?" I've always tried to be friends with Logan, but he has always shut me and everyone else out. I'd be lying if I said that stupid dream didn't change the way I look him, but it doesn't mean I have a crush on him. Even if he is the superhero that swoops in to save me every time I'm in trouble. Even if his eyes are incredibly, ridiculously, amazingly stunning. Even if he's on my mind almost always. Oh crap.     "Hey, Katie!" Josh says, falling into step with me. "Are we still on for tonight?" Shit. I forgot I told Josh I'd hang out with him tonight. "Actually, I have to study for the history quiz that's on Friday. I made a 94 on the last one so I really need to make sure I ace this next one." He looks a little disappointed, but he smiles, nonetheless. "I wish I could say the same thing. I'll be lucky if I make a C. Maybe we can study together sometime." "Yeah, maybe." "Well, I'll see you around. Call me when you can hang out again," he says, walking away. I turn around and almost run straight into a hard body. I look up and my eyes widen when I realize who the hard body belongs to. His eyes meet mine and my breath hitches. "Sorry," he mumbles harshly before walking away. I stand rooted in the same spot, watching Logan move down the hallway. So much for him liking me. He treated me as if I were gum on his shoe just now. The same way he treats everyone else. I thought Casey's theory was nothing more than hyped up high school girl talk, but some part of me did hope it was true. Not that I'd have a clue what to do if it was. I can't imagine Logan in the role of boyfriend to anyone, but especially not to me.       Two days have rolled by much of the same way. Logan either avoids me at all costs or looks through me as if I'm invisible. I shouldn't let it bother me. Logan has never really paid any attention to me other than our handful of encounters earlier this week. I guess I was really hoping for more. I didn't realize it until now, but Casey may be right about one thing. I have a new crush. It's the end of the day and it is Friday, so I try my best to shake my off shitty mood. I'm on my way out to Casey's car when something makes me freeze in my tracks. I cringe at the loud moans I hear coming from my best friend's filthy mouth while Jackson Rivers is going down on her in her car. The car that I ride in. Every day. I love Casey, but ever since she lost her virginity, she has been rather promiscuous. She was so upset about being used her first time, she stopped caring who she gave it up to. I'm wandering around the school grounds waiting for them to finish their disgusting acts of debauchery when I see Logan coming my way. I don't expect him to notice me, but maybe I can at least thank him for taking me to the nurse the other day. Because I'm the loser that I am, I look down when he walks by, chickening out. I squeeze my eyes shut, not expecting the sting of hurt I feel when he doesn't acknowledge me. Again. "Katie?" My heart leaps in my chest at the sound of his voice. I turn around and there are those amazing blue eyes, piercing into mine. "Do you need a ride home or something?" I almost say no, but why would I? Casey is busy and I'm tired of standing out here alone in the scorching Alabama heat. "Actually, yes," I say, my voice a little shaky from the way he makes me come unglued. He nods toward the parking lot and I follow behind him. He walks toward a dark blue Tahoe and opens the passenger side door. "Mom, do you think you can give Katie a ride home?" Wait, mom? The woman sitting in the car looks no older than twenty-five. She's stunningly beautiful, with striking green eyes and sharp features. Although the math doesn't work out in my head, I can definitely see a resemblance as I look between her and Logan. She smiles at me so bright; I can feel the warmth radiating off her. "Yeah, sure! Hi Katie!" I'm sure I look like an awkward turtle right now, but I give her a small wave before I look over to see Logan getting into the back seat. What a gentleman. "My name is Ashley, by the way. My son must've forgotten his manners." Logan peeks his head through the seats and laughs. "My bad. Katie, this is my lovely mother, Ashley. Mom, this is Katie Baxter." "Oh, yeah! Nick and Valerie's daughter, right?" Ashley asks. I nod even though my heart squeezes at the mention of my mother's name. "Your dad coached my husband, Cody, back in high school. He was the quarterback of the championship team," she says as she drives us along. "The '99 team?" I ask and she nods. That was my dad's second season here at Summerdale. That puts Cody at about twenty-eight or so. That means, if Ashley and Cody are Logan's parents, he was born when they were still in high school. That would explain why she looks so young. "So, Logan, why don't you play?" I ask, feeling a little braver and quickly taking advantage of it. I don't know what I expected. Maybe a short, annoyed response, maybe a simple shrug, maybe nothing at all. But what I didn't expect was the breathtaking smile that sweeps across his face. "I've thought about it, but it's not really my thing," he says, taking me by surprise. Ashley looks up and catches Logan's reflection in the rearview mirror. " Katie just a friend or is she your girl-" "Mom!" Logan interrupts. I'm usually shy and uncomfortable around people I don't know, and Logan has made me a fumbling pile of nerves this week, but I feel at ease right now. His mom seems wonderful and he is a totally different person outside of school, it turns out. "What? She's so cute! You two would be-" "Mom, please. You're killing me here," Logan interrupts again, smiling bashfully and making my heart flutter. "What? You don't think I'm cute?" I ask, turning to meet his eyes. At first, he seems a little surprised. To be honest, so am I. "I think you're very cute," he whispers, his eyes turning dark and intense. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I quickly turn around before he notices me blushing like a fool. Ashley doesn't say anything about our little exchange, but I can tell that she heard it judging by the knowing smile on her face. "Katie, if you don't have any plans, you should come over for dinner tonight," Ashley suggests. While I would love to say yes, I already promised Casey I'd go to Jamie Brewer's party with her tonight. I'd much rather spend my time getting to know this Logan better. His mom seems to bring out a different side of him; a side I've never seen before. "I'd love to, but I promised my best friend I'd go to a party with her tonight," I reply. "Jamie Brewer's party?" Logan asks. "Yeah, I think so." He doesn't say anything, only nods. I've never seen Logan at a party before, so I don't expect him to show up. After seeing this whole new side of him, I'm secretly hoping he will though. He knows I'll be there now. If he shows up, maybe Casey's theory could be right. I guess we'll find out. After Ashley drops me off at home, I quickly head up to my room to call Casey. I can't wait to tell her what just happened. When I pull my phone out of my purse, I realize I have about a dozen missed calls from her and several text messages. Shit. I forgot to tell her I got a ride home. I decide to text her since I'm too afraid to face her wrath. Me: Sorry Case! I got a ride home when I saw you were...busy. Case: You dirty little w***e you! I was worried sick! Me: I'm the dirty little w***e? ;) Case: Right. That's me. :D But still! Who gave you a ride? Me: Get over here asap and I'll tell you! ;) Casey comes over so we can get ready for the party and I fill her in on meeting Logan's supermodel mom and his complete change in personality the moment we were off school grounds. "Maybe he just doesn't want people to find out he's just a huge mama's boy. You know, to keep up his mysterious bad boy reputation at school," Casey says, just inches from my face as she does my makeup. "I think it's adorable," I say with a goofy grin. Casey stops applying my mascara and blinks at me before a smirk forms on her face. "I knew it! You like him. Admit it. Admit it right now before I poke your eye out with this thing!" She's waving the mascara wand around like a lunatic. "Okay, okay! I like him." If I didn't want to admit it before, I have to now. I really like him. Casey finally finishes dolling me up and we head to Jamie's party. I'm wearing probably the most uncomfortable and very short red sweetheart dress and my red pumps. My hair is in loose waves down my back. I feel sexy and confident, but it doesn't matter. The guy I want to see won't be here and I could care less about anyone else. When we walk into Jamie's house, there are people everywhere. Some are just standing around, drinking or smoking. Others are dancing in the enormous living area. "I've got to pee like a racehorse. I'll be right back," Casey says, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she walks away. I move through the crowds of sweaty teenage horn dogs grinding on each other, trying to find a spot to just stand since I don't dance. That's when I see him, leaning against the wall. Alone. And I'm a puddle.  
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