Aiden Acting Nice.

1674 Words

Chapter 15 ARIELLE’S POV For some reason, I felt light, like I was floating in the clouds, but then the feeling became more vivid. I was in someone’s arms. I could tell because of the feel of their strong hands around my body. And then, I heard his voice. I knew the voice all too well. It was Aiden. My mind was racing with questions like what he was doing here, how he had found me, and where he was taking me to, but the pain could not make me focus. My eyes were closed and I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I felt my body collide with a soft material, and my eyes slide open. I saw Aiden on top of me. He was settling me into a compartment like space. It took me a while to take in my surroundings, and soon enough, I realized that I was in the backseat of a car. Aiden hopped in

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