14. Wes

1327 Words

Chapter 14 Wes Jamie is kissing me. Jamie is kissing me. Jamie is kissing me. Nope, no matter which way I run it through my head, it still doesn’t make sense to me. The pressure of his mouth? Makes no sense. The shocking sweep of his tongue over my bottom lip? No sense. But holy f*****g s**t, I want it. Rain pours off the awning and slides over our heads as my best friend’s lips latch onto mine. I taste the rain, beer, something addictively masculine. His mouth brushes mine, over and over again, and when I part my lips to draw a shaky breath, he takes full advantage and slides his tongue inside. It’s like a cattle prod to the spine. Desire surges through me and spirals down to my balls, drawing them up tight. When his tongue touches mine I damn near keel over. I have to grab the fr

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