13. Jamie

2189 Words

Chapter 13 Jamie There are a million cars outside Lou’s because the place shares a parking lot with a Dairy Queen. We park on the road and walk through the cricket-filled darkness to the decently sized roadside bar. Lou’s has an Adirondack theme, and they’re working it pretty hard. The requisite old wooden paddles hang from the paneled walls. An inverted canoe is suspended on hooks from the ceiling. The drink specials are named for nearby peaks. Of course they are. “Okay, so you’ll have the Nippletop, and I’ll have the Dix Mountain.” Wes is already enjoying himself. “Dude, if the Nippletop has peach schnapps in it, I will hurt you.” He grins, and it’s wicked. “How do you feel about elderflower vodka?” “Not funny.” I wave down the bartender. “I’ll have a Saranac IPA. Thanks.” Wes f

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