Your Wish is my Command

1010 Words
{Lyanna’s POV} We performed the ritual, and just like he said my mind opened to the packs mind link. I gasped as I could suddenly hear so many voices. “It’s too much..” I whispered softly. “Hey, focus on me!” Felix spoke softly. “Just listen to my voice, and tune them out for now. They’re just happy to have found their Luna which is why they’re all bombarding you! Calm, deep breaths..” he whispered slowly, pulling my hands up to his lips and kissing my knuckles softly. Soon I was able to drown out the voices, and my breathing returned to normal. “That’s better.. thank you Felix..” I smiled, looking up into his pale blue eyes. “Anything for you!” He smiled, kissing my knuckles once again. “Now, let’s go to the meeting in our office!” He said, wrapping my arm with his. We walked out into the hall and the same old man from before was standing there. “Sir, you can’t be serious! Choosing a rogue as a mate! There is an Alpha here that wishes to mate his daughter to you! They’re in your office, now please, reconsider!” He snarled. “This is Lyanna, my fated mate, and my chosen mate! I will choose her over anyone and everyone else!” Felix growled back. “I Alpha Felix, hereby strip you of your elder title, and banish you to the outskirts of our pack grounds. If I ever see you in my pack house again, it’ll be your head. I warned you not to speak of her this way, and here you are. Now leave on your own accord, or be thrown!” He snapped. The old man turned and stormed off, but not before shooting me a vile look. Felix turned back to me and knelt down on his knees in front of me. “Go back to our room and rest, I’ll send these two away!” He snarled towards the office. “No, I’ll go with you, then we can go back together!” I smiled at him, leaning forward and kissing his forehead. “Come on, the sooner we tell them no, the sooner we can get back to our room!” I said, smiling brightly. That is, until I realized how it sounded. “I just meant..” I started. “I know what you meant, and I meant what I said earlier, just tell me, anything, and it’s yours!” He winked at me, before opening the door to his office and walking in with my arm linked in his. “What is the meaning of this! We were told you were unmated!” An older Alpha yelled. His daughter had a spoiled look on her face, as though this was the only time she wouldn’t get what she wanted. “Daddy, he’s supposed to be with me! Make him be with me instead!” She whined. “I have recently met my fated mate, and I have chosen to be with her. I have already accepted her into the pack, and out mating ritual will be soon. Therefore I am now officially off the market. So sorry to waste your time!” Felix said, a smile never leaving his face. “No! I don’t accept it! This b**** can’t be better than me, just look at her!” The she wolf snarled. Felix turned, his eyes blazing with a fury I wasn’t sure a person could achieve until now. “Get off my pack grounds immediately! You’ve just insulted my future Luna, to my face! Leave, both of you!” He yelled, his Alpha voice shaking the room. The girl whimpered clinging to her father. He shoved her to the ground and stormed out of the office. She stood quickly and followed behind him, shooting me a glare on the way out. I turned to Felix and placed my hands on my hips. “I’ve not even been here for ten minutes and you’ve already given me two enemies.” I laughed out. He walked over, closing the office door and pinning me to it. “No one could ever hurt you, I won’t allow them to!” He said lifting me up and pressing me to the door with his body against mine. “F-Felix!” I m***** out softly, running my hands up his arms and to his shoulders. My hands found their way to his hair and I played with it softly. “Yes?” He asked, a devious look on his face. “Please, touch me more, I want to feel you against me! I want to feel your hands all over my body, and your mouth..” I panted out softly. “Your wish is my command!” He whispered in my face before grabbing my a** with one hand and running the other along the side of my body. He had me pinned roughly to the door and slid the exploring hand to my wrists, pinning them above my head. He kissed me passionately, before moving his kisses to my cheek, then my neck. I m*****, throwing my head back and grinding my hips into his. “Felix!” I gasped out as he found my marking spot and began licking and nibbling it. “What is it? What do you want me to do now?” He asked, pulling back and looking at me with a drunken expression on his face. “Felix.. I want you to do whatever you want with me! Please.. just take me!” I panted out, grinding my hips roughly into his. “That wasn’t the agreement..” he whispered. “Please Felix, it’s what I really want!” I whimpered, planting kisses down the side of his neck. He groaned, thrusting his hips into mine. I m***** out softly, then bit my lip to keep myself quiet. “If that’s really what you want, then your wish is my command!” He groaned in my ear.

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