Chapter 19

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Third person's PoV Louis took a nasty look at the car parked in the Express Mall parking lot, and he followed the two because he was curious where it was going. But he discovered that George had left Beatrice alone in the car and started the engine. "If I can't get the woman he likes, I can now kill the woman who is important to him right now," Louis muttered to himself. Louis used his power to move the car while Beatrice screamed; he didn't even lock the car door, and Beatrice was at a loss for what to do. "What the heck is going on?! Help! Why the car is moving on its own," Beatrice yelled, her eyes widening, because the car was about to pass outside and George's car was on the third floor. "George!" Beatrice yelled, and the car passed by, and she saw the high fall and closed her eyes. When George heard Beatrice's scream, he dashed to the parking lot; fortunately, no one noticed him because he moved so quickly. In a panic, George broke down the door of his car and picked up Beatrice; George collapsed to the ground as he lifted Beatrice. When George saw that his car was about to crash, he swerved, and the people screamed who saw them and the vehicle that had crashed. "Beatrice, are you all right? Aren't you in pain?" George inquired, but he saw in Beatrice's face now was fear. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you; I'm here now," George said to Beatrice, and she opened her eyes. "I'm terrified, George!" Beatrice wrapped her arms around George and hugged him tightly. "How are you two doing? How did you manage to jump so high?" Beatrice was taken aback when the guard inquired about George. "What are we going to do now, George? They found out?" Beatrice asked softly, and she was taken aback by what she saw. George's eyes glowed, and he said something to everyone who saw them; he erased the memory of the people who saw George jump and quickly descend using his speed. "What happens? Are you two all right?" The guard's question. "We're okay, thanks for your concern," George said, and he wondered who would do that to Beatrice. "Did you touch the car?" George inquired of Beatrice. "I didn't. I was using my phone. The car just started to move," Beatrice explained to George. "I'll take care of whoever did that to you; we need to get out of here," George said as he lowered Beatrice. "How about our car? What if they call you because of a license plate number?" Beatrice inquired of George. "Johnny will take care of it because he purchased that car," George said as the two walked away. Beatrice's PoV I can't describe how terrified I was before; I thought I was going to die, that this was my last day, and I looked at George, deep in thought. We just took a taxi to get home, and he couldn't find a picture frame either. "Do you have the photographs that we have earlier?" I inquired of George. "Yeah, I have it, don't worry, I won't lose it," George said, and I returned with a smile. "It's a good thing you have the pictures; maybe when I have them, I won't be able to get them right away and leave them in your car," I told George as we approached his house. I went outside and straight into the house, where I got some water. When I finished my drink, I noticed George had already changed his clothes, and he was quick to go into his room that he needed to change his clothes. "I will find the one who did this to you and who put you in danger," George said as I approached and hugged him. "Thank you, and you saved my life," I said to George. "You have no idea how worried I am about you. I heard you scream; I thought of Caroline, and I don't want to lose you again," George said to me, his face was sad. "I'm fine, and now that I'm here at home, I'll be even better," I assured George, and he smiled. "Call Johnny if you need anything," George said to me, and I nodded; he was already out of the house, and I knew he'd use the speed of his movements to track down the person who had done that earlier in his car. I went upstairs to change my clothes, and when I got into my room, I took my clothes and changed. I folded Caroline's dress I was wearing. What if George's opponent did that? Maybe he followed us, intending to do something terrible to the two of us, and when he saw me, he mistook me for Caroline because I was wearing this dress. I put that dress in the cabinet here, exited my room, and considered eating a cup of noodles. I heat the water first. After that, I took the cup of noodles in the kitchen drawer, and I'm hoping George can come back soon tonight. Even though I know, he's a vampire, I'm concerned about him. When I finished heating the water, I opened the cup of noodles. I filled it with hot water before going to the sofa and placing the small noodles on the table. I waited for the noodles to cook first, and when it was done, I checked to see if it was cooked, stirred it, and began eating while watching something on my social media account. I noticed Johnny had added me to my social media account. George does not yet have any social media account; can I create one for him? When he returns, I'll tell him I'll set up a social media account for him. George's PoV "Did you come here and leave Beatrice alone in your house?" Johnny inquired because I brought him to find Louis. There is no one else who can do it but Louis. "Nothing bad will happen to her there, and I've secured my home," I assured Johnny. "Come on, master, I remember you used to take me with you when we went hunting low vampires," Johnny said to me as I sat down. "Let's go," I said, and we walked out of his house. We moved quickly to Louis' mansion, and when we arrived, we felt his strong power. I noticed him standing on the rooftop, and when he saw me, he came down and smiled. "What do you require? What brings you here? Are you here to annoy me once more?" I strangled Louis when he asked me. "What were you thinking?! Nobody else will do it except you!" I growled at Louis, and it was clear to him that he was acting as if he didn't know. "I'm not sure what you're saying; are you here to blame me for something I didn't do?" I was bored and punched Louis in the face when he asked me that. "You're still denying it! You just attempted to murder Beatrice! For what purpose? What motivated you to act in this manner? I know you're envious of me, but you're way too envious!" I sighed as I overheard Louis laughing. "You have no idea why I'm so envious of you! You're so fortunate, and you're from the royal family, unlike me that is from a low family!" Louis told me, and he charged at me right away. I used my strength, and Louis jumped; does he believe he could beat me? I smiled and used my gravity power, causing him to fall and struggle to stand. "You can't beat me. I'm just warning you not to do that again because if you do, I don't know what I'm going to do to you," I told him. Louis was annoyed. "Come on, Johnny," I said, and as we walked away, I removed the gravity power from Louis's entire body. "Are you sure you're not going to kill him now?" Johnny asked me, and we arrived at my house. "Thank you for coming with me. I thought I couldn't do it alone, but I can, but I also need a witness in case something terrible happens to me," I told Johhny, and then I saw Beatrice walk out. "You're with Johnny; how's your problem? Is it fixed?" Beatrice inquired. "I'll be the first one to leave now, master," Johnny said, and I nodded, and he left. I went inside with Beatrice and sat on the couch. "The problem has been solved," I explained to Beatrice, but she was taken aback. "Did you kill the person who did that to me?" Beatrice inquired, obviously concerned that I had murdered someone. "Don't worry, I didn't kill anyone; I just scared him," I explained, and Beatrice sat down next to me. "It's good, and nothing bad happened to you; I also know you're strong, so I was worried about you," Beatrice said, and I smiled. "Don't be concerned about me; I'm fine. Are you doing something?" I inquired Beatrice. "I don't have anything to do now, so what are you going to do now?" Beatrice asked if I had anything to do right now. "I have nothing to do right now, also," I replied to Beatrice. "Would you like to create a Social Media account for you so I can add you?" Beatrice asked, and I had no idea what she meant. "Isn't it risky to create my account, you say?" I asked Beatrice because I was concerned that someone might know my information. "I'm not going to use your real name; what can I write to your name?" Beatrice told me she was thinking. "Just put Leo, and then I'll use your last name," I told Beatrice, and she surprised me by laughing. "Why are you laughing there?" I inquired Beatrice. "Because my surname isn't appropriate for you! Victoria is my surname, and you will use it," Beatrice informed me. "It's just that no one will know I'm George Leopold," I explained as Beatrice pulled her phone from her pocket. I looked at her phone and saw how she created the account that she was talking about. I noticed she put Leo Victoria and was already done making. "Did you notice the password I created? Did you pick up on what I was thinking?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, I read it," I said as I took out my phone. I opened my social media account and logged in, and then I noticed Beatrice was on my list of friends. "Do you have a photo? What image will I use in my account?" I inquired of Beatrice. "What image do you want to use?" Beatrice inquired. "Will I get a lot of messages if I use my face as a photo in my account?" I inquired of Beatrice. "Of course, you're attractive, so they'll message you," Beatrice explained. "I already know what picture I will upload," I said, pulling out my pocket watch. I could tell she was shocked, and Beatrice touched the pocket watch. "Are you all right? Do you recall anything?" When I asked Beatrice, she shook her head. "Did Caroline give it to you so that you could ask me if I remembered anything?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, Caroline gave me this," I said as she took a picture of the pocket watch with my phone. **
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