Sequel 7

1954 Words
George's PoV "Master, Miss Caroline told me you have poison in your body?" I heard Johnny ask, and now he's right next to me. "Yes, there is," I said, attempting to remove the poison from my body, but I was becoming weak due to hunger. "I'll handle it, master. I'll attempt to get the poison out of your body," Johnny added, and I agreed, knowing Johnny could help me because he's my butler and a half-royal vampire. Caroline watched Johnny remove the poison from my body as I glanced at her worriedly. After all, I didn't want to hurt her because of this poison. "George is getting weak. Is this going to take long to remove the poison?" Caroline inquired of Johnny. "Soon to be eradicated," Johnny replied, and I spotted a purple glow on my wrist, resisted the pain, and then recognized that the poison was floating. "Miss Caroline, get some animal blood," Johnny urged, and Caroline swiftly did so. She swiftly returned and handed me two packs of animal blood. "Drink immediately," Caroline said, and I did. "George, don't worry. You'll be fine. The poison does not appear to be venomous, and I have entirely cleared your body of all traces of it." As he removes the poison from me, Johnny added. After drinking the animal blood, I stood up from my seat on the sofa, and Garry smiled at me. "I was afraid you were going to die," Garry said, and I chuckled. "I would not die. If today were my last day, I wish I had brought you with me." Caroline approached me after I said something to Garry. "Just let me know if you need anything else," Caroline added, becoming my second mother because she was so concerned about me. "You're something, but I'm okay, Caroline," I remarked as I slipped the armor from my shoulder. "You probably need more animal blood; I see you're still weak," I told Caroline, who was caught off guard. "All right, I'll drink animal blood because you mentioned I was still weak," Caroline stated as she walked to the refrigerator. "The citizens in the elite village stated the low vampires were attacking yesterday. They only reported it now since no one in the Leopold family is paying attention to them," Caroline replied as I stared at Johnny. "Call the other Leopold; I want to ask why they disregarded the elite village when they asked for help. They shouldn't rely on me all pocket. I'm the one who completes other missions and adventures," I told Johnny, and he quickly nodded. "All right, master," Johnny replied. I was able to keep my head held high as I wondered why the other Leopolds didn't act immediately; they were also strong, but why they did not pay attention? Does this imply that they provide a home for normal vampires and never protect them when low vampires attack? Maybe my parents knew about it but didn't inform me straight away; however, I have a butler who handles all of my tasks and will notify me right away if there is one. "I need to see mom and dad," I said to Caroline and Garry. "I'm coming because there may be low vampires following you because they don't leave right away," Caroline explained. "All right, Garry, will you come with me?" I inquired of Garry. "I need to go home; perhaps the low vampires won't attack again to follow you and kill you," Garry explained. "Johnny, come with me," I said to my butler, and he immediately nodded. "Are you sure you're not going to change your clothes?" I asked Caroline. "Should I change?" Caroline responded, and I removed my brown coat. "Yes, you should change. Maybe we won't fight anymore," I told Caroline, and she immediately gestured. Johnny and I went out, and I rode my black horse, while Johnny rode his white horse. Caroline soon appeared, dressed in a blue dress. Caroline approached me, and I first invited her to ride my black horse. "Johnny's horse is extremely wonderful; perhaps I should get my horse," Caroline commented after I completed riding my horse. "You may purchase; do you wish to purchase from the one I previously purchased?" Caroline clutched to my waist as I asked her. "Okay, I'll take it! Maybe I'll get a white horse-like Johnny," Caroline replied, and I rode my horse away. "Just give your white horse a sign because Johnny's horse and yours might get swamped," I said to Caroline, and we were on our way to my parents' place. We placed the two horses that Johnny and I had brought in their stable when we arrived. I fixed my clothes and entered our mansion, which shocked mom and dad. "What does my son need?" Mom asked me right away, and she approached Caroline. "Nice to see you, Caroline!" Mom greeted Caroline. "I'm here now, dad, since a resident in the wealthy village contacted yesterday and said there were low vampires in their region, but no Leopold families came," I explained. "I'm here now since a resident in the wealthy village contacted yesterday and said there were low vampires in their region, but no Leopold families came," I explained. "They're anticipating you, but let me tell you, I don't want to get into trouble with the Leopold family, you know," dad added as Caroline approached. "It's a shame that the citizens who live in the elite village also have children who are not yet strong; if there were another report, I would have directed George immediately if the other Leopold family was lazy," Caroline said. I was surprised that I would have stood up to tell Caroline that she shouldn't dig deep. "Caroline is right. They need to report straight to you, George," dad told me, and I did nothing because I didn't think Caroline would help at all. "Thank you for your proposal, Caroline," I responded, and she was startled to find her cheek was red, so I shifted my gaze. "Caroline is doing this because she likes you, son; don't you already like her?" Dad inquired, and I took a deep breath. "I don't think about that yet, dad," I told Dad, and I knew Caroline would think a lot more because I stated I hadn't thought about that love yet. 'Is it true what he stated about not having love in mind yet?!' Caroline's thoughts piqued my interest, so I rose and approached her. "Come out first, Caroline, your suggestion is okay, and I approve it. We'll discuss it now," I said, and Caroline nodded her head quickly. "Let Caroline stay here. She will be a member of our family next time," mom suggested, which surprised me even more. "Is that what you thought straight away, Mom? But I'll let you be that way, but right now, I don't intend to marry and love someone." Caroline's thoughts were even more intense when I read them. "Caroline, first and foremost, stop thinking. Do you realize I can always tell what you're thinking? I have trouble concentrating at times." Caroline was stunned by what I said, so she stopped thinking and sat down beside my mother. "Don't be furious at Caroline; our partnership with Vancil is strong; we shouldn't offend her," dad continued, and I sat down next to him on the sofa. "Master, Caroline's suggestion is reasonable." I nodded as Johnny approached. "As long as it's about our other families with the surname Leopold, they need to know that they will no longer accept the mission, but they can still do it if they want to support me," I said, and Johnny listed what he needs to do. "You can fix the problem already. You're such a smart son," dad told me, and I just chuckled. "Your son inherited everything from you," mom said as I stood up. "I'll come back when I need something and if I have time to visit you," I reassured my parents, who smiled and looked at me. "Come on, Caroline," I said, and she got up right away. We exited the mansion, and I whispered something to Johnny. "You can go home first, Johnny, Caroline, and I are going somewhere," I told Johnny as he mounted his horse. Caroline was already riding my horse when I looked up, so I took the leash from mom and dad's stable. I also hopped on my horse and quickly made my horse run, and I talked to Caroline while we were on our way to the horse shop. "Do you know where we are going?" I inquired. "I'm not sure where we're going?" Caroline inquired, and we arrived at the location where I purchased my horse. It was a horse farm complete with a small clinic and a large field to wander freely. "I'll buy you your horse because your proposal earlier helped," I remarked before, but the fact is that I got in the mood to buy her horse all of a sudden. "Are you serious about purchasing a horse for me? But I still don't know how to ride a horse," Caroline wondered, and I smiled at her. "I'll teach you right here so you can take home your horse that I'm going to purchase you," I told Caroline, who smiled. "Okay, thank you, George!" Caroline, thanked me, and she held me suddenly, so I let go right away. "Pick a horse you want," I said to Caroline, and she immediately went inside the horse shelter to choose. "How are you doing, Prince George? It's great to see you again." Christian greeted me cheerfully as he cared for the horses' haystacks and other vegetables. "You're looking excellent, Christian," I said back. "How is the black horse that you bought doing? Do you take care of him?" Christian responded. "Yes, I follow your instructions before I take care of my horse," I responded to Christian. "That's good," Christian answered. "I just happened to see you again. Will you ever buy another horse?" Christian inquired. "I'll buy that woman a horse," I said, motioning to Caroline. Christian glanced at the woman with me. "Which is it, your friend or your girlfriend?" Christian inquired. "Just my friend; she did something wonderful, so this is in recompense for what she did," I told Christian, who nodded. "It's delightful when it's a white horse," Caroline said, touching the white horse's cheek, gratefully not terrified of her. "Isn't this horse irrational?" I inquired of Christian. "It's not but don't scare them; when they're scared, they run away," Christian explained. "All right, take out that white horse and saddle it up for Caroline to ride," I said to Christian, and he did as I instructed. "Her name is beautiful," Christian said. "Yes, and she's also a royal vampire," I said to Christian as he drew out the white horse Caroline had picked and fitted the equipment to the horse's body. When I look at Caroline, I notice a smile on her face, and I know she is overjoyed because I bought her a horse, and now I am the person she loves and desires. "I like you even more," Caroline said, but her face quickly turned somber. "I hope you like me; we've been living vampires for a long time, so I'll wait even if it takes years," Caroline replied, and I remained silent. "It's fine now, Caroline. You may ride the horse," Christian remarked, but I instantly approached the white horse. "I'll train her first because she doesn't know how to ride a horse," I said to Christian. "You can go out into the huge field so you can get a feel for your new horse." After paying Christian, he remarked. **
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