Chapter 17

1942 Words
George's PoV It's been a long time, and we have many pictures of Beatrice; it's nighttime, and I can see the lights in Raze Park. It's more excellent here at night because Beatrice and I can walk around while she eats cotton candy. I didn't buy anything for myself because I didn't want to. I also didn't want to leave early because I knew Beatrice wanted to ride the Ferris wheel, even though she had previously stated that it was too early to ride there in the morning. "Would you like to ride the Ferris wheel?" When I asked Beatrice, she turned to face me. "Yes, I'd like to ride; is that okay with you? It feels a bit boring inside as if you're just being lifted," Beatrice said to me, and I dragged her onto the Ferris wheel. We showed our all-ride ticket and boarded right away; when the two of us sat down, Beatrice looked down and smiled. Our ride suddenly shook, and I became aware of the situation. "Don't worry, and we won't fall. You are a vampire, right?" Beatrice said, and I laughed. "Didn't you say you didn't want people to see me wielding power?" I inquired of Beatrice. "Yes, I don't want to, so we need to get out of here quickly, so you don't get in trouble," Beatrice said as she pulled out her phone. "Let's take a picture," Beatrice said and positioned me when the door opened, so I quickly hugged Beatrice. "Are you all right?" I asked Beatrice, looking at the door that had just opened. "I was shocked. I thought I was going to fall," Beatrice said, and I slammed the door shut with my strength. "Won't that be noticed by people?" Beatrice inquired me. "No one would notice that because we're at the peak of the high," I told Beatrice after hearing her heartbeat so fast. I walked away from Beatrice, and since we couldn't take a picture, I paused the clock and looked at her. I stroked her cheek and took her phone. I took the photo myself, although she looked sad because she was so scared. When I re-started the time, Beatrice appeared surprised. "Why does it feel like the time stop? Did you feel that? Or you did something I didn't know?" She inquired to me, and I laughed a little. "What's the point of your laughter? Did you do something?" Beatrice asked me while looking at her phone. I was taken aback, and Beatrice showed us the most recent photo of the two of us. "How did you manage to do it? Did you put a stop to the time?" Our ride was down already when Beatrice asked me. "Let's go outside. Our ride is over," I said to Beatrice, taking her hand in mine. Beatrice couldn't take her gaze away from her phone as we walked, so we came to a halt. "I stopped the time because we might not be able to take a picture because you were scared earlier," I explained to Beatrice, and she hid her phone in her pocket. "I'm glad you've been honest with me," Beatrice said, and she smiled. I'm not used to being honest with Beatrice because when I was with Caroline, I wasn't always honest with my wife, but let me say that I'll change and be honest when Beatrice remembers me. "Would you like us to dine at the restaurant?" I inquired of Beatrice because it was also dinnertime. "Okay, but I guess you need animal blood because your lips are a little white," Beatrice said to me as she touched my lip. I was surprised and smelled Beatrice; I immediately walked away, and she was surprised. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to!" Beatrice told me, and I calmed down; she was correct; I was starving and needed blood. "Let's go home instead," I suggested, and Beatrice nodded. We exited, and I immediately got into the car, followed by her, and fastened my seat belt. I started the car and felt my entire body heat up; I hoped we could get home soon; I needed to hurry because she touched my lips, making me even hungrier. "I'm sorry if I touched your lips, but I can't believe you get hungry so quickly when you eat our food," Beatrice said as we drove home an hour later. She came out right away, and I was surprised because there were low vampires again, so I came out right away and drew Beatrice. "Get back in the car!" I said this, and Beatrice dashed into the car. "You're back. Didn't I tell you not to come back?" I sighed and grinned, then used my gravitational power on them all, and they couldn't stand up. "I won't let you run away tonight," I said solemnly, exploding all over their bodies, getting on my knees, and feeling my fangs grow. I need blood, and I need it from an animal. "George!" I heard Beatrice call out to me, and she was taken aback by what she saw. "I'm going to pick the animal blood in the house!" I held Beatrice's hand as she spoke. Beatrice removed my hand and ran away; she brought the animal blood, which I immediately drank when she returned. After that, I was perplexed as to why I hadn't lost my fang; I was still hungry. "Get out of here first, Beatrice," I said, but she didn't. Beatrice drew her hair back and exposed her neck when I looked at her. "I'll endure the pain because you need my blood more," Beatrice said, prompting me to rush up to her. When I bit her, I tasted Beatrice's blood and couldn't stop myself; I heard her little scream, so I came to a halt, and she immediately touched her neck. "So it feels like this–" Beatrice stumbled, and I snatched her up. My fang disappeared, so I carried Beatrice and went inside the house. I went straight to her room and laid her down, then I treated my bite on her neck and dashed to my car. After picking up the stuffed toy we got from the one we got at Raze Park, I returned to my house and went straight to her room. I set aside two stuffed animals for her and kissed Beatrice's brow; I owe her an apology tomorrow. I was about to leave when I overheard Beatrice say something. "Don't leave me, George..." I was taken aback when I heard that, and when I looked at her, she was still sleeping. I was the one in Beatrice's dream, but when she awoke, she couldn't remember who I was. I sat on the bed and took her hand in mine, smiling because I was sure she was Caroline. "Please come back already," I said softly as I lay beside her. It was early morning, and I was still lying next to Beatrice. "What happens?" Beatrice inquired, and she stood up, as did I. "I'm sorry I drank your blood last night," I apologized, and Beatrice was taken aback. "Did I do that?" Beatrice asked, and she put her hand on her neck. "How come I don't have a wound?" Beatrice asked me, and it was as if she only realized now she had scratched her head. "Oh right, you're a vampire, and you treated my wound; why are you so sorry? I can't get someone else to draw some human blood, so I did it myself because you need it," Beatrice informed me. "Nothing terrible will happen to me if you take my blood. It will return as well! Don't be concerned," I smiled as Beatrice told me. I hugged Beatrice, and I thought that she hugged me back. "Thank you, Beatrice; perhaps you'd like to eat something this morning," I said as Beatrice let go of my hug. "How about we make breakfast together?" Beatrice inquired, and I nodded in approval. "All right, you can change your clothes and take a bath," I told Beatrice, and she nodded. I went out of her room, and I also took a shower when I finished taking a bath. I was wearing white sleeves. I adjusted my pants when I finished. I also fixed my hair. When I came out of my room and saw Beatrice coming down the stairs, I quickly picked her up, and she was taken aback. "George, you surprised me! We're almost about to plummet," I laughed as Beatrice said this to me. "Is it true that your clothes are white today? Your clothes will be filthy. When we cook?" Beatrice inquired. "Then I'm going to change my clothes," I said, and Beatrice put on an apron. I also put on an apron and handed something to do, which I accepted with a smile, and we began preparing the ingredients. "You really want to make a cake for the two of us," I said to Beatrice, and as I was mixing it, she suddenly tasted it. "It might taste good. I think this is okay now," Beatrice said, so I grabbed it and rubbed it on her cheeks. Beatrice was taken aback, and I laughed; she put some on me too, and we both laughed because we were already playing in the kitchen. "Do I resemble a piece of cake? Why did you put some cream on me?" I just laughed out loud when Beatrice said that to me. "It's so much fun to tease you!" I told Beatrice, and I moved quickly, so she didn't catch up with me. "If only I had vampire powers. I already catch you already!" Beatrice told me, and I was taken aback because she took a spoon. "Catch!" I smiled as Beatrice said this and threw the spoon. I quickly grabbed it and hugged Beatrice; she just laughed because she knew I was moving fast. After all, I was a vampire. "Let's continue this! I'm hungry!" Beatrice said to me, and I sorted through our clutter instantly. "You're excellent, thank you, and I don't have anything else to do," Beatrice said as we finished the cake. Beatrice took two plates and placed them on the table; she sliced the cake and handed it to me after I sat. She also took a piece of cake, and we began to eat the taste of what we had done. "It's good! However, I still prefer cakes that can be purchased outside," Beatrice informed me. She's correct; there are cakes for sale outside. "Would you like me to buy you some cake on your birthday?" I inquired Beatrice "Yeah, sure, November 25 is my birthday," Beatrice said. Her birthday is still a few months away because it's only August. "You should also have a present for me! It's not just cake!" I smiled as Beatrice said this to me. "Who said I didn't have a gift?" I inquired to Beatrice, and she smiled. "No! What day is your birthday? But you said you didn't keep track of your birthday." Beatrice questioned me. "I don't know my birthday because I wasn't told, and I also didn't celebrate because the only thing that matters to our family is the power and strength," I told Beatrice, surprising her. "Then let's do it; let's celebrate our birthday in my birthday!" I was surprised when Beatrice told me. "Really? What kind of gift will you give me?" I wondered aloud to Beatrice. "Secret! Of course, I'll still look into what you want!" Beatrice told me I feel like a pocket or wristwatch, and she will give me as Caroline did in the past. **
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