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YUNIFER'S POV When I got off the front and slowly walked towards their direction, strangely I felt that they were trying to avoid me. It was as if I had a virus or something. Whenever my feet stop at the chair, the one who sat right next to the empty chair would stiffen and immediately put their bags on the empty chairs which are next to them. I turned blind eyes down after seeing them acting this way. I just pursed my lips and heaved out a heavy sigh. There was nothing I could do but to sit at the back which is the vacant chair and there were no students who were sitting on it. When my classmates saw me choose to sit at the back, clearly away from them, they let out a sigh in relief. I could even hear the relief and satisfaction after seeing that I didn't choose to sit next to them. Even if I wanted to say something towards them, I could only grit my teeth and swallow my words. After all, I can't afford to mess with these rich kids. Who knows what they would do to me if I mess with them. It's better to stay silent and act blind towards their attitude against me. No matter how hard I wanted to say those words to them, I couldn't bring myself to do so. It wasn't because I'm afraid of them but I just don't want to get myself in trouble especially since today is my first day. Besides, I want my college days to be more fun and enjoyable. There was no need for me to pay attention to them who just wanted to provoke me. In the end, I decided to keep my mouth shut. I just let them avoid me as if I'm some kind of infectious disease. I decided to seriously listen to the professor who was teaching us. When I looked at others, they seemed not to pay attention to the discussion of the professor and more like it was only me who listened well. Some of them were playing mobile games, with their phones, chatting, talking, and even eating. It was like I'm the only student here. When I looked at the professor, he seemed not to mind it... well, he mind it but he couldn't go against these people especially since their parents were their backers. In the end, the professor got used to their habits and didn't pay attention to them. He just focused on teaching regarding if someone was listening or not. I let out a heavy sigh. They are different from what I imagined. When the bell rang, the professor bid his farewell and I also bid my farewell as well before leaving the campus. Although there were a few of them glaring at me for not giving them attention, I just didn't mind it. I just want to go back home and find a new job since I am short of money and needed to pay my brother's tuition fee. ~•~ While I was on my way back home, I seemed to hear a whimper making my brows furrow. Although curiosity can kill, it didn't stop my curiosity from following the direction of the sound. I found myself in a dark alley and to my surprise, I found a black wolf who was whimpering in the corner of the wall, and his fur was covered with blood adding contrast to his black fur. Its whole body was covered with bruises. In just one look, I could see that this black wolf suffered badly. I couldn't help but let out a sigh and curse the one who did this to the wolf. For some reason, I don't feel uncomfortable holding this wolf even though I'm a bit hostile toward wolves and fear them at the same time. When the black wolf sensed someone's presence, it raised its head with vigilance and was about to back away when it saw me. It whimpered upon seeing me as it slowly walked in my direction despite that it was badly injured. My heart softened upon seeing how cute this cub is, but suddenly it froze and its whole fur was raised as if it had seen something scary. I followed the line of its sight and saw several wolves behind me, glaring at the black wolf viscously. I step forward to hide the black wolf behind me as I glared at the three wolves who seemed to be planning something bad. When I saw their sharpened claws, I also took out my weapon. It was a dagger, a sharp dagger that could deal with werewolves but only those wolves who are ordinary since it won't work for high-level wolves. I always have this dagger with me whenever and wherever I go, thanks to my mother who traumatized me that made me think that this world was full of danger. "Lady, you should step back and hand over that wolf behind you." One of the wolves said while looking at me with a smile but those smiles hid thousands of malice. I snickered. "No." Hearing my answer, they were angered. They growled and rushed up toward me. They were about to attack me with their claws but I kicked that wolf with all of my strength, which leads for the wolf to fly a few meters away and its body slammed into the wall. I could hear some cracks in its body but I didn't mind. I'm weak in front of my mother but I'm superior in front of others, especially ordinary wolves I could handle them. Unlike that wolf who tried to rape me, it was a good thing he didn't pursue it further especially since he was stronger than me. The other two wolves looked at me with widened eyes. I coldly glared at them. "If you don't dare to disappear in front of me, I'll make you do so." Successfully threatening them, I let out a smile in satisfaction. I looked back and glanced at the black wolf that was full of injuries. Just when I was about to touch it and check its injuries when suddenly, three identical wolves appeared in front of me. My eyes widened as I held on to my dagger when suddenly, one of them pinned me onto the ground. Its claws were on my hand that was holding the dagger. I could sense that these three wolves aren't ordinary at all just like those other wolves that I chased. They are far higher than those wolves...I think they might be even higher than my mother and that man. Which made them more dangerous! "W-What are you doing?" I got the courage to ask while looking at its silver fur that almost blinded my eyes. The wolf squinted its eyes and was about to knock me over when it heard the voice of the other wolves who are identical to him. "Let go of her. The black wolf is always awake. Let's go now." The werewolf who had said that had a deep voice. While the other one remained silent but I could see the mark on his face saying ‘Don't dare to bother me’. When the werewolf who pinned me onto the ground heard those words, he reluctantly let go of me as they took the black wolf with them. I glanced in the direction that they went and let out a heavy sigh as I stood up while patting the dust on my clothes. It was a good thing that they didn't do something to me. That was hella scary!
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