Chapter 3 TO SCHOOL

1307 Words
YUNIFER'S POV I took out my phone. Rather, my father's phone that I stole from my mother's room. It was the phone which my father had gifted to me in the past but was in my mother's possession. In this app, there was an online bank that my father opened for me under my name. I let out a sigh of relief after seeing the money inside the bank. It was enough for me to lease an apartment for myself and my brother. However, it wasn't sufficient for our daily needs and wants. I should start finding a part-time job for myself and send my brother to school. I also want to send myself to a university. After I finished leasing an apartment, I started cleaning the house. Although it was small and dusty, it was still much better than a mansion that trapped me like a prisoner. From time to time, I would check on my brother who was still unconscious. I couldn't help but feel worried, thinking that he might be in a coma because of trauma. I put down the cleaning tools and went to my brother who was sleeping peacefully in our new bed. As expected, he was still unconscious. Out of worries, I decided to go to the pharmacy to buy some first-aid kits as well as medicines. If Asher won't wake up 'til tonight, I would send him to the hospital. After I finished buying medicines as well as goods, I carried the large eco-bag while walking back to my apartment. However, it wasn't until I was blocked by two bulky men who were looking at me with lustful gazes. Seeing the way they looked at me, I know... I'm in trouble. They were staring at me with those sinful eyes that seemed like they could see through my clothes. The way they looked at me was so disgusting that it made me goosebumps. I averted my gaze and tried to walk faster to avoid them, but instead, I was stopped by them. "What do you want?" I toughened my voice and glared at the two of them. One of the men who had a s***h on his eyebrow whistled. "Damn baby, are you lost? Do you want us to show you the way to our heart?" After he said that, he laughed. My brows furrowed as I looked at him with disgust. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. However, just when I was about to walk away and avoid them when the two of them suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed my wrist. "AHH! LET GO OF ME!" I screamed as I tried to break free from their hand. My eyes were reddened from anger when I watched my eco-bag filled with goods and medicines, fell on the ground. I gnashed my teeth in anger and forcibly retracted my hand that was wrapped by their hand. "Get out of my way." I angrily said while glaring at them like a beast who was hungry for months. The two bulky men flinched after meeting my gaze. However, I didn't mind the way they looked at me with those complicated eyes and focused on picking up the goods that were on the ground. After I finished picking it up, I angrily stomped my feet and carried the eco-bag without looking at the two who seemed to be stuck in the ground. However, I seemed to see silvery fur on the back of my hand and even my nails were sharpened. But when I looked at it again, it was gone. Was I just hallucinating? I didn't think further of it and focused on my way back since Asher is more important to me than anyone else. However, by the time I arrived at my apartment, I was horrified when I saw the lights on and the door open. ASHER! It was like adrenaline rushed all over my body and even forgot that I was holding the eco-bag. Out of panic, I rushed my way inside the apartment and was about to ready myself for another fight when I suddenly heard a noise. It was a crying sound. My whole body stiffened and unconsciously relaxed when I heard the familiar sound. It was Asher who was crying. "Asher, I'm home!" I called out so that he would know that I'm back. It seemed that he heard my voice because he stopped crying which made me feel relieved and put the eco-bag on the table. I saw him stand up while looking at me with a wrongful expression. His small figure walked in my direction as his small hands were wiping his tears. "Where were you?" He asked while sniffing. I bent my knees and helped him wipe his tears. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone here. You must be scared." I softly said while hugging him. Although he is currently seven years old, his height was more like he was five years old because of how skinny he is. There were a few bruises left on his skin that haven't disappeared which made me distressed. I took the first-aid kit and disinfected his wounds carefully then put a band-aid on it. "Does it hurt?" I softly asked, referring to his wounds. Asher shook his head. "No, it's not. I don't feel pain at all." I pursed my lips as my eyes reddened. I looked at him softly and kissed him on his forehead. "I promise you that starting today, no one will hurt you. I won't let those bad people hurt you ever again, trust me." Hearing my solemn words, Asher's reddened eyes brightened as he hugged me tightly. "En!" I let out a soft chuckle as I patted his hair. "By the way, I will send you to school starting tomorrow. Are you fine with that?" I saw him stiffen then his eyes reddened as he looked at me. "You will leave me?" "No!" I exclaimed. Realizing my tone, I immediately softened my voice and looked at me with sincerity. "I won't. There's no way that I would leave you. You are the only family that I have." "But why do you want to send me to school?" He asked with his voice choked. I helplessly sighed. "Knowledge is power and it's advantageous. I want you to experience what other normal kids experienced." Asher's brows furrowed as he tilted his head, looking at me with confusion. "But I'm smart already. I can read, I can write and I can do mathematics. I can easily understand those things so why do I need to be sent to school? Can I just stay here with you?" I let out a soft chuckle as I pinched his nose button. "It's not like that, Asher. I want you to experience school life and enjoy your youth." "But what about you? You also didn't enjoy your youth. You were also imprisoned in that house for your whole life and even your actions are restricted!" Asher's brows tightened while his tone was filled with displeasure. "Why is it that I want you to do it for me? Not just for me but also yourself. I want you to experience the youth that I missed." I softly said while trying to make him understand my intention. "But what about money?" "You're still a child. Don't worry too much about that since your big sister can make money." I said with confidence, making Asher's brows furrow then he reluctantly nodded his head. "Alright. I'll go to school. However, you should also send yourself to school too since that has been your goal." Asher said while looking at me with those serious eyes. But he appeared cuter in my eyes even more. I laughed and pinched his cheeks. "En, I will. Starting tomorrow, we will go to school."
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