4 - A Soldier of Megiddo-2

2018 Words

“Don't know her.” “Exactly. I'll tell her you're looking for her, give her your ping address, but that's as far as it goes. Understood? If she chooses not to talk to you, that's an end to it.” “I understand.” Simms sent over the money for the drink then rose to leave, ignoring everyone sitting in the shadows. He could feel their gazes on his back. “And Simms?” Mac called after him. “Yeah?” “Best you don't come back here, OK?” Simms nodded without looking back and left. He materialised back in London. He resisted the urge to fire off data searches on Eckhart. It would only make her suspicious. Mac would pass on the message. It was a long-shot anyway. Most likely she'd know nothing about Fuchs, who would be retired or dead by now. And he had no way of knowing whether Fuchs could even

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