4 - A Soldier of Megiddo-1

2007 Words

4 - A Soldier of MegiddoSimms pulled out one of his blasters and levelled it at Gideon Jones. “And I told you to f**k off. I'm not a genehunter any more.” Gideon Jones sat on the couch in Simms' stackroom, wearing the same grey coat and the same grey smile as ever. He didn't look worried. If anything, he looked disappointed at Simms' reaction. Moving with deliberate slowness, Jones reached into his inside pocket. Simms stepped backwards, targeting Jones' forehead. But instead of a g*n, Jones revealed an ovoid, metal case. Saying nothing, not looking at Simms now, he opened it with a click. Inside was a swathe of black cloth. A wrapping for something. Jones placed it onto the couch beside him and began to unroll it. Within lay some metal objects. Simms saw what they were: scalpels, syring

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