Chapter 3: The PBI Chief

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*THIRD PERSON’s POV* “Secure the perimeter, don’t let anyone come in or out of the hotel, ” the policeman instructed. “But sir, a room from the fifth floor is still on fire and might affect the other rooms too. The hotel’s priority will be its guests and employees, ” the hotel staff replied. “But I am the police officer here miss hotel staff, ” the policeman said, intimidating the poor female staff. “Y-Yes sir, but I will instruct everyone to just patiently wait at the lobby from the neighboring hotel, ” the woman replied “Fine, just make sure no one leaves the group, ” the policeman gave in. The female staff nodded and told her co-workers to secure the area and instructed that everyone inside the hotel must gather in the lobby of the neighboring hotel only until the firemen put off the fires from the fifth floor. “Assist the police officers as they transport the guests to the neighboring hotel, but make sure no one leaves this place, ” the chief of the PBI or Philippines Bureau of Investigation, Chief Lozano, instructed his men. “Yes, sir!” the men replied in unison and proceeded to assist the guests and staff from the Dorolè hotel to the hotel beside it. “Please proceed with caution, everyone!” a male staff announced as he pointed towards the neighboring hotel who agreed to shelter the guests and staff from Dolorè hotel until the fire has been put out. While the other police officers started with the gathering of information about the staff and guests gathered in the lobby. Everyone waited patiently in the lobby for almost three hours until a fireman came to report that the fire has been put out already and the police officers can now investigate inside the hotel. “Alright men, move out!” The police chief announced so the police officers immediately run inside the Doloré hotel. “Let’s get inside too!” Chief Lozano said. As he and his men was about to enter the hotel premises, the police chief stopped them and questioned them. “Why are you here Chief Lozano, this is a job for the police. Only,” the police chief said, emphasizing the word only. “Don’t worry Chief Cassim, I only have to make sure that this accident does not involve that person,” Chief Lozano replied before he and his men entered the hotel. As soon as they entered the hotel, they saw the police scattered around the place, searching and turning everything upside down. “Sir, your orders?” a PBI officer asked Chief Lozano. “Let’s proceed directly at the fifth floor,” Chief Lozano replied then he and his men went to the fifth floor by using the stairs. *CHIEF LOZANO’s POV* As I keep walking up the stairs and my men following behind me, I am observing our surroundings, looking for something unusual or some clues. “Sir, may I ask something?” One of my men suddenly inquired. “Go ahead, Officer Hiro,” I replied without looking back at him and continued walking upwards. “Do you think Agent X is responsible for this?” He asked. I clenched my fists before answering him. “Most likely,” I answered his question just before we have reached the fifth floor. “Check every room, ” I instructed, and my men automatically grouped themselves by three as they entered each room on the fifth floor. I walked straight towards the room where the fire started with three of my men behind me, one of them is Officer Hiro. As soon as I have stepped inside the room where the fire started, I noticed five policemen investigating inside. One of them is carrying a DSLR camera that will be used to take photos of the crime scene and all the evidence. “Sir?” Officer Hiro called behind me. “Start investigating but do not interfere with the police and do not ruin the crime scene, ” I instructed. “Yes, sir!” my men replied and started investigating too. I know the police officers don't like our presence here however, I have to make sure first that this case does not involve Agent X. “Chief Lozano! I-It’s an honor to work with you, sir!” the policeman carrying the DSLR camera spoke to me, his eyes brimming with joy. “Hmm, good work, ” I simply replied to him, and then he smiled from ear to ear. I looked at the camera he’s holding and knit my eyebrows. “May I see the photos you took about this incident?” I inquired and pointed at his camera. “Y-Yes, sir!” the man answered. I guess this guy is still a newbie huh and it seems like he was not influenced by some of his superiors yet, hopefully, he will not become like them, greedy of their positions and power without minding those who they’re trampling on. He handed me the camera and I quickly grab it from him then started browsing the photos he took. “Nothing seems to be suspicious here, ” I whispered as I keep browsing among the photos. “Sir?” the young police officer asked but I simply ignored him and keep browsing until I saw a photo of a red cloth on the floor. “Officer, uhh, what’s your name again?” I questioned and the young man happily introduced himself. “Sir! I am Police Officer 1, Harold Hugh, I recently graduated from the Unive—” I cut him off already since I am not interested to where he graduated or whatever. “Where did you get this photo?” I asked Officer Hugh and show him the photo of the red cloth. “At the door sir, ” he replied and pointed at the door of this room. “Alright, thank you. Keep up the good work, ” I thanked and handed back his camera then I tap his left shoulder. “Y-Yes, sir! Thank you very much!” he responded and bowed to me. I turned around and check the door. I kneeled on my left knee to check the floor and what’s behind the door then I found there the red cloth in the photo. “Chief, did you see anything that might lead to Agent X’s identity?” Officer Hiro asked as soon as he came and kneeled beside me. “No, but I think this might be proof that this incident was caused by that woman, ” I replied as I picked up the red cloth on the floor. At first glance, it may look like a simple red cloth however if you think carefully about what it used to be base on its structure, it might be some sort of a thin and see-through top. “Chief, that looks like a sleeve from a see-through Sando or bra, ” Officer Hiro commented as he stares at the piece of cloth in my hand. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking, ” I agreed. “Give me a sealable bag, ” I added, and one of my men immediately took out a transparent plastic with an adhesive lock. “Here you go, Chief, ” the man said and handed the plastic to me. I immediately put the red cloth inside the plastic and stood up. “Let’s take this and assume that this belongs to Agent X, ” I said. “Assume?” I overheard one of my newest men asked but I just ignored him. “Nah, don’t worry newbie, Chief Lozano knows his thing, you just have to believe in him, ” Officer Hiro assured him but I did not pay any attention to them since something is still bothering me. If this room was set on fire, then how did the culprit escaped? “Officer Hiro!” I called. Officer Hiro or Officer Kenma Hiro, is my second-in-command. As the mafia calls it, he’s my right hand. “Chief, ” he answered and saluted at me. “Have someone check the CCTV footage in this room, ” I instructed and he nodded at me. “Right away, sir, ” he replied and asked two of his men to gather the CCTV records at the monitor room. Then the two men he ordered left already. “Sir, what should we do next?” Officer Hiro asked. “I need to have the CCTV footage checked first, ” I replied. “I see, ” he said and looked around. “Sir, I don’t want to jump to conclusions but this kind of incident inside the hotel and a burned corpse lying on the bed, I think this is truly connected to Agent X, ” Officer Hiro said so I stoically looked at him. “Yes, I have the same thoughts but we need a better proof to confirm that this is Agent X’s doing, so that the government will give this case to us, ” I said, and he simply nodded at me. We waited for ten more minutes before the men Officer Hiro assigned to check the CCTV footages returned. “Do you have a copy of the cameras in this hotel?” I questioned the men but they shook their heads. “Chief, sorry but the CCTV records were all deleted, ” one of the men answered. “What? How could that be?” Officer Hiro inquired. “Tsk! I knew it, ” I whispered and grit my teeth. “Check the other rooms especially those on the fourth and sixth floor, ” I ordered. “Yes sir!” they replied and left to obey my command. D*mn it! Agent X, I wasn't able to capture you again! I went back inside and went to the burned mattress where the corpse is laid down. “Chief Lozano, please wear this,” another policeman spoke to me and handed me an N95 mask and a surgical gloves. I took the mask and put it on, then grab the gloves and wear them. “Have someone taken a blood sample or anything that will help us to identify the body?” I asked. “Yes sir, we have already taken a blood sample, however, I think this case will take more time before we can identify this corpse. The whole body was burned and all of this person’s birthmarks, tattoos, or even moles are unclear anymore, ” the policeman replied. “I see, this is going to be quite difficult, ” I whispered as I stare at the corpse in front of me. “Chief Lozano, ” I heard Officer Hiro’s voice called me so I turned around and walked towards the door where he is waiting for me as I took off the gloves and the mask “Report, ” I spoke to him as I put my hands inside my pockets together with the gloves and mask. “Sir, we found something on the fourth floor. At room 4005,” Officer Hiro whispered to me. I nodded at him and the two of us walked towards the stairs. As soon as we have reached room 4005, I saw my men waiting outside and guarding the room. I stepped inside and waited for Officer Hiro’s report. “Over here, sir, ” he said as he walks towards the window so I walked towards there and I saw a rope hanging outside. I traced the end of the rope and saw it tightly tied on the bed. “So this is how she escaped, ” I uttered and clench my fists. “Check the back alley, ” I instructed. “Sir, I already sent my men to check the alley, ” Officer Hiro said. “Good, ” I replied and looked around the room. “Except for this, what else did you see here?” I asked. “Nothing more sir, ” Officer Hiro replied. “Tsk! That d*rn woman, I’ll make sure she’ll rot in jail, ” I whispered, and grit my teeth. “Chief, we have checked the back alley and we found these, ” my men returned with a luggage. “Let’s take that back to the office, ” I said and looked around the room once more. “Make another round of checking for this room, ” I instructed and left the room while the men carrying the luggage followed behind me and Officer Hiro was left inside room 4005 to lead the remaining PBI officers in investigating the room. “Take those back to the office, we will discuss more about this matter back there, ” I instructed my men. I went straight to my car and drove my way back to the PBI main office. Agent X, the only thing I know about you is that you’re a woman, aside from that I want to know you more so I can finally give you your verdict. You may have escaped again but soon, I will capture you and put you behind bars. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and accelerated my speed. After an hour of driving, I have finally reached the main office of the PBI or the Philippines Bureau of Investigation. I parked my car and stepped out of it. As soon as I opened the main door of the office, my men and women stopped what they’re doing and saluted at me. “Welcome back, Chief!” they greeted in unison. “Yeah, thanks, ” I replied and went straight to my office. As I have closed the door of my office, I sighed and slump myself down to my swivel chair. I massaged my temples as I stare at the documents on top of my desk. These are reports that are connected to Agent X however, none of these has been solved yet and the numbers just keep increasing. “D*mn it!” I uttered and throw the papers off the table out of frustration as someone knocked at the door. “Come in!” I responded in an irritated manner. “Sorry to disturb you sir, but Officer Luke and Officer Kurt has arrived with the necessary evidence that you ordered them to bring here, ” my secretary, Officer Fauntor, reported as soon as she opened the door. “Yeah, tell them to bring it to the lab and have Officer Jotskier check those for any fingerprints that might match Agent X’s, ” I instructed. “Yes sir, ” she replied and was about to leave the office when she saw the papers scattered on the floor. She walked towards it and pick every piece of paper and documents then arranged it properly before putting it back on my table. “Thanks, ” I thanked her and sighed. “You can take a rest if you want Zac, I mean Chief Lozano, ” she said and smiled at me but I did not even look back at her. “I can’t take a rest until I have that woman captured. I won’t let her and her agency spread more injustice and crimes in this poor country, ” I replied and clench my fists. Officer Fauntor smiled at me. “She will be captured, soon, I will assist you with that, ” she said before leaving the office. “The sooner we arrest her, the better it will be for all of us, especially for me, ” I whispered and clench my fists again. Next time Agent X, I will see you, face to face, and have you handcuffed, interrogated, and jailed. I swear it to my name, Chief Zac Morgan Lazano.
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